Package ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.ips.api
package ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.ips.api
ClassDescriptionThis interface is the primary configuration and strategy provider for the HAPI FHIR International Patient Summary (IPS) generator.This interface is invoked when a section has no resources found, and should generate a "stub" resource explaining why.IpsSectionContext<T extends org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>This interface is invoked for each section of the IPS, and fetches/returns the resources which will be included in the IPS document for that section.This enum specifies how an individual
resource entry
that is returned byISectionResourceSupplier.fetchResourcesForSection(IpsContext, IpsSectionContext, RequestDetails)
should be included in the resulting IPS document bundle.This class is the return type forISectionResourceSupplier.fetchResourcesForSection(IpsContext, IpsSectionContext, RequestDetails)
to create a new instance of this class.