002 * #%L
003 * HAPI FHIR JPA Server
004 * %%
005 * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2025 Smile CDR, Inc.
006 * %%
007 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
008 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
009 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
010 *
011 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012 *
013 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
014 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
015 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
016 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
017 * limitations under the License.
018 * #L%
019 */
020package ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.index;
022import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext;
023import ca.uhn.fhir.i18n.Msg;
024import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.api.config.JpaStorageSettings;
025import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.BaseHapiFhirDao;
026import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.dao.data.IResourceIndexedComboStringUniqueDao;
027import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.model.entity.BaseResourceIndex;
028import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.model.entity.BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam;
029import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.model.entity.ResourceIndexedComboStringUnique;
030import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.model.entity.ResourceTable;
031import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.model.entity.StorageSettings;
032import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.extractor.ResourceIndexedSearchParams;
033import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.util.AddRemoveCount;
034import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.server.exceptions.ResourceVersionConflictException;
035import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
036import jakarta.annotation.Nullable;
037import jakarta.persistence.EntityManager;
038import jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContext;
039import jakarta.persistence.PersistenceContextType;
040import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
041import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
043import java.util.ArrayList;
044import java.util.Collection;
045import java.util.Date;
046import java.util.HashSet;
047import java.util.Iterator;
048import java.util.List;
049import java.util.Set;
052public class DaoSearchParamSynchronizer {
054        @PersistenceContext(type = PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION)
055        protected EntityManager myEntityManager;
057        @Autowired
058        private JpaStorageSettings myStorageSettings;
060        @Autowired
061        private IResourceIndexedComboStringUniqueDao myResourceIndexedCompositeStringUniqueDao;
063        @Autowired
064        private FhirContext myFhirContext;
066        public AddRemoveCount synchronizeSearchParamsToDatabase(
067                        ResourceIndexedSearchParams theParams,
068                        ResourceTable theEntity,
069                        ResourceIndexedSearchParams existingParams) {
070                AddRemoveCount retVal = new AddRemoveCount();
072                synchronize(theEntity, retVal, theParams.myStringParams, existingParams.myStringParams, null);
073                synchronize(theEntity, retVal, theParams.myTokenParams, existingParams.myTokenParams, null);
074                synchronize(theEntity, retVal, theParams.myNumberParams, existingParams.myNumberParams, null);
075                synchronize(theEntity, retVal, theParams.myQuantityParams, existingParams.myQuantityParams, null);
076                synchronize(
077                                theEntity,
078                                retVal,
079                                theParams.myQuantityNormalizedParams,
080                                existingParams.myQuantityNormalizedParams,
081                                null);
082                synchronize(theEntity, retVal, theParams.myDateParams, existingParams.myDateParams, null);
083                synchronize(theEntity, retVal, theParams.myUriParams, existingParams.myUriParams, null);
084                synchronize(theEntity, retVal, theParams.myCoordsParams, existingParams.myCoordsParams, null);
085                synchronize(theEntity, retVal, theParams.myLinks, existingParams.myLinks, null);
086                synchronize(theEntity, retVal, theParams.myComboTokenNonUnique, existingParams.myComboTokenNonUnique, null);
087                synchronize(
088                                theEntity,
089                                retVal,
090                                theParams.myComboStringUniques,
091                                existingParams.myComboStringUniques,
092                                new UniqueIndexPreExistenceChecker());
094                // make sure links are indexed
095                theEntity.setResourceLinks(theParams.myLinks);
097                return retVal;
098        }
100        @VisibleForTesting
101        public void setEntityManager(EntityManager theEntityManager) {
102                myEntityManager = theEntityManager;
103        }
105        @VisibleForTesting
106        public void setStorageSettings(JpaStorageSettings theStorageSettings) {
107                myStorageSettings = theStorageSettings;
108        }
110        private <T extends BaseResourceIndex> void synchronize(
111                        ResourceTable theEntity,
112                        AddRemoveCount theAddRemoveCount,
113                        Collection<T> theNewParams,
114                        Collection<T> theExistingParams,
115                        @Nullable IPreSaveHook<T> theAddParamPreSaveHook) {
116                Collection<T> newParams = theNewParams;
117                for (T next : newParams) {
118                        next.setResourceId(theEntity.getId().getId());
119                        next.setPartitionId(theEntity.getPartitionId());
120                        next.calculateHashes();
121                }
123                /*
124                 * It's technically possible that the existing index collection
125                 * contains duplicates. Duplicates don't actually cause any
126                 * issues for searching since we always deduplicate the PIDs we
127                 * get back from the search, but they are wasteful. We don't
128                 * enforce uniqueness in the DB for the index tables for
129                 * performance reasons (no sense adding a constraint that slows
130                 * down writes when dupes don't actually hurt anything other than
131                 * a bit of wasted space).
