001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017package ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource; 018 019import java.math.BigDecimal; 020import java.net.URI; 021import java.util.*; 022import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.*; 023import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.*; 024import ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.*; 025 026import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AccountStatusEnum; 027import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ActionListEnum; 028import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.AddressDt; 029import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AdjudicationCodesEnum; 030import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AdjudicationErrorCodesEnum; 031import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AdjustmentReasonCodesEnum; 032import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AdministrativeGenderEnum; 033import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AdmitSourceEnum; 034import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.AllergyIntolerance; 035import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AllergyIntoleranceCategoryEnum; 036import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AllergyIntoleranceCertaintyEnum; 037import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AllergyIntoleranceCriticalityEnum; 038import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AllergyIntoleranceSeverityEnum; 039import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AllergyIntoleranceStatusEnum; 040import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AllergyIntoleranceTypeEnum; 041import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.AnnotationDt; 042import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AnswerFormatEnum; 043import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Appointment; 044import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AppointmentStatusEnum; 045import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AssertionDirectionTypeEnum; 046import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AssertionOperatorTypeEnum; 047import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AssertionResponseTypesEnum; 048import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.AttachmentDt; 049import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AuditEventActionEnum; 050import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AuditEventObjectLifecycleEnum; 051import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AuditEventObjectRoleEnum; 052import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AuditEventObjectTypeEnum; 053import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AuditEventOutcomeEnum; 054import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AuditEventParticipantNetworkTypeEnum; 055import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.AuditEventSourceTypeEnum; 056import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.BindingStrengthEnum; 057import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.BodySite; 058import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.BundleTypeEnum; 059import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.CarePlan; 060import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.CarePlanActivityStatusEnum; 061import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.CarePlanRelationshipEnum; 062import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.CarePlanStatusEnum; 063import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Claim; 064import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.ClaimResponse; 065import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ClaimTypeEnum; 066import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.ClinicalImpression; 067import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ClinicalImpressionStatusEnum; 068import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.CodeableConceptDt; 069import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.CodingDt; 070import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.CommunicationRequest; 071import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.CommunicationRequestStatusEnum; 072import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.CommunicationStatusEnum; 073import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Composition; 074import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.CompositionAttestationModeEnum; 075import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.CompositionStatusEnum; 076import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ConceptMapEquivalenceEnum; 077import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Condition; 078import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ConditionCategoryCodesEnum; 079import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ConditionClinicalStatusCodesEnum; 080import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ConditionVerificationStatusEnum; 081import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ConditionalDeleteStatusEnum; 082import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Conformance; 083import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ConformanceEventModeEnum; 084import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ConformanceResourceStatusEnum; 085import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ConformanceStatementKindEnum; 086import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.ContactPointDt; 087import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ContentTypeEnum; 088import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Contract; 089import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Coverage; 090import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DataElementStringencyEnum; 091import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DaysOfWeekEnum; 092import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DetectedIssueSeverityEnum; 093import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Device; 094import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.DeviceComponent; 095import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.DeviceMetric; 096import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DeviceMetricCalibrationStateEnum; 097import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DeviceMetricCalibrationTypeEnum; 098import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DeviceMetricCategoryEnum; 099import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DeviceMetricColorEnum; 100import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DeviceMetricOperationalStatusEnum; 101import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DeviceStatusEnum; 