Annotation Type Extension

Field modifier to be placed on a child field (a field also annotated with the Child annotation) which indicates that this field is an extension.
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The URL associated with this extension
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    This parameter affects how the extension is treated when the element definition containing this resource is exported to a profile.
    Returns true if this extension is a modifier extension
  • Element Details

    • url

      The URL associated with this extension
    • definedLocally

      This parameter affects how the extension is treated when the element definition containing this resource is exported to a profile.

      If set to true, the resource is taken to be a local resource and its definition is exported along with the reference. Use this option for extension defintions that you have added locally (i.e. within your own organization)

      If set to false, the resource is taken to be a remote resource and its definition is not exported to the profile. Use this option for extensions that are defined by other organizations (i.e. by regional authorities or jurisdictional governments)

    • isModifier

      boolean isModifier
      Returns true if this extension is a modifier extension