002 * #%L
003 * HAPI FHIR JPA - Search Parameters
004 * %%
005 * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2024 Smile CDR, Inc.
006 * %%
007 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
008 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
009 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
010 *
011 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012 *
013 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
014 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
015 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
016 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
017 * limitations under the License.
018 * #L%
019 */
020package ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.matcher;
022import ca.uhn.fhir.context.ConfigurationException;
023import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext;
024import ca.uhn.fhir.context.RuntimeResourceDefinition;
025import ca.uhn.fhir.context.RuntimeSearchParam;
026import ca.uhn.fhir.context.support.ConceptValidationOptions;
027import ca.uhn.fhir.context.support.IValidationSupport;
028import ca.uhn.fhir.context.support.ValidationSupportContext;
029import ca.uhn.fhir.i18n.Msg;
030import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.model.entity.ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken;
031import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.model.entity.StorageSettings;
032import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.MatchUrlService;
033import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.SearchParameterMap;
034import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.extractor.ISearchParamExtractor;
035import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.extractor.ResourceIndexedSearchParams;
036import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.extractor.SearchParamExtractorService;
037import ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.util.SourceParam;
038import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IQueryParameterType;
039import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.api.Constants;
040import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.api.RestSearchParameterTypeEnum;
041import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.api.server.RequestDetails;
042import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.param.BaseParamWithPrefix;
043import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.param.ParamPrefixEnum;
044import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.param.ReferenceParam;
045import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.param.StringParam;
046import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.param.TokenParam;
047import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.param.TokenParamModifier;
048import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.param.UriParam;
049import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.server.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
050import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.server.util.ISearchParamRegistry;
051import ca.uhn.fhir.util.MetaUtil;
052import ca.uhn.fhir.util.UrlUtil;
053import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
054import jakarta.annotation.Nonnull;
055import jakarta.annotation.Nullable;
056import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
057import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
058import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.Location;
059import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IAnyResource;
060import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseCoding;
061import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource;
062import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IIdType;
063import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IPrimitiveType;
064import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
065import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
066import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
067import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
069import java.util.List;
070import java.util.Map;
071import java.util.Set;
072import java.util.stream.Collectors;
074import static ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.extractor.ResourceIndexedSearchParams.isMatchSearchParam;
075import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank;
076import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank;
078public class InMemoryResourceMatcher {
080        public static final Set<String> UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_NAMES = Sets.newHashSet(Constants.PARAM_HAS);
081        private static final org.slf4j.Logger ourLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InMemoryResourceMatcher.class);
083        @Autowired
084        ApplicationContext myApplicationContext;
086        @Autowired
087        ISearchParamRegistry mySearchParamRegistry;
089        @Autowired
090        StorageSettings myStorageSettings;
092        @Autowired
093        FhirContext myFhirContext;
095        @Autowired
096        SearchParamExtractorService mySearchParamExtractorService;
098        @Autowired
099        IndexedSearchParamExtractor myIndexedSearchParamExtractor;
101        @Autowired
102        private MatchUrlService myMatchUrlService;
104        private ValidationSupportInitializationState validationSupportState =
105                        ValidationSupportInitializationState.NOT_INITIALIZED;
106        private IValidationSupport myValidationSupport = null;
108        public InMemoryResourceMatcher() {}
110        /**
111         * Lazy loads a {@link IValidationSupport} implementation just-in-time.
112         * If no suitable bean is available, or if a {@link ca.uhn.fhir.context.ConfigurationException} is thrown, matching
113         * can proceed, but the qualifiers that depend on the validation support will be disabled.