102import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.DeviceUseRequest; 103import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DeviceUseRequestPriorityEnum; 104import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DeviceUseRequestStatusEnum; 105import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.DiagnosticOrder; 106import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DiagnosticOrderPriorityEnum; 107import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DiagnosticOrderStatusEnum; 108import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.DiagnosticReport; 109import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DiagnosticReportStatusEnum; 110import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DigitalMediaTypeEnum; 111import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DocumentModeEnum; 112import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.DocumentReference; 113import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DocumentReferenceStatusEnum; 114import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.DocumentRelationshipTypeEnum; 115import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.ElementDefinitionDt; 116import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.EligibilityRequest; 117import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Encounter; 118import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.EncounterClassEnum; 119import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.EncounterLocationStatusEnum; 120import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.EncounterStateEnum; 121import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.EnrollmentRequest; 122import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.EpisodeOfCare; 123import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.EpisodeOfCareStatusEnum; 124import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ExtensionContextEnum; 125import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.FamilyHistoryStatusEnum; 126import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.FamilyMemberHistory; 127import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.FilterOperatorEnum; 128import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.FlagStatusEnum; 129import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Goal; 130import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.GoalPriorityEnum; 131import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.GoalStatusEnum; 132import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Group; 133import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.GroupTypeEnum; 134import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.GuideDependencyTypeEnum; 135import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.GuidePageKindEnum; 136import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.GuideResourcePurposeEnum; 137import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.HTTPVerbEnum; 138import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.HealthcareService; 139import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.HumanNameDt; 140import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.IdentifierDt; 141import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.IdentifierTypeCodesEnum; 142import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.IdentityAssuranceLevelEnum; 143import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.ImagingObjectSelection; 144import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.ImagingStudy; 145import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Immunization; 146import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.InstanceAvailabilityEnum; 147import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.IssueSeverityEnum; 148import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.IssueTypeEnum; 149import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.KOStitleEnum; 150import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.LinkTypeEnum; 151import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ListModeEnum; 152import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ListOrderCodesEnum; 153import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ListStatusEnum; 154import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Location; 155import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.LocationModeEnum; 156import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.LocationStatusEnum; 157import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.LocationTypeEnum; 158import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.MaritalStatusCodesEnum; 159import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.MeasmntPrincipleEnum; 160import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Media; 161import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Medication; 162import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.MedicationAdministrationStatusEnum; 163import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.MedicationDispenseStatusEnum; 164import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.MedicationOrder; 165import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.MedicationOrderStatusEnum; 166import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.MedicationStatement; 167import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.MedicationStatementStatusEnum; 168import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.MessageEventEnum; 169import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.MessageSignificanceCategoryEnum; 170import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.MessageTransportEnum; 171import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.NamingSystem; 172import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.NamingSystemIdentifierTypeEnum; 173import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.NamingSystemTypeEnum; 174import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.NoteTypeEnum; 175import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.NutritionOrder; 176import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.NutritionOrderStatusEnum; 177import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Observation; 178import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ObservationRelationshipTypeEnum; 179import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ObservationStatusEnum; 180import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.OperationDefinition; 181import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.OperationKindEnum; 182import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.OperationOutcome; 183import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.OperationParameterUseEnum; 