Interface IBaseInterceptorService<POINTCUT extends IPointcut>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseInterceptorService, InterceptorService

public interface IBaseInterceptorService<POINTCUT extends IPointcut> extends IBaseInterceptorBroadcaster<POINTCUT>
  • Method Details

    • registerInterceptor

      boolean registerInterceptor(Object theInterceptor)
      Register an interceptor. This method has no effect if the given interceptor is already registered.
      theInterceptor - The interceptor to register
      Returns true if at least one valid hook method was found on this interceptor
    • unregisterInterceptor

      boolean unregisterInterceptor(Object theInterceptor)
      Unregister an interceptor. This method has no effect if the given interceptor is not already registered.
      theInterceptor - The interceptor to unregister
      Returns true if the interceptor was found and removed
    • getAllRegisteredInterceptors

      Returns all currently registered interceptors (excluding any thread local interceptors).
    • hasRegisteredInterceptor

      default boolean hasRegisteredInterceptor(Class<?> theInterceptorClass)
    • unregisterAllInterceptors

      Unregisters all registered interceptors.
    • unregisterInterceptors

      void unregisterInterceptors(@Nullable Collection<?> theInterceptors)
    • registerInterceptors

      void registerInterceptors(@Nullable Collection<?> theInterceptors)
    • unregisterInterceptorsIf

      void unregisterInterceptorsIf(Predicate<Object> theShouldUnregisterFunction)
      Unregisters all interceptors that are indicated by the given callback function returning true
    • unregisterAllAnonymousInterceptors

      Unregisters all anonymous interceptors (i.e. all interceptors registered with registerAnonymousInterceptor)