114         *
115         * @return A bean implementing {@link IValidationSupport} if one is available, otherwise null
116         */
117        private IValidationSupport getValidationSupportOrNull() {
118                if (validationSupportState == ValidationSupportInitializationState.NOT_INITIALIZED) {
119                        try {
120                                myValidationSupport = myApplicationContext.getBean(IValidationSupport.class);
121                                validationSupportState = ValidationSupportInitializationState.INITIALIZED;
122                        } catch (BeansException | ConfigurationException ignore) {
123                                // We couldn't get a validation support bean, and we don't want to waste cycles trying again
124                                ourLog.warn(
125                                                Msg.code(2100)
126                                                                + "No bean satisfying IValidationSupport could be initialized. Qualifiers dependent on IValidationSupport will not be supported.");
127                                validationSupportState = ValidationSupportInitializationState.FAILED;
128                        }
129                }
130                return myValidationSupport;
131        }
133        /**
134         * @deprecated Use {@link #match(String, IBaseResource, ResourceIndexedSearchParams, RequestDetails)}
135         */
136        @Deprecated
137        public InMemoryMatchResult match(
138                        String theCriteria,
139                        IBaseResource theResource,
140                        @Nullable ResourceIndexedSearchParams theIndexedSearchParams) {
141                return match(theCriteria, theResource, theIndexedSearchParams, null);
142        }
144        /**
145         * This method is called in two different scenarios.  With a null theResource, it determines whether database matching might be required.
146         * Otherwise, it tries to perform the match in-memory, returning UNSUPPORTED if it's not possible.
147         * <p>
148         * Note that there will be cases where it returns UNSUPPORTED with a null resource, but when a non-null resource it returns supported and no match.
149         * This is because an earlier parameter may be matchable in-memory in which case processing stops and we never get to the parameter
150         * that would have required a database call.
151         *
152         * @param theIndexedSearchParams If the search params have already been calculated for the given resource,
153         *                               they can be passed in. Passing in {@literal null} is also fine, in which
154         *                               case they will be calculated for the resource. It can be preferable to
155         *                               pass in {@literal null} unless you already actually had to calculate the
156         *                               indexes for another reason, since we can be efficient here and only calculate
157         *                               the params that are actually relevant for the given search expression.
158         */
159        public InMemoryMatchResult match(
160                        String theCriteria,
161                        IBaseResource theResource,
162                        @Nullable ResourceIndexedSearchParams theIndexedSearchParams,
163                        RequestDetails theRequestDetails) {
164                RuntimeResourceDefinition resourceDefinition;
165                if (theResource == null) {
166                        Validate.isTrue(
167                                        !theCriteria.startsWith("?"), "Invalid match URL format (must match \"[resourceType]?[params]\")");
168                        Validate.isTrue(
169                                        theCriteria.contains("?"), "Invalid match URL format (must match \"[resourceType]?[params]\")");
170                        resourceDefinition = UrlUtil.parseUrlResourceType(myFhirContext, theCriteria);
171                } else {
172                        resourceDefinition = myFhirContext.getResourceDefinition(theResource);
173                }
174                SearchParameterMap searchParameterMap;
175                try {
176                        searchParameterMap = myMatchUrlService.translateMatchUrl(theCriteria, resourceDefinition);
177                } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
178                        return InMemoryMatchResult.unsupportedFromReason(InMemoryMatchResult.PARSE_FAIL);
179                }
180                searchParameterMap.clean();
182                ResourceIndexedSearchParams relevantSearchParams = null;
183                if (theIndexedSearchParams != null) {
184                        relevantSearchParams = theIndexedSearchParams;
185                } else if (theResource != null) {
186                        // Don't index search params we don't actully need for the given criteria
187                        ISearchParamExtractor.ISearchParamFilter filter = theSearchParams -> theSearchParams.stream()
188                                        .filter(t -> searchParameterMap.containsKey(t.getName()))
189                                        .collect(Collectors.toList());
190                        relevantSearchParams =
191                                        myIndexedSearchParamExtractor.extractIndexedSearchParams(theResource, theRequestDetails, filter);
192                }
194                return match(searchParameterMap, theResource, resourceDefinition, relevantSearchParams);
195        }
197        /**
198         * @param theCriteria
199         * @return result.supported() will be true if theCriteria can be evaluated in-memory
200         */
201        public InMemoryMatchResult canBeEvaluatedInMemory(String theCriteria) {
202                return match(theCriteria, null, null, null);
203        }
205        /**
206         * @param theSearchParameterMap
207         * @param theResourceDefinition