184import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Order; 185import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.OrderStatusEnum; 186import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Organization; 187import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ParticipantRequiredEnum; 188import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ParticipantStatusEnum; 189import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ParticipantTypeEnum; 190import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ParticipationStatusEnum; 191import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Patient; 192import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.PayeeTypeCodesEnum; 193import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.PeriodDt; 194import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Person; 195import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Practitioner; 196import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Procedure; 197import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.ProcedureRequest; 198import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ProcedureRequestPriorityEnum; 199import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ProcedureRequestStatusEnum; 200import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ProcedureStatusEnum; 201import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.ProcessRequest; 202import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ProvenanceEntityRoleEnum; 203import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.QuantityDt; 204import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Questionnaire; 205import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.QuestionnaireResponse; 206import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.QuestionnaireResponseStatusEnum; 207import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.QuestionnaireStatusEnum; 208import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.RangeDt; 209import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.RatioDt; 210import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ReferralMethodEnum; 211import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.ReferralRequest; 212import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ReferralStatusEnum; 213import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.RelatedPerson; 214import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.RemittanceOutcomeEnum; 215import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ResourceTypeEnum; 216import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ResourceVersionPolicyEnum; 217import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ResponseTypeEnum; 218import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.RestfulConformanceModeEnum; 219import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.RestfulSecurityServiceEnum; 220import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.RiskAssessment; 221import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.RulesetCodesEnum; 222import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.SampledDataDt; 223import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Schedule; 224import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SearchEntryModeEnum; 225import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SearchModifierCodeEnum; 226import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SearchParamTypeEnum; 227import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.ServiceProvisionConditionsEnum; 228import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.SignatureDt; 229import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Slot; 230import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SlotStatusEnum; 231import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Specimen; 232import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SpecimenStatusEnum; 233import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.StructureDefinition; 234import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.StructureDefinitionKindEnum; 235import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SubscriptionChannelTypeEnum; 236import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SubscriptionStatusEnum; 237import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.Substance; 238import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SubstanceCategoryCodesEnum; 239import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SupplyDeliveryStatusEnum; 240import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.SupplyRequest; 241import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SupplyRequestStatusEnum; 242import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.SystemRestfulInteractionEnum; 243import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.TemporalPrecisionEnum; 244import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.TimingDt; 245import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.TransactionModeEnum; 246import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.TypeRestfulInteractionEnum; 247import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.UnknownContentCodeEnum; 248import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.UseEnum; 249import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.ValueSet; 250import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.VisionBaseEnum; 251import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.VisionEyesEnum; 252import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.VisionPrescription; 253import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.valueset.XPathUsageTypeEnum; 254import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource; 255import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.AgeDt; 256import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.BoundCodeableConceptDt; 257import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.DurationDt; 258import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.MoneyDt; 259import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.NarrativeDt; 260import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.ResourceReferenceDt; 261import ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite.SimpleQuantityDt; 262import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.Base64BinaryDt; 263import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BooleanDt; 264import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt; 265import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.CodeDt; 266import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.DateDt; 267import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.DateTimeDt; 268import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.DecimalDt; 269import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.IdDt; 270import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.InstantDt; 271import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.IntegerDt; 272import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.OidDt; 273import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.PositiveIntDt; 274import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt; 275import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.TimeDt; 276import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.UnsignedIntDt; 277import ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.UriDt; 278 279 280/** 281 * HAPI/FHIR <b>DataElement</b> Resource 282 * () 283 * 284 * <p> 285 * <b>Definition:</b> 286 * The formal description of a single piece of information that can be gathered and reported. 