002 * #%L
003 * HAPI FHIR - Master Data Management
004 * %%
005 * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2025 Smile CDR, Inc.
006 * %%
007 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
008 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
009 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
010 *
011 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012 *
013 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
014 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
015 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
016 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
017 * limitations under the License.
018 * #L%
019 */
020package ca.uhn.fhir.mdm.util;
022import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext;
023import ca.uhn.fhir.mdm.api.IMdmSettings;
024import ca.uhn.fhir.mdm.api.MdmConstants;
025import ca.uhn.fhir.mdm.api.MdmMatchResultEnum;
026import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.server.provider.ProviderConstants;
027import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IAnyResource;
028import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
029import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
032public class MessageHelper {
034        @Autowired
035        private final IMdmSettings myMdmSettings;
037        @Autowired
038        private final FhirContext myFhirContext;
040        public MessageHelper(IMdmSettings theMdmSettings, FhirContext theFhirContext) {
041                myMdmSettings = theMdmSettings;
042                myFhirContext = theFhirContext;
043        }
045        public String getMessageForUnmanagedResource() {
046                return String.format(
047                                "Only MDM managed resources can be merged. MDM managed resources must have the %s tag.",
048                                MdmConstants.CODE_HAPI_MDM_MANAGED);
049        }
051        public String getMessageForUnsupportedResource(String theName, IAnyResource theResource) {
052                return getMessageForUnsupportedResource(theName, myFhirContext.getResourceType(theResource));
053        }
055        public String getMessageForUnsupportedResource(String theName, String theResourceType) {
056                return String.format(
057                                "Only %s resources can be merged. The %s points to a %s",
058                                myMdmSettings.getSupportedMdmTypes(), theName, theResourceType);
059        }
061        public String getMessageForUnsupportedMatchResult() {
062                return "Match Result may only be set to " + MdmMatchResultEnum.NO_MATCH + " or " + MdmMatchResultEnum.MATCH;
063        }
065        public String getMessageForUnsupportedFirstArgumentTypeInUpdate(String goldenRecordType) {
066                return "First argument to " + ProviderConstants.MDM_UPDATE_LINK + " must be a "
067                                + myMdmSettings.getSupportedMdmTypes() + ".  Was " + goldenRecordType;
068        }
070        public String getMessageForUnsupportedSecondArgumentTypeInUpdate(String theGoldenRecordType) {
071                return "First argument to " + ProviderConstants.MDM_UPDATE_LINK + " must be a "
072                                + myMdmSettings.getSupportedMdmTypes() + ".  Was " + theGoldenRecordType;
073        }
075        public String getMessageForArgumentTypeMismatchInUpdate(String theGoldenRecordType, String theSourceResourceType) {
076                return "Arguments to " + ProviderConstants.MDM_UPDATE_LINK + " must be of the same type. Were "
077                                + theGoldenRecordType + " and " + theSourceResourceType;
078        }
080        public String getMessageForUnsupportedSourceResource() {
081                return "The source resource is marked with the " + MdmConstants.CODE_NO_MDM_MANAGED
082                                + " tag which means it may not be MDM linked.";
083        }
085        public String getMessageForNoLink(IAnyResource theGoldenRecord, IAnyResource theSourceResource) {
086                return getMessageForNoLink(
087                                theGoldenRecord.getIdElement().toVersionless().toString(),
088                                theSourceResource.getIdElement().toVersionless().toString());
089        }
091        public String getMessageForNoLink(String theGoldenRecord, String theSourceResource) {
092                return "No link exists between " + theGoldenRecord + " and " + theSourceResource;
093        }
095        public String getMessageForAlreadyAcceptedLink(IAnyResource theGoldenRecord, IAnyResource theSourceResource) {
096                return getMessageForAlreadyAcceptedLink(
097                                theGoldenRecord.getIdElement().toVersionless().toString(),
098                                theSourceResource.getIdElement().toVersionless().toString());
099        }
101        public String getMessageForAlreadyAcceptedLink(String theGoldenId, String theSourceId) {
102                return "A match with a different golden resource (" + theGoldenId + ") exists for resource " + theSourceId;
103        }
105        public String getMessageForPresentLink(IAnyResource theGoldenRecord, IAnyResource theSourceResource) {
106                return getMessageForPresentLink(
107                                theGoldenRecord.getIdElement().toVersionless().toString(),
108                                theSourceResource.getIdElement().toVersionless().toString());
109        }
111        public String getMessageForPresentLink(String theGoldenRecord, String theSourceResource) {
112                return "Link already exists between " + theGoldenRecord + " and " + theSourceResource
113                                + ". Use $mdm-update-link instead.";
114        }
116        public String getMessageForMultipleGoldenRecords(IAnyResource theSourceResource) {
117                return getMessageForMultipleGoldenRecords(
118                                theSourceResource.getIdElement().toVersionless().toString());
119        }
121        public String getMessageForMultipleGoldenRecords(String theSourceResource) {
122                return theSourceResource + " already has matched golden resource. Use $mdm-query-links to see more details.";
123        }
125        public String getMessageForFailedGoldenResourceLoad(String theParamName, String theGoldenResourceId) {
126                return theGoldenResourceId + " used as parameter [" + theParamName
127                                + "] could not be loaded as a golden resource, as it appears to be lacking the golden resource meta tags.";
128        }
130        public String getMessageForMismatchPartition(IAnyResource theGoldenRecord, IAnyResource theSourceResource) {
131                return getMessageForMismatchPartition(
132                                theGoldenRecord.getIdElement().toVersionless().toString(),
133                                theSourceResource.getIdElement().toVersionless().toString());
134        }
136        public String getMessageForMismatchPartition(String theGoldenRecord, String theSourceResource) {
137                return theGoldenRecord + " and " + theSourceResource
138                                + " are stored in different partitions. This operation is only available for resources on the same partition.";
139        }