208         * @return result.supported() will be true if theSearchParameterMap can be evaluated in-memory
209         */
210        public InMemoryMatchResult canBeEvaluatedInMemory(
211                        SearchParameterMap theSearchParameterMap, RuntimeResourceDefinition theResourceDefinition) {
212                return match(theSearchParameterMap, null, theResourceDefinition, null);
213        }
215        @Nonnull
216        public InMemoryMatchResult match(
217                        SearchParameterMap theSearchParameterMap,
218                        IBaseResource theResource,
219                        RuntimeResourceDefinition theResourceDefinition,
220                        ResourceIndexedSearchParams theSearchParams) {
221                if (theSearchParameterMap.getLastUpdated() != null) {
222                        return InMemoryMatchResult.unsupportedFromParameterAndReason(
223                                        Constants.PARAM_LASTUPDATED, InMemoryMatchResult.STANDARD_PARAMETER);
224                }
225                if (theSearchParameterMap.containsKey(Location.SP_NEAR)) {
226                        return InMemoryMatchResult.unsupportedFromReason(InMemoryMatchResult.LOCATION_NEAR);
227                }
229                for (Map.Entry<String, List<List<IQueryParameterType>>> entry : theSearchParameterMap.entrySet()) {
230                        String theParamName = entry.getKey();
231                        List<List<IQueryParameterType>> theAndOrParams = entry.getValue();
232                        InMemoryMatchResult result = matchIdsWithAndOr(
233                                        theParamName, theAndOrParams, theResourceDefinition, theResource, theSearchParams);
234                        if (!result.matched()) {
235                                return result;
236                        }
237                }
238                return InMemoryMatchResult.successfulMatch();
239        }
241        // This method is modelled from SearchBuilder.searchForIdsWithAndOr()
242        private InMemoryMatchResult matchIdsWithAndOr(
243                        String theParamName,
244                        List<List<IQueryParameterType>> theAndOrParams,
245                        RuntimeResourceDefinition theResourceDefinition,
246                        IBaseResource theResource,
247                        ResourceIndexedSearchParams theSearchParams) {
248                if (theAndOrParams.isEmpty()) {
249                        return InMemoryMatchResult.successfulMatch();
250                }
252                String resourceName = theResourceDefinition.getName();
253                RuntimeSearchParam paramDef = mySearchParamRegistry.getActiveSearchParam(resourceName, theParamName);
254                InMemoryMatchResult checkUnsupportedResult =
255                                checkForUnsupportedParameters(theParamName, paramDef, theAndOrParams);
256                if (!checkUnsupportedResult.supported()) {
257                        return checkUnsupportedResult;
258                }
260                switch (theParamName) {
261                        case IAnyResource.SP_RES_ID:
262                                return InMemoryMatchResult.fromBoolean(matchIdsAndOr(theAndOrParams, theResource));
263                        case Constants.PARAM_SOURCE:
264                                return InMemoryMatchResult.fromBoolean(matchSourcesAndOr(theAndOrParams, theResource));
265                        case Constants.PARAM_TAG:
266                                return InMemoryMatchResult.fromBoolean(matchTagsOrSecurityAndOr(theAndOrParams, theResource, true));
267                        case Constants.PARAM_SECURITY:
268                                return InMemoryMatchResult.fromBoolean(matchTagsOrSecurityAndOr(theAndOrParams, theResource, false));
269                        case Constants.PARAM_PROFILE:
270                                return InMemoryMatchResult.fromBoolean(matchProfilesAndOr(theAndOrParams, theResource));
271                        default:
272                                return matchResourceParam(
273                                                myStorageSettings, theParamName, theAndOrParams, theSearchParams, resourceName, paramDef);
274                }
275        }
277        private InMemoryMatchResult checkForUnsupportedParameters(
278                        String theParamName, RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef, List<List<IQueryParameterType>> theAndOrParams) {
280                if (UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_NAMES.contains(theParamName)) {
281                        return InMemoryMatchResult.unsupportedFromParameterAndReason(theParamName, InMemoryMatchResult.PARAM);
282                }
284                for (List<IQueryParameterType> orParams : theAndOrParams) {
285                        // The list should never be empty, but better safe than sorry
286                        if (orParams.size() > 0) {
287                                // The params in each OR list all share the same qualifier, prefix, etc., so we only need to check the
288                                // first one
289                                InMemoryMatchResult checkUnsupportedResult =
290                                                checkOneParameterForUnsupportedModifiers(theParamName, theParamDef, orParams.get(0));
291                                if (!checkUnsupportedResult.supported()) {
292                                        return checkUnsupportedResult;
293                                }
294                        }
295                }
297                return InMemoryMatchResult.successfulMatch();
298        }
300        private InMemoryMatchResult checkOneParameterForUnsupportedModifiers(
301                        String theParamName, RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef, IQueryParameterType theParam) {
302                // Assume we're ok until we find evidence we aren't
303                InMemoryMatchResult checkUnsupportedResult = InMemoryMatchResult.successfulMatch();