287 * </p> 288 * 289 * <p> 290 * <b>Requirements:</b> 291 * 292 * </p> 293 * 294 * <p> 295 * <b>Profile Definition:</b> 296 * <a href="http://hl7.org/fhir/profiles/DataElement">http://hl7.org/fhir/profiles/DataElement</a> 297 * </p> 298 * 299 */ 300@ResourceDef(name="DataElement", profile="http://hl7.org/fhir/profiles/DataElement", id="dataelement") 301public class DataElement extends ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.BaseResource 302 implements IResource 303 { 304 305 /** 306 * Search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b> 307 * <p> 308 * Description: <b>The identifier of the data element</b><br> 309 * Type: <b>token</b><br> 310 * Path: <b>DataElement.identifier</b><br> 311 * </p> 312 */ 313 @SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="DataElement.identifier", description="The identifier of the data element", type="token" 314 ) 315 public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; 316 317 /** 318 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b> 319 * <p> 320 * Description: <b>The identifier of the data element</b><br> 321 * Type: <b>token</b><br> 322 * Path: <b>DataElement.identifier</b><br> 323 * </p> 324 */ 325 public static final TokenClientParam IDENTIFIER = new TokenClientParam(SP_IDENTIFIER); 326 327 /** 328 * Search parameter constant for <b>version</b> 329 * <p> 330 * Description: <b>The version identifier of the data element</b><br> 331 * Type: <b>string</b><br> 332 * Path: <b>DataElement.version</b><br> 333 * </p> 334 */ 335 @SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="DataElement.version", description="The version identifier of the data element", type="string" 336 ) 337 public static final String SP_VERSION = "version"; 338 339 /** 340 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b> 341 * <p> 342 * Description: <b>The version identifier of the data element</b><br> 343 * Type: <b>string</b><br> 344 * Path: <b>DataElement.version</b><br> 345 * </p> 346 */ 347 public static final StringClientParam VERSION = new StringClientParam(SP_VERSION); 348 349 /** 350 * Search parameter constant for <b>name</b> 351 * <p> 352 * Description: <b>Name of the data element</b><br> 353 * Type: <b>string</b><br> 354 * Path: <b>DataElement.name</b><br> 355 * </p> 356 */ 357 @SearchParamDefinition(name="name", path="DataElement.name", description="Name of the data element", type="string" 358 ) 359 public static final String SP_NAME = "name"; 360 361 /** 362 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>name</b> 363 * <p> 364 * Description: <b>Name of the data element</b><br> 365 * Type: <b>string</b><br> 366 * Path: <b>DataElement.name</b><br> 367 * </p> 368 */ 369 public static final StringClientParam NAME = new StringClientParam(SP_NAME); 370 371 /** 372 * Search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b> 373 * <p> 374 * Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the data element</b><br> 375 * Type: <b>string</b><br> 376 * Path: <b>DataElement.publisher</b><br> 377 * </p> 378 */ 379 @SearchParamDefinition(name="publisher", path="DataElement.publisher", description="Name of the publisher of the data element", type="string" 380 ) 381 public static final String SP_PUBLISHER = "publisher"; 382 383 /** 384 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>publisher</b> 385 * <p> 386 * Description: <b>Name of the publisher of the data element</b><br> 387 * Type: <b>string</b><br> 388 * Path: <b>DataElement.publisher</b><br> 389 * </p> 390 */ 391 public static final StringClientParam PUBLISHER = new StringClientParam(SP_PUBLISHER); 392 393 /** 394 * Search parameter constant for <b>description</b> 395 * <p> 396 * Description: <b>Text search in the description of the data element. This corresponds to the definition of the first DataElement.element.</b><br> 397 * Type: <b>string</b><br> 398 * Path: <b>DataElement.element.definition</b><br> 399 * </p> 400 */ 401 @SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="DataElement.element.definition", description="Text search in the description of the data element. This corresponds to the definition of the first DataElement.element.", type="string" 402 ) 403 public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description"; 404 405 /** 406 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b> 407 * <p> 408 * Description: <b>Text search in the description of the data element. This corresponds to the definition of the first DataElement.element.</b><br> 409 * Type: <b>string</b><br> 410 * Path: <b>DataElement.element.definition</b><br> 411 * </p> 412 */ 413 public static final StringClientParam DESCRIPTION = new StringClientParam(SP_DESCRIPTION); 414 415 /** 416 * Search parameter constant for <b>status</b> 417 * <p> 418 * Description: <b>The current status of the data element</b><br> 419 * Type: <b>token</b><br> 420 * Path: <b>DataElement.status</b><br> 421 * </p> 422 */ 423 @SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="DataElement.status", description="The current status of the data element", type="token" 424 ) 425 public static final String SP_STATUS = "status"; 426 427 /** 428 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b> 429 * <p> 430 * Description: <b>The current status of the data element</b><br> 431 * Type: <b>token</b><br> 432 * Path: <b>DataElement.status</b><br> 433 * </p> 434 */ 435 public static final TokenClientParam STATUS = new TokenClientParam(SP_STATUS); 436 437 /** 438 * Search parameter constant for <b>date</b> 439 * <p> 440 * Description: <b>The data element publication date</b><br> 441 * Type: <b>date</b><br> 442 * Path: <b>DataElement.date</b><br> 443 * </p> 444 */ 445 @SearchParamDefinition(name="date", path="DataElement.date", description="The data element publication date", type="date" 446 ) 447 public static final String SP_DATE = "date"; 448 449 /** 450 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>date</b> 451 * <p> 452 * Description: <b>The data element publication date</b><br> 453 * Type: <b>date</b><br> 454 * Path: <b>DataElement.date</b><br> 455 * </p> 456 */ 457 public static final DateClientParam DATE = new DateClientParam(SP_DATE); 458 459 /** 460 * Search parameter constant for <b>code</b> 461 * <p> 462 * Description: <b>A code for the data element (server may choose to do subsumption)</b><br> 463 * Type: <b>token</b><br> 464 * Path: <b>DataElement.element.code</b><br> 465 * </p> 466 */ 467 @SearchParamDefinition(name="code", path="DataElement.element.code", description="A code for the data element (server may choose to do subsumption)", type="token" 468 ) 469 public static final String SP_CODE = "code"; 470 471 /** 472 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>code</b> 473 * <p> 474 * Description: <b>A code for the data element (server may choose to do subsumption)</b><br> 475 * Type: <b>token</b><br> 476 * Path: <b>DataElement.element.code</b><br> 477 * </p> 478 */ 479 public static final TokenClientParam CODE = new TokenClientParam(SP_CODE); 480 481 /** 482 * Search parameter constant for <b>context</b> 483 * <p> 484 * Description: <b>A use context assigned to the data element</b><br> 485 * Type: <b>token</b><br> 486 * Path: <b>DataElement.useContext</b><br> 487 * </p> 488 */ 489 @SearchParamDefinition(name="context", path="DataElement.useContext", description="A use context assigned to the data element", type="token" 490 ) 491 public static final String SP_CONTEXT = "context"; 492 493 /** 494 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>context</b> 495 * <p> 496 * Description: <b>A use context assigned to the data element</b><br> 497 * Type: <b>token</b><br> 498 * Path: <b>DataElement.useContext</b><br> 499 * </p> 500 */ 501 public static final TokenClientParam CONTEXT = new TokenClientParam(SP_CONTEXT); 502 503 /** 504 * Search parameter constant for <b>url</b> 505 * <p> 506 * Description: <b>The official URL for the data element</b><br> 507 * Type: <b>uri</b><br> 508 * Path: <b>DataElement.url</b><br> 509 * </p> 510 */ 511 @SearchParamDefinition(name="url", path="DataElement.url", description="The official URL for the data element", type="uri" 512 ) 513 public static final String SP_URL = "url"; 514 515 /** 516 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>url</b> 517 * <p> 518 * Description: <b>The official URL for the data element</b><br> 519 * Type: <b>uri</b><br> 520 * Path: <b>DataElement.url</b><br> 521 * </p> 522 */ 523 public static final UriClientParam URL = new UriClientParam(SP_URL); 524 525 /** 526 * Search parameter constant for <b>stringency</b> 527 * <p> 528 * Description: <b>The stringency of the data element definition</b><br> 529 * Type: <b>token</b><br> 530 * Path: <b>DataElement.stringency</b><br> 531 * </p> 532 */ 533 @SearchParamDefinition(name="stringency", path="DataElement.stringency", description="The stringency of the data element definition", type="token" 534 ) 535 public static final String SP_STRINGENCY = "stringency"; 536 537 /** 538 * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>stringency</b> 539 * <p> 540 * Description: <b>The stringency of the data element definition</b><br> 541 * Type: <b>token</b><br> 542 * Path: <b>DataElement.stringency</b><br> 543 * </p> 544 */ 545 public static final TokenClientParam STRINGENCY = new TokenClientParam(SP_STRINGENCY); 546 547 548 549 @Child(name="url", type=UriDt.class, order=0, min=0, max=1, summary=true, modifier=false) 550 @Description( 551 shortDefinition="", 552 formalDefinition="An absolute URL that is used to identify this data element when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this data element is (or will be) published" 553 ) 554 private UriDt myUrl; 555 556 @Child(name="identifier", type=IdentifierDt.class, order=1, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, summary=true, modifier=false) 557 @Description( 558 shortDefinition="", 559 formalDefinition="Formal identifier that is used to identify this data element when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance." 560 ) 561 private java.util.List<IdentifierDt> myIdentifier; 562 563 @Child(name="version", type=StringDt.class, order=2, min=0, max=1, summary=true, modifier=false) 564 @Description( 565 shortDefinition="", 566 formalDefinition="The identifier that is used to identify this version of the data element when it is referenced in a StructureDefinition, Questionnaire or instance. This is an arbitrary value managed by the definition author manually." 567 ) 568 private StringDt myVersion; 569 570 @Child(name="name", type=StringDt.class, order=3, min=0, max=1, summary=true, modifier=false) 571 @Description( 572 shortDefinition="", 573 formalDefinition="The term used by humans to refer to the data element. Should ideally be unique within the context in which the data element is expected to be used." 574 ) 575 private StringDt myName; 576 577 @Child(name="status", type=CodeDt.class, order=4, min=1, max=1, summary=true, modifier=false) 578 @Description( 579 shortDefinition="", 580 formalDefinition="The status of the data element" 581 ) 582 @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding(valueSet = "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/conformance-resource-status") 583 private BoundCodeDt<ConformanceResourceStatusEnum> myStatus; 584 585 @Child(name="experimental", type=BooleanDt.class, order=5, min=0, max=1, summary=true, modifier=false) 586 @Description( 587 shortDefinition="", 588 formalDefinition="A flag to indicate that this search data element definition is authored for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used for genuine usage" 589 ) 590 private BooleanDt myExperimental; 591 592 @Child(name="publisher", type=StringDt.class, order=6, min=0, max=1, summary=true, modifier=false) 593 @Description( 594 shortDefinition="", 595 formalDefinition="The name of the individual or organization that published the data element" 596 ) 597 private StringDt myPublisher; 598 599 @Child(name="contact", order=7, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, summary=true, modifier=false) 600 @Description( 601 shortDefinition="", 602 formalDefinition="Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher" 603 ) 604 private java.util.List<Contact> myContact; 605 606 @Child(name="date", type=DateTimeDt.class, order=8, min=0, max=1, summary=true, modifier=false) 607 @Description( 608 shortDefinition="", 609 formalDefinition="The date this version of the data element was published. The date must change when the business version changes, if it does, and it must change if the status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the data element changes" 610 ) 611 private DateTimeDt myDate; 612 613 @Child(name="useContext", type=CodeableConceptDt.class, order=9, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, summary=true, modifier=false) 614 @Description( 615 shortDefinition="", 616 formalDefinition="The content was developed with a focus and intent of supporting the contexts that are listed. These terms may be used to assist with indexing and searching of data element definitions." 