132                 *
133                 * So we check if there are any dupes, and if we find any we
134                 * remove them.
135                 */
136                Set<T> existingParamsAsSet = new HashSet<>(theExistingParams.size());
137                for (Iterator<T> iterator = theExistingParams.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
138                        T next = iterator.next();
139                        next.setPlaceholderHashesIfMissing();
140                        if (!existingParamsAsSet.add(next)) {
141                                iterator.remove();
142                                myEntityManager.remove(next);
143                        }
144                }
146                /*
147                 * HashCodes may have changed as a result of setting the partition ID, so
148                 * create a new set that will reflect the new hashcodes
149                 */
150                newParams = new HashSet<>(newParams);
152                List<T> paramsToRemove = subtract(theExistingParams, newParams);
153                List<T> paramsToAdd = subtract(newParams, theExistingParams);
155                if (theAddParamPreSaveHook != null) {
156                        theAddParamPreSaveHook.preSave(paramsToRemove, paramsToAdd);
157                }
159                tryToReuseIndexEntities(paramsToRemove, paramsToAdd);
160                updateExistingParamsIfRequired(theExistingParams, paramsToAdd, newParams, paramsToRemove);
162                for (T next : paramsToRemove) {
163                        if (!myEntityManager.contains(next)) {
164                                // If a resource is created and deleted in the same transaction, we can end up
165                                // in a state where we're deleting entities that don't actually exist. Hibernate
166                                // 6 is stricter about this, so we skip here.
167                                continue;
168                        }
169                        myEntityManager.remove(next);
170                }
172                for (T next : paramsToAdd) {
173                        if (next.getId() == null) {
174                                myEntityManager.persist(next);
175                        } else {
176                                myEntityManager.merge(next);
177                        }
178                }
180                // TODO:  are there any unintended consequences to fixing this bug?
181                theAddRemoveCount.addToAddCount(paramsToAdd.size());
182                theAddRemoveCount.addToRemoveCount(paramsToRemove.size());
184                // Replace the existing "new set" with the set of params we should be adding.
185                // We're going to add them back into the entity just in case it gets updated
186                // a second time within the same transaction
187                theNewParams.clear();
188                theNewParams.addAll(theExistingParams);
189                theNewParams.addAll(paramsToAdd);
190                theNewParams.removeAll(paramsToRemove);
191        }
193        /**
194         * <p>
195         * This method performs an update of Search Parameter's fields in the case of
196         * <code>$reindex</code> or update operation by:
197         * 1. Marking existing entities for updating to apply index storage optimization,
198         * if it is enabled (disabled by default).
199         * 2. Recovering <code>SP_NAME</code>, <code>RES_TYPE</code> values of Search Parameter's fields
200         * for existing entities in case if index storage optimization is disabled (but was enabled previously).
201         * </p>
202         * For details, see: {@link StorageSettings#isIndexStorageOptimized()}
203         */
204        private <T extends BaseResourceIndex> void updateExistingParamsIfRequired(
205                        Collection<T> theExistingParams,
206                        List<T> theParamsToAdd,
207                        Collection<T> theNewParams,
208                        List<T> theParamsToRemove) {
210                theExistingParams.stream()
211                                .filter(BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam.class::isInstance)
212                                .map(BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam.class::cast)
213                                .filter(this::isSearchParameterUpdateRequired)
214                                .filter(sp -> !theParamsToAdd.contains(sp))
215                                .filter(sp -> !theParamsToRemove.contains(sp))
216                                .forEach(sp -> {
217                                        // force hibernate to update Search Parameter entity by resetting SP_UPDATED value
218                                        sp.setUpdated(new Date());
219                                        recoverExistingSearchParameterIfRequired(sp, theNewParams);
220                                        theParamsToAdd.add((T) sp);
221                                });
222        }
224        /**
225         * Search parameters should be updated after changing IndexStorageOptimized setting.
226         * If IndexStorageOptimized is disabled (and was enabled previously), this method copies paramName
227         * and Resource Type from extracted to existing search parameter.