305                if (hasChain(theParam)) {
306                        checkUnsupportedResult = InMemoryMatchResult.unsupportedFromParameterAndReason(
307                                        theParamName + "." + ((ReferenceParam) theParam).getChain(), InMemoryMatchResult.CHAIN);
308                }
310                if (checkUnsupportedResult.supported()) {
311                        checkUnsupportedResult = checkUnsupportedQualifiers(theParamName, theParamDef, theParam);
312                }
314                if (checkUnsupportedResult.supported()) {
315                        checkUnsupportedResult = checkUnsupportedPrefixes(theParamName, theParamDef, theParam);
316                }
318                return checkUnsupportedResult;
319        }
321        private boolean matchProfilesAndOr(List<List<IQueryParameterType>> theAndOrParams, IBaseResource theResource) {
322                if (theResource == null) {
323                        return true;
324                }
325                return theAndOrParams.stream().allMatch(nextAnd -> matchProfilesOr(nextAnd, theResource));
326        }
328        private boolean matchProfilesOr(List<IQueryParameterType> theOrParams, IBaseResource theResource) {
329                return theOrParams.stream().anyMatch(param -> matchProfile(param, theResource));
330        }
332        private boolean matchProfile(IQueryParameterType theProfileParam, IBaseResource theResource) {
333                UriParam paramProfile = new UriParam(theProfileParam.getValueAsQueryToken(myFhirContext));
335                String paramProfileValue = paramProfile.getValue();
336                if (isBlank(paramProfileValue)) {
337                        return false;
338                } else {
339                        return theResource.getMeta().getProfile().stream()
340                                        .map(IPrimitiveType::getValueAsString)
341                                        .anyMatch(profileValue -> profileValue != null && profileValue.equals(paramProfileValue));
342                }
343        }
345        private boolean matchSourcesAndOr(List<List<IQueryParameterType>> theAndOrParams, IBaseResource theResource) {
346                if (theResource == null) {
347                        return true;
348                }
349                return theAndOrParams.stream().allMatch(nextAnd -> matchSourcesOr(nextAnd, theResource));
350        }
352        private boolean matchSourcesOr(List<IQueryParameterType> theOrParams, IBaseResource theResource) {
353                return theOrParams.stream().anyMatch(param -> matchSource(param, theResource));
354        }
356        private boolean matchSource(IQueryParameterType theSourceParam, IBaseResource theResource) {
357                SourceParam paramSource = new SourceParam(theSourceParam.getValueAsQueryToken(myFhirContext));
358                SourceParam resourceSource = new SourceParam(MetaUtil.getSource(myFhirContext, theResource.getMeta()));
359                boolean matches = true;
360                if (paramSource.getSourceUri() != null) {
361                        matches = matchSourceWithModifiers(theSourceParam, paramSource, resourceSource.getSourceUri());
362                }
363                if (paramSource.getRequestId() != null) {
364                        matches &= paramSource.getRequestId().equals(resourceSource.getRequestId());
365                }
366                return matches;
367        }
369        private boolean matchSourceWithModifiers(
370                        IQueryParameterType parameterType, SourceParam paramSource, String theSourceUri) {
371                // process :missing modifier
372                if (parameterType.getMissing() != null) {
373                        return parameterType.getMissing() == StringUtils.isBlank(theSourceUri);
374                }
375                // process :above, :below, :contains modifiers
376                if (parameterType instanceof UriParam && ((UriParam) parameterType).getQualifier() != null) {
377                        UriParam uriParam = ((UriParam) parameterType);
378                        switch (uriParam.getQualifier()) {
379                                case ABOVE:
380                                        return UrlUtil.getAboveUriCandidates(paramSource.getSourceUri()).stream()
381                                                        .anyMatch(candidate -> candidate.equals(theSourceUri));
382                                case BELOW:
383                                        return theSourceUri.startsWith(paramSource.getSourceUri());
384                                case CONTAINS:
385                                        return StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(theSourceUri, paramSource.getSourceUri());
386                                default:
387                                        // Unsupported modifier specified - no match
388                                        return false;
389                        }
390                } else {
391                        // no modifiers specified - use equals operator
392                        return paramSource.getSourceUri().equals(theSourceUri);
393                }
394        }
396        private boolean matchTagsOrSecurityAndOr(
397                        List<List<IQueryParameterType>> theAndOrParams, IBaseResource theResource, boolean theTag) {
398                if (theResource == null) {
399                        return true;
400                }
401                return theAndOrParams.stream().allMatch(nextAnd -> matchTagsOrSecurityOr(nextAnd, theResource, theTag));
402        }
404        private boolean matchTagsOrSecurityOr(
405                        List<IQueryParameterType> theOrParams, IBaseResource theResource, boolean theTag) {
406                return theOrParams.stream().anyMatch(param -> matchTagOrSecurity(param, theResource, theTag));
407        }
409        private boolean matchTagOrSecurity(IQueryParameterType theParam, IBaseResource theResource, boolean theTag) {