617 ) 618 private java.util.List<CodeableConceptDt> myUseContext; 619 620 @Child(name="copyright", type=StringDt.class, order=10, min=0, max=1, summary=false, modifier=false) 621 @Description( 622 shortDefinition="", 623 formalDefinition="A copyright statement relating to the definition of the data element. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the details of the definition of the data element" 624 ) 625 private StringDt myCopyright; 626 627 @Child(name="stringency", type=CodeDt.class, order=11, min=0, max=1, summary=true, modifier=false) 628 @Description( 629 shortDefinition="", 630 formalDefinition="Identifies how precise the data element is in its definition" 631 ) 632 @ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Binding(valueSet = "http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/dataelement-stringency") 633 private BoundCodeDt<DataElementStringencyEnum> myStringency; 634 635 @Child(name="mapping", order=12, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, summary=false, modifier=false) 636 @Description( 637 shortDefinition="", 638 formalDefinition="Identifies a specification (other than a terminology) that the elements which make up the DataElement have some correspondence with" 639 ) 640 private java.util.List<Mapping> myMapping; 641 642 @Child(name="element", type=ElementDefinitionDt.class, order=13, min=1, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, summary=true, modifier=false) 643 @Description( 644 shortDefinition="", 645 formalDefinition="Defines the structure, type, allowed values and other constraining characteristics of the data element" 646 ) 647 private java.util.List<ElementDefinitionDt> myElement; 648 649 650 @Override 651 public boolean isEmpty() { 652 return super.isBaseEmpty() && ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil.isEmpty( myUrl, myIdentifier, myVersion, myName, myStatus, myExperimental, myPublisher, myContact, myDate, myUseContext, myCopyright, myStringency, myMapping, myElement); 653 } 654 655 @Override 656 public <T extends IElement> List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(Class<T> theType) { 657 return ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil.allPopulatedChildElements(theType, myUrl, myIdentifier, myVersion, myName, myStatus, myExperimental, myPublisher, myContact, myDate, myUseContext, myCopyright, myStringency, myMapping, myElement); 658 } 659 660 /** 661 * Gets the value(s) for <b>url</b> (). 662 * creating it if it does 663 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 664 * 665 * <p> 666 * <b>Definition:</b> 667 * An absolute URL that is used to identify this data element when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this data element is (or will be) published 668 * </p> 669 */ 670 public UriDt getUrlElement() { 671 if (myUrl == null) { 672 myUrl = new UriDt(); 673 } 674 return myUrl; 675 } 676 677 678 /** 679 * Gets the value(s) for <b>url</b> (). 680 * creating it if it does 681 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 682 * 683 * <p> 684 * <b>Definition:</b> 685 * An absolute URL that is used to identify this data element when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this data element is (or will be) published 686 * </p> 687 */ 688 public String getUrl() { 689 return getUrlElement().getValue(); 690 } 691 692 /** 693 * Sets the value(s) for <b>url</b> () 694 * 695 * <p> 696 * <b>Definition:</b> 697 * An absolute URL that is used to identify this data element when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this data element is (or will be) published 698 * </p> 699 */ 700 public DataElement setUrl(UriDt theValue) { 701 myUrl = theValue; 702 return this; 703 } 704 705 706 707 /** 708 * Sets the value for <b>url</b> () 709 * 710 * <p> 711 * <b>Definition:</b> 712 * An absolute URL that is used to identify this data element when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this data element is (or will be) published 713 * </p> 714 */ 715 public DataElement setUrl( String theUri) { 716 myUrl = new UriDt(theUri); 717 return this; 718 } 719 720 721 /** 722 * Gets the value(s) for <b>identifier</b> (). 723 * creating it if it does 724 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 725 * 726 * <p> 727 * <b>Definition:</b> 728 * Formal identifier that is used to identify this data element when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. 729 * </p> 730 */ 731 public java.util.List<IdentifierDt> getIdentifier() { 732 if (myIdentifier == null) { 733 myIdentifier = new java.util.ArrayList<IdentifierDt>(); 734 } 735 return myIdentifier; 736 } 737 738 /** 739 * Sets the value(s) for <b>identifier</b> () 740 * 741 * <p> 742 * <b>Definition:</b> 743 * Formal identifier that is used to identify this data element when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. 744 * </p> 745 */ 746 public DataElement setIdentifier(java.util.List<IdentifierDt> theValue) { 747 myIdentifier = theValue; 748 return this; 749 } 750 751 752 753 /** 754 * Adds and returns a new value for <b>identifier</b> () 755 * 756 * <p> 757 * <b>Definition:</b> 758 * Formal identifier that is used to identify this data element when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. 759 * </p> 760 */ 761 public IdentifierDt addIdentifier() { 762 IdentifierDt newType = new IdentifierDt(); 763 getIdentifier().add(newType); 764 return newType; 765 } 766 767 /** 768 * Adds a given new value for <b>identifier</b> () 769 * 770 * <p> 771 * <b>Definition:</b> 772 * Formal identifier that is used to identify this data element when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. 773 * </p> 774 * @param theValue The identifier to add (must not be <code>null</code>) 775 */ 776 public DataElement addIdentifier(IdentifierDt theValue) { 777 if (theValue == null) { 778 throw new NullPointerException("theValue must not be null"); 779 } 780 getIdentifier().add(theValue); 781 return this; 782 } 783 784 /** 785 * Gets the first repetition for <b>identifier</b> (), 786 * creating it if it does not already exist. 787 * 788 * <p> 789 * <b>Definition:</b> 790 * Formal identifier that is used to identify this data element when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance. 791 * </p> 792 */ 793 public IdentifierDt getIdentifierFirstRep() { 794 if (getIdentifier().isEmpty()) { 795 return addIdentifier(); 796 } 797 return getIdentifier().get(0); 798 } 799 800 /** 801 * Gets the value(s) for <b>version</b> (). 