All Classes and Interfaces

Advance Directives Section 42348-3 : Allergies, Adverse Reactions, Alerts Section 48765-2 : List(AlleryIntolerance) processAdverseReactionsSection Anesthesia Section 59774-0 : Assessment Section 51848-0 : Assessment and Plan Section 51487-2 : Chief Complaint Section 10154-3 : Chief Complaint and Reason for Visit Section 46239-0 : Complications 55109-3: DICOM Object Catalog Section - DCM 121181 : Discharge Diet Section 42344-2 : Encounters Section 46240-8: Family History Section 10157-6 : Findings Section 18782-3 : Functional Status Section 47420-5 : General Status Section 10210-3 : History of Past Illness Section 11348-0 : History of Present Illness Section 10164-2 : Hospital Admission Diagnosis Section 46241-6 : Hospital Consultations Section 18841-7 : Hospital Course Section 8648-8 : Hospital Discharge Diagnosis Section 11535-2 : Hospital Discharge Instructions Section : Hospital Discharge Medications Section (entries optional) 10183-2 : Hospital Discharge Physical Section 10184-0 : Hospital Discharge Studies Summary Section 11493-4 : Immunizations Section 11369-6 : Interventions Section 62387-6 : Medical Equipment Section 46264-8 : Medical (General) History Section 11329-0 : Medications Section 10160-0 : Medications Administered Section 29549-3 : Objective Section 61149-1 : Operative Note Fluid Section 10216-0 : Operative Note Surgical Procedure Section 10223-6 : Payers Section 48768-6 : Physical Exam Section 29545-1 : Plan of Care Section 18776-5 : Planned Procedure Section 59772-: Postoperative Diagnosis Section 10218-6 : Postprocedure Diagnosis Section 59769-0 : Preoperative Diagnosis Section 10219-4 : Problem Section 11450-4 : Procedure Description Section 29554-3: Procedure Disposition Section 59775-7 : Procedure Estimated Blood Loss Section 59770-8 : Procedure Findings Section 59776-5 : Procedure Implants Section 59771-6 : Procedure Indications Section 59768-2 : Procedure Specimens Taken Section 59773-2 : Procedures Section 47519-4 : List (Procedure) processProceduresSection Reason for Referral Section 42349-1 : Reason for Visit Section 29299-5 : Results Section 30954-2 : Review of Systems Section 10187-3 : Social History Section 29762-2 : List (Observation) processSocialHistorySection Subjective Section 61150-9: Surgical Drains Section 11537-8 : Vital Signs Section 8716-3 : List(Observation) processVitalSignsSection
To use this class, download the CVX definitions from using the XML-new format, and then execute this class with two parameters: - the name of the downloaded file - a local name for the file //.Users/grahamegrieve/work/packages/packages/
This is defined as a prototype ClaML importer
This class converts the LOINC XML representation that the FHIR build tool uses internally to a set of DataElements in an atom feed
This class manages conversion from R2 to R3 and vice versa
An R4 wrapper for the R5 rendering framework - use this to feed R4 resources directly into the R5 framework.
An R4 wrapper for the R5 rendering framework - use this to feed R4 resources directly into the R5 framework.
This class converts versions of various resources to/from a canonical version of the resource.
Our conversion class needs to be able to handle all the base data-types in FHIR; Resources, DomainResource, Element
Our conversion class needs to be able to handle all the base data-types in FHIR; Resources, DomainResource, Element
This is an experimental interceptor! Use with caution as behaviour may change or be removed in a future version of FHIR.