410                TokenParam param = (TokenParam) theParam;
412                List<? extends IBaseCoding> list;
413                if (theTag) {
414                        list = theResource.getMeta().getTag();
415                } else {
416                        list = theResource.getMeta().getSecurity();
417                }
418                boolean haveMatch = false;
419                boolean haveCandidate = false;
420                for (IBaseCoding next : list) {
421                        if (param.getSystem() == null && param.getValue() == null) {
422                                continue;
423                        }
424                        haveCandidate = true;
425                        if (isNotBlank(param.getSystem())) {
426                                if (!param.getSystem().equals(next.getSystem())) {
427                                        continue;
428                                }
429                        }
430                        if (isNotBlank(param.getValue())) {
431                                if (!param.getValue().equals(next.getCode())) {
432                                        continue;
433                                }
434                        }
435                        haveMatch = true;
436                        break;
437                }
439                if (param.getModifier() == TokenParamModifier.NOT) {
440                        haveMatch = !haveMatch;
441                }
443                return haveMatch && haveCandidate;
444        }
446        private boolean matchIdsAndOr(List<List<IQueryParameterType>> theAndOrParams, IBaseResource theResource) {
447                if (theResource == null) {
448                        return true;
449                }
450                return theAndOrParams.stream().allMatch(nextAnd -> matchIdsOr(nextAnd, theResource));
451        }
453        private boolean matchIdsOr(List<IQueryParameterType> theOrParams, IBaseResource theResource) {
454                return theOrParams.stream()
455                                .anyMatch(param -> param instanceof StringParam
456                                                && matchId(((StringParam) param).getValue(), theResource.getIdElement()));
457        }
459        private boolean matchId(String theValue, IIdType theId) {
460                return theValue.equals(theId.getValue()) || theValue.equals(theId.getIdPart());
461        }
463        private InMemoryMatchResult matchResourceParam(
464                        StorageSettings theStorageSettings,
465                        String theParamName,
466                        List<List<IQueryParameterType>> theAndOrParams,
467                        ResourceIndexedSearchParams theSearchParams,
468                        String theResourceName,
469                        RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef) {
470                if (theParamDef != null) {
471                        switch (theParamDef.getParamType()) {
472                                case QUANTITY:
473                                case TOKEN:
474                                case STRING:
475                                case NUMBER:
476                                case URI:
477                                case DATE:
478                                case REFERENCE:
479                                        if (theSearchParams == null) {
480                                                return InMemoryMatchResult.successfulMatch();
481                                        } else {
482                                                return InMemoryMatchResult.fromBoolean(theAndOrParams.stream()
483                                                                .allMatch(nextAnd -> matchParams(
484                                                                                theStorageSettings,
485                                                                                theResourceName,
486                                                                                theParamName,
487                                                                                theParamDef,
488                                                                                nextAnd,
489                                                                                theSearchParams)));
490                                        }
491                                case COMPOSITE:
492                                case HAS:
493                                case SPECIAL:
494                                default:
495                                        return InMemoryMatchResult.unsupportedFromParameterAndReason(
496                                                        theParamName, InMemoryMatchResult.PARAM);
497                        }
498                } else {
499                        if (Constants.PARAM_CONTENT.equals(theParamName) || Constants.PARAM_TEXT.equals(theParamName)) {
500                                return InMemoryMatchResult.unsupportedFromParameterAndReason(theParamName, InMemoryMatchResult.PARAM);
501                        } else {
502                                throw new InvalidRequestException(Msg.code(509) + "Unknown search parameter " + theParamName
503                                                + " for resource type " + theResourceName);
504                        }
505                }
506        }
508        private boolean matchParams(
509                        StorageSettings theStorageSettings,
510                        String theResourceName,
511                        String theParamName,
512                        RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef,
513                        List<? extends IQueryParameterType> theOrList,
514                        ResourceIndexedSearchParams theSearchParams) {
516                boolean isNegativeTest = isNegative(theParamDef, theOrList);
517                // negative tests like :not and :not-in must not match any or-clause, so we invert the quantifier.
