Uses of Class
Packages that use Coverage
Uses of Coverage in ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource
Methods in ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource that return CoverageModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCoverage.addIdentifier
(IdentifierDt theValue) Adds a given new value for identifier ()Coverage.setBin
(IdentifierDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for bin ()Coverage.setContract
(List<ResourceReferenceDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for contract ()Coverage.setDependent
(int theInteger) Sets the value for dependent ()Coverage.setDependent
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.PositiveIntDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for dependent ()Coverage.setGroup
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for group ()Sets the value for group ()Coverage.setIdentifier
(List<IdentifierDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for identifier ()Coverage.setIssuer
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for issuer ()Coverage.setNetwork
(IdentifierDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for network ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Coverage.setPlan
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for plan ()Sets the value for plan ()Coverage.setSequence
(int theInteger) Sets the value for sequence ()Coverage.setSequence
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.PositiveIntDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for sequence ()Coverage.setSubPlan
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for subPlan ()Coverage.setSubPlan
(String theString) Sets the value for subPlan ()Coverage.setSubscriber
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for subscriber ()Coverage.setSubscriberId
(IdentifierDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for subscriberId ()Sets the value(s) for type ()