228         */
229        private <T extends BaseResourceIndex> void recoverExistingSearchParameterIfRequired(
230                        BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam theSearchParamToRecover, Collection<T> theNewParams) {
231                if (!myStorageSettings.isIndexStorageOptimized()) {
232                        theNewParams.stream()
233                                        .filter(BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam.class::isInstance)
234                                        .map(BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam.class::cast)
235                                        .filter(paramToAdd -> paramToAdd.equals(theSearchParamToRecover))
236                                        .findFirst()
237                                        .ifPresent(newParam -> {
238                                                theSearchParamToRecover.restoreParamName(newParam.getParamName());
239                                                theSearchParamToRecover.setResourceType(newParam.getResourceType());
240                                        });
241                }
242        }
244        private boolean isSearchParameterUpdateRequired(BaseResourceIndexedSearchParam theSearchParameter) {
245                return (myStorageSettings.isIndexStorageOptimized() && !theSearchParameter.isIndexStorageOptimized())
246                                || (!myStorageSettings.isIndexStorageOptimized() && theSearchParameter.isIndexStorageOptimized());
247        }
249        /**
250         * The logic here is that often times when we update a resource we are dropping
251         * one index row and adding another. This method tries to reuse rows that would otherwise
252         * have been deleted by updating them with the contents of rows that would have
253         * otherwise been added. In other words, we're trying to replace
254         * "one delete + one insert" with "one update"
255         *
256         * @param theIndexesToRemove The rows that would be removed
257         * @param theIndexesToAdd    The rows that would be added
258         */
259        private <T extends BaseResourceIndex> void tryToReuseIndexEntities(
260                        List<T> theIndexesToRemove, List<T> theIndexesToAdd) {
261                for (int addIndex = 0; addIndex < theIndexesToAdd.size(); addIndex++) {
263                        // If there are no more rows to remove, there's nothing we can reuse
264                        if (theIndexesToRemove.isEmpty()) {
265                                break;
266                        }
268                        T targetEntity = theIndexesToAdd.get(addIndex);
269                        if (targetEntity.getId() != null) {
270                                continue;
271                        }
273                        // Take a row we were going to remove, and repurpose its ID
274                        T entityToReuse = theIndexesToRemove.remove(theIndexesToRemove.size() - 1);
275                        entityToReuse.copyMutableValuesFrom(targetEntity);
276                        theIndexesToAdd.set(addIndex, entityToReuse);
277                }
278        }
280        public static <T> List<T> subtract(Collection<T> theSubtractFrom, Collection<T> theToSubtract) {
281                assert theSubtractFrom != theToSubtract || (theSubtractFrom.isEmpty());
283                if (theSubtractFrom.isEmpty()) {
284                        return new ArrayList<>();
285                }
287                ArrayList<T> retVal = new ArrayList<>();
288                for (T next : theSubtractFrom) {
289                        if (!theToSubtract.contains(next)) {
290                                retVal.add(next);
291                        }
292                }
293                return retVal;
294        }
296        private interface IPreSaveHook<T> {
298                void preSave(Collection<T> theParamsToRemove, Collection<T> theParamsToAdd);
299        }
301        private class UniqueIndexPreExistenceChecker implements IPreSaveHook<ResourceIndexedComboStringUnique> {
303                @Override
304                public void preSave(
305                                Collection<ResourceIndexedComboStringUnique> theParamsToRemove,
306                                Collection<ResourceIndexedComboStringUnique> theParamsToAdd) {
307                        if (myStorageSettings.isUniqueIndexesCheckedBeforeSave()) {
308                                for (ResourceIndexedComboStringUnique theIndex : theParamsToAdd) {
309                                        ResourceIndexedComboStringUnique existing =
310                                                        myResourceIndexedCompositeStringUniqueDao.findByQueryString(theIndex.getIndexString());
311                                        if (existing != null) {
313                                                /*
314                                                 * If we're reindexing, and the previous index row is being updated
315                                                 * to add previously missing hashes, we may falsely detect that the index
316                                                 * creation is going to fail.
317                                                 */
318                                                boolean existingIndexIsScheduledForRemoval = false;
319                                                for (var next : theParamsToRemove) {
320                                                        if (existing == next) {
321                                                                existingIndexIsScheduledForRemoval = true;
322                                                                break;
323                                                        }
324                                                }
325                                                if (existingIndexIsScheduledForRemoval) {
326                                                        continue;
327                                                }
329                                                String searchParameterId = "(unknown)";
330                                                if (theIndex.getSearchParameterId() != null) {
331                                                        searchParameterId = theIndex.getSearchParameterId().getValue();
332                                                }
334                                                String msg = myFhirContext
335                                                                .getLocalizer()
336                                                                .getMessage(
337                                                                                BaseHapiFhirDao.class,
338                                                                                "uniqueIndexConflictFailure",
339                                                                                existing.getResource().getResourceType(),
340                                                                                theIndex.getIndexString(),
341                                                                                existing.getResource()
342                                                                                                .getIdDt()
343                                                                                                .toUnqualifiedVersionless()
344                                                                                                .getValue(),
345                                                                                searchParameterId);
347                                                // Use ResourceVersionConflictException here because the HapiTransactionService
348                                                // catches this and can retry it if needed
349                                                throw new ResourceVersionConflictException(Msg.code(1093) + msg);
350                                        }
351                                }
352                        }
353                }
354        }