518                if (isNegativeTest) {
519                        return theOrList.stream()
520                                        .allMatch(token -> matchParam(
521                                                        theStorageSettings, theResourceName, theParamName, theParamDef, theSearchParams, token));
522                } else {
523                        return theOrList.stream()
524                                        .anyMatch(token -> matchParam(
525                                                        theStorageSettings, theResourceName, theParamName, theParamDef, theSearchParams, token));
526                }
527        }
529        /**
530         * Some modifiers are negative, and must match NONE of their or-list
531         */
532        private boolean isNegative(RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef, List<? extends IQueryParameterType> theOrList) {
533                if (theParamDef.getParamType().equals(RestSearchParameterTypeEnum.TOKEN)) {
534                        TokenParam tokenParam = (TokenParam) theOrList.get(0);
535                        TokenParamModifier modifier = tokenParam.getModifier();
536                        return modifier != null && modifier.isNegative();
537                } else {
538                        return false;
539                }
540        }
542        private boolean matchParam(
543                        StorageSettings theStorageSettings,
544                        String theResourceName,
545                        String theParamName,
546                        RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef,
547                        ResourceIndexedSearchParams theSearchParams,
548                        IQueryParameterType theToken) {
549                if (theParamDef.getParamType().equals(RestSearchParameterTypeEnum.TOKEN)) {
550                        return matchTokenParam(
551                                        theStorageSettings, theResourceName, theParamName, theParamDef, theSearchParams, (TokenParam)
552                                                        theToken);
553                } else {
554                        return theSearchParams.matchParam(theStorageSettings, theResourceName, theParamName, theParamDef, theToken);
555                }
556        }
558        /**
559         * Checks whether a query parameter of type token matches one of the search parameters of an in-memory resource.
560         * The :not modifier is supported.
561         * The :in and :not-in qualifiers are supported only if a bean implementing IValidationSupport is available.
562         * Any other qualifier will be ignored and the match will be treated as unqualified.
563         *
564         * @param theStorageSettings a model configuration
565         * @param theResourceName    the name of the resource type being matched
566         * @param theParamName       the name of the parameter
567         * @param theParamDef        the definition of the search parameter
568         * @param theSearchParams    the search parameters derived from the target resource
569         * @param theQueryParam      the query parameter to compare with theSearchParams
570         * @return true if theQueryParam matches the collection of theSearchParams, otherwise false
571         */
572        private boolean matchTokenParam(
573                        StorageSettings theStorageSettings,
574                        String theResourceName,
575                        String theParamName,
576                        RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef,
577                        ResourceIndexedSearchParams theSearchParams,
578                        TokenParam theQueryParam) {
579                if (theQueryParam.getModifier() != null) {
580                        switch (theQueryParam.getModifier()) {
581                                case IN:
582                                        return theSearchParams.myTokenParams.stream()
583                                                        .filter(t -> isMatchSearchParam(theStorageSettings, theResourceName, theParamName, t))
584                                                        .anyMatch(t -> systemContainsCode(theQueryParam, t));
585                                case NOT_IN:
586                                        return theSearchParams.myTokenParams.stream()
587                                                        .filter(t -> isMatchSearchParam(theStorageSettings, theResourceName, theParamName, t))
588                                                        .noneMatch(t -> systemContainsCode(theQueryParam, t));
589                                case NOT:
590                                        return !theSearchParams.matchParam(
591                                                        theStorageSettings, theResourceName, theParamName, theParamDef, theQueryParam);
592                                default:
593                                        return theSearchParams.matchParam(
594                                                        theStorageSettings, theResourceName, theParamName, theParamDef, theQueryParam);
595                        }
596                } else {
597                        return theSearchParams.matchParam(
598                                        theStorageSettings, theResourceName, theParamName, theParamDef, theQueryParam);
599                }
600        }
602        private boolean systemContainsCode(TokenParam theQueryParam, ResourceIndexedSearchParamToken theSearchParamToken) {
