Class IncomingRequestAddressStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

Determines the server's base using the incoming request
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • determineServerBase

      public String determineServerBase(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext theServletContext, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest theRequest)
      Description copied from interface: IServerAddressStrategy
      Determine the server base for a given request
      Specified by:
      determineServerBase in interface IServerAddressStrategy
    • setServletPath

      public void setServletPath(String theServletPath)
      If set to a non-null value (default is null), this address strategy assumes that the FHIR endpoint is deployed to the given servlet path within the context. This is useful in some deployments where it isn't obvious to the servlet which part of the path is actually the root path to reach the servlet.

      Example values could be:

      • null
      • /
      • /base

      Wildcards are not supported!