802 * creating it if it does 803 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 804 * 805 * <p> 806 * <b>Definition:</b> 807 * The identifier that is used to identify this version of the data element when it is referenced in a StructureDefinition, Questionnaire or instance. This is an arbitrary value managed by the definition author manually. 808 * </p> 809 */ 810 public StringDt getVersionElement() { 811 if (myVersion == null) { 812 myVersion = new StringDt(); 813 } 814 return myVersion; 815 } 816 817 818 /** 819 * Gets the value(s) for <b>version</b> (). 820 * creating it if it does 821 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 822 * 823 * <p> 824 * <b>Definition:</b> 825 * The identifier that is used to identify this version of the data element when it is referenced in a StructureDefinition, Questionnaire or instance. This is an arbitrary value managed by the definition author manually. 826 * </p> 827 */ 828 public String getVersion() { 829 return getVersionElement().getValue(); 830 } 831 832 /** 833 * Sets the value(s) for <b>version</b> () 834 * 835 * <p> 836 * <b>Definition:</b> 837 * The identifier that is used to identify this version of the data element when it is referenced in a StructureDefinition, Questionnaire or instance. This is an arbitrary value managed by the definition author manually. 838 * </p> 839 */ 840 public DataElement setVersion(StringDt theValue) { 841 myVersion = theValue; 842 return this; 843 } 844 845 846 847 /** 848 * Sets the value for <b>version</b> () 849 * 850 * <p> 851 * <b>Definition:</b> 852 * The identifier that is used to identify this version of the data element when it is referenced in a StructureDefinition, Questionnaire or instance. This is an arbitrary value managed by the definition author manually. 853 * </p> 854 */ 855 public DataElement setVersion( String theString) { 856 myVersion = new StringDt(theString); 857 return this; 858 } 859 860 861 /** 862 * Gets the value(s) for <b>name</b> (). 863 * creating it if it does 864 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 865 * 866 * <p> 867 * <b>Definition:</b> 868 * The term used by humans to refer to the data element. Should ideally be unique within the context in which the data element is expected to be used. 869 * </p> 870 */ 871 public StringDt getNameElement() { 872 if (myName == null) { 873 myName = new StringDt(); 874 } 875 return myName; 876 } 877 878 879 /** 880 * Gets the value(s) for <b>name</b> (). 881 * creating it if it does 882 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 883 * 884 * <p> 885 * <b>Definition:</b> 886 * The term used by humans to refer to the data element. Should ideally be unique within the context in which the data element is expected to be used. 887 * </p> 888 */ 889 public String getName() { 890 return getNameElement().getValue(); 891 } 892 893 /** 894 * Sets the value(s) for <b>name</b> () 895 * 896 * <p> 897 * <b>Definition:</b> 898 * The term used by humans to refer to the data element. Should ideally be unique within the context in which the data element is expected to be used. 899 * </p> 900 */ 901 public DataElement setName(StringDt theValue) { 902 myName = theValue; 903 return this; 904 } 905 906 907 908 /** 909 * Sets the value for <b>name</b> () 910 * 911 * <p> 912 * <b>Definition:</b> 913 * The term used by humans to refer to the data element. Should ideally be unique within the context in which the data element is expected to be used. 914 * </p> 915 */ 916 public DataElement setName( String theString) { 917 myName = new StringDt(theString); 918 return this; 919 } 920 921 922 /** 923 * Gets the value(s) for <b>status</b> (). 924 * creating it if it does 925 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 926 * 927 * <p> 928 * <b>Definition:</b> 929 * The status of the data element 930 * </p> 931 */ 932 public BoundCodeDt<ConformanceResourceStatusEnum> getStatusElement() { 933 if (myStatus == null) { 934 myStatus = new BoundCodeDt<ConformanceResourceStatusEnum>(ConformanceResourceStatusEnum.VALUESET_BINDER); 935 } 936 return myStatus; 937 } 938 939 940 /** 941 * Gets the value(s) for <b>status</b> (). 942 * creating it if it does 943 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 944 * 945 * <p> 946 * <b>Definition:</b> 947 * The status of the data element 948 * </p> 949 */ 950 public String getStatus() { 951 return getStatusElement().getValue(); 952 } 953 954 /** 955 * Sets the value(s) for <b>status</b> () 956 * 957 * <p> 958 * <b>Definition:</b> 959 * The status of the data element 960 * </p> 961 */ 962 public DataElement setStatus(BoundCodeDt<ConformanceResourceStatusEnum> theValue) { 963 myStatus = theValue; 964 return this; 965 } 966 967 968 969 /** 970 * Sets the value(s) for <b>status</b> () 971 * 972 * <p> 973 * <b>Definition:</b> 974 * The status of the data element 975 * </p> 976 */ 977 public DataElement setStatus(ConformanceResourceStatusEnum theValue) { 978 setStatus(new BoundCodeDt<ConformanceResourceStatusEnum>(ConformanceResourceStatusEnum.VALUESET_BINDER, theValue)); 979 980/* 981 getStatusElement().setValueAsEnum(theValue); 982*/ 983 return this; 984 } 985 986 987 /** 988 * Gets the value(s) for <b>experimental</b> (). 989 * creating it if it does 990 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 991 * 992 * <p> 993 * <b>Definition:</b> 994 * A flag to indicate that this search data element definition is authored for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used for genuine usage 995 * </p> 996 */ 997 public BooleanDt getExperimentalElement() { 998 if (myExperimental == null) { 999 myExperimental = new BooleanDt(); 1000 } 1001 return myExperimental; 1002 } 1003 1004 1005 /** 1006 * Gets the value(s) for <b>experimental</b> (). 1007 * creating it if it does 1008 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 1009 * 1010 * <p> 1011 * <b>Definition:</b> 1012 * A flag to indicate that this search data element definition is authored for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used for genuine usage 1013 * </p> 1014 */ 1015 public Boolean getExperimental() { 1016 return getExperimentalElement().getValue(); 1017 } 1018 1019 /** 1020 * Sets the value(s) for <b>experimental</b> () 1021 * 1022 * <p> 1023 * <b>Definition:</b> 1024 * A flag to indicate that this search data element definition is authored for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used for genuine usage 1025 * </p> 1026 */ 1027 public DataElement setExperimental(BooleanDt theValue) { 1028 myExperimental = theValue; 1029 return this; 1030 } 1031 1032 1033 1034 /** 1035 * Sets the value for <b>experimental</b> () 1036 * 1037 * <p> 1038 * <b>Definition:</b> 1039 * A flag to indicate that this search data element definition is authored for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used for genuine usage 1040 * </p> 1041 */ 1042 public DataElement setExperimental( boolean theBoolean) { 1043 myExperimental = new BooleanDt(theBoolean); 1044 return this; 1045 } 1046 1047 1048 /** 1049 * Gets the value(s) for <b>publisher</b> (). 