603                IValidationSupport validationSupport = getValidationSupportOrNull();
604                if (validationSupport == null) {
605                        ourLog.error(Msg.code(2096) + "Attempting to evaluate an unsupported qualifier. This should not happen.");
606                        return false;
607                }
609                IValidationSupport.CodeValidationResult codeValidationResult = validationSupport.validateCode(
610                                new ValidationSupportContext(validationSupport),
611                                new ConceptValidationOptions(),
612                                theSearchParamToken.getSystem(),
613                                theSearchParamToken.getValue(),
614                                null,
615                                theQueryParam.getValue());
616                if (codeValidationResult != null) {
617                        return codeValidationResult.isOk();
618                } else {
619                        return false;
620                }
621        }
623        private boolean hasChain(IQueryParameterType theParam) {
624                return theParam instanceof ReferenceParam && ((ReferenceParam) theParam).getChain() != null;
625        }
627        private boolean hasQualifiers(IQueryParameterType theParam) {
628                return theParam.getQueryParameterQualifier() != null;
629        }
631        private InMemoryMatchResult checkUnsupportedPrefixes(
632                        String theParamName, RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef, IQueryParameterType theParam) {
633                if (theParamDef != null && theParam instanceof BaseParamWithPrefix) {
634                        ParamPrefixEnum prefix = ((BaseParamWithPrefix<?>) theParam).getPrefix();
635                        RestSearchParameterTypeEnum paramType = theParamDef.getParamType();
636                        if (!supportedPrefix(prefix, paramType)) {
637                                return InMemoryMatchResult.unsupportedFromParameterAndReason(
638                                                theParamName,
639                                                String.format("The prefix %s is not supported for param type %s", prefix, paramType));
640                        }
641                }
642                return InMemoryMatchResult.successfulMatch();
643        }
645        @SuppressWarnings("EnumSwitchStatementWhichMissesCases")
646        private boolean supportedPrefix(ParamPrefixEnum theParam, RestSearchParameterTypeEnum theParamType) {
647                if (theParam == null || theParamType == null) {
648                        return true;
649                }
650                switch (theParamType) {
651                        case DATE:
652                                switch (theParam) {
653                                        case GREATERTHAN:
654                                        case GREATERTHAN_OR_EQUALS:
655                                        case LESSTHAN:
656                                        case LESSTHAN_OR_EQUALS:
657                                        case EQUAL:
658                                                return true;
659                                }
660                                break;
661                        default:
662                                return false;
663                }
664                return false;
665        }
667        private InMemoryMatchResult checkUnsupportedQualifiers(
668                        String theParamName, RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef, IQueryParameterType theParam) {
669                if (hasQualifiers(theParam) && !supportedQualifier(theParamDef, theParam)) {
670                        return InMemoryMatchResult.unsupportedFromParameterAndReason(
671                                        theParamName + theParam.getQueryParameterQualifier(), InMemoryMatchResult.QUALIFIER);
672                }
673                return InMemoryMatchResult.successfulMatch();
674        }
676        private boolean supportedQualifier(RuntimeSearchParam theParamDef, IQueryParameterType theParam) {
677                if (theParamDef == null || theParam == null) {
678                        return true;
679                }
680                switch (theParamDef.getParamType()) {
681                        case TOKEN:
682                                TokenParam tokenParam = (TokenParam) theParam;
683                                switch (tokenParam.getModifier()) {
684                                        case IN:
685                                        case NOT_IN:
686                                                // Support for these qualifiers is dependent on an implementation of IValidationSupport being
687                                                // available to delegate the check to
688                                                return getValidationSupportOrNull() != null;
689                                        case NOT:
690                                                return true;
691                                        default:
692                                                return false;
693                                }
694                        default:
695                                return false;
696                }
697        }
699        private enum ValidationSupportInitializationState {
700                NOT_INITIALIZED,
701                INITIALIZED,
702                FAILED
703        }