1050 * creating it if it does 1051 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1052 * 1053 * <p> 1054 * <b>Definition:</b> 1055 * The name of the individual or organization that published the data element 1056 * </p> 1057 */ 1058 public StringDt getPublisherElement() { 1059 if (myPublisher == null) { 1060 myPublisher = new StringDt(); 1061 } 1062 return myPublisher; 1063 } 1064 1065 1066 /** 1067 * Gets the value(s) for <b>publisher</b> (). 1068 * creating it if it does 1069 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 1070 * 1071 * <p> 1072 * <b>Definition:</b> 1073 * The name of the individual or organization that published the data element 1074 * </p> 1075 */ 1076 public String getPublisher() { 1077 return getPublisherElement().getValue(); 1078 } 1079 1080 /** 1081 * Sets the value(s) for <b>publisher</b> () 1082 * 1083 * <p> 1084 * <b>Definition:</b> 1085 * The name of the individual or organization that published the data element 1086 * </p> 1087 */ 1088 public DataElement setPublisher(StringDt theValue) { 1089 myPublisher = theValue; 1090 return this; 1091 } 1092 1093 1094 1095 /** 1096 * Sets the value for <b>publisher</b> () 1097 * 1098 * <p> 1099 * <b>Definition:</b> 1100 * The name of the individual or organization that published the data element 1101 * </p> 1102 */ 1103 public DataElement setPublisher( String theString) { 1104 myPublisher = new StringDt(theString); 1105 return this; 1106 } 1107 1108 1109 /** 1110 * Gets the value(s) for <b>contact</b> (). 1111 * creating it if it does 1112 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1113 * 1114 * <p> 1115 * <b>Definition:</b> 1116 * Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher 1117 * </p> 1118 */ 1119 public java.util.List<Contact> getContact() { 1120 if (myContact == null) { 1121 myContact = new java.util.ArrayList<Contact>(); 1122 } 1123 return myContact; 1124 } 1125 1126 /** 1127 * Sets the value(s) for <b>contact</b> () 1128 * 1129 * <p> 1130 * <b>Definition:</b> 1131 * Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher 1132 * </p> 1133 */ 1134 public DataElement setContact(java.util.List<Contact> theValue) { 1135 myContact = theValue; 1136 return this; 1137 } 1138 1139 1140 1141 /** 1142 * Adds and returns a new value for <b>contact</b> () 1143 * 1144 * <p> 1145 * <b>Definition:</b> 1146 * Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher 1147 * </p> 1148 */ 1149 public Contact addContact() { 1150 Contact newType = new Contact(); 1151 getContact().add(newType); 1152 return newType; 1153 } 1154 1155 /** 1156 * Adds a given new value for <b>contact</b> () 1157 * 1158 * <p> 1159 * <b>Definition:</b> 1160 * Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher 1161 * </p> 1162 * @param theValue The contact to add (must not be <code>null</code>) 1163 */ 1164 public DataElement addContact(Contact theValue) { 1165 if (theValue == null) { 1166 throw new NullPointerException("theValue must not be null"); 1167 } 1168 getContact().add(theValue); 1169 return this; 1170 } 1171 1172 /** 1173 * Gets the first repetition for <b>contact</b> (), 1174 * creating it if it does not already exist. 1175 * 1176 * <p> 1177 * <b>Definition:</b> 1178 * Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher 1179 * </p> 1180 */ 1181 public Contact getContactFirstRep() { 1182 if (getContact().isEmpty()) { 1183 return addContact(); 1184 } 1185 return getContact().get(0); 1186 } 1187 1188 /** 1189 * Gets the value(s) for <b>date</b> (). 1190 * creating it if it does 1191 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1192 * 1193 * <p> 1194 * <b>Definition:</b> 1195 * The date this version of the data element was published. The date must change when the business version changes, if it does, and it must change if the status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the data element changes 1196 * </p> 1197 */ 1198 public DateTimeDt getDateElement() { 1199 if (myDate == null) { 1200 myDate = new DateTimeDt(); 1201 } 1202 return myDate; 1203 } 1204 1205 1206 /** 1207 * Gets the value(s) for <b>date</b> (). 1208 * creating it if it does 1209 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 1210 * 1211 * <p> 1212 * <b>Definition:</b> 1213 * The date this version of the data element was published. The date must change when the business version changes, if it does, and it must change if the status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the data element changes 1214 * </p> 1215 */ 1216 public Date getDate() { 1217 return getDateElement().getValue(); 1218 } 1219 1220 /** 1221 * Sets the value(s) for <b>date</b> () 1222 * 1223 * <p> 1224 * <b>Definition:</b> 1225 * The date this version of the data element was published. The date must change when the business version changes, if it does, and it must change if the status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the data element changes 1226 * </p> 1227 */ 1228 public DataElement setDate(DateTimeDt theValue) { 1229 myDate = theValue; 1230 return this; 1231 } 1232 1233 1234 1235 /** 1236 * Sets the value for <b>date</b> () 1237 * 1238 * <p> 1239 * <b>Definition:</b> 1240 * The date this version of the data element was published. The date must change when the business version changes, if it does, and it must change if the status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the data element changes 1241 * </p> 1242 */ 1243 public DataElement setDateWithSecondsPrecision( Date theDate) { 1244 myDate = new DateTimeDt(theDate); 1245 return this; 1246 } 1247 1248 /** 1249 * Sets the value for <b>date</b> () 1250 * 1251 * <p> 1252 * <b>Definition:</b> 1253 * The date this version of the data element was published. The date must change when the business version changes, if it does, and it must change if the status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the data element changes 1254 * </p> 1255 */ 1256 public DataElement setDate( Date theDate, TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision) { 1257 myDate = new DateTimeDt(theDate, thePrecision); 1258 return this; 1259 } 1260 1261 1262 /** 1263 * Gets the value(s) for <b>useContext</b> (). 1264 * creating it if it does 1265 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1266 * 1267 * <p> 1268 * <b>Definition:</b> 1269 * The content was developed with a focus and intent of supporting the contexts that are listed. These terms may be used to assist with indexing and searching of data element definitions. 1270 * </p> 1271 */ 1272 public java.util.List<CodeableConceptDt> getUseContext() { 1273 if (myUseContext == null) { 1274 myUseContext = new java.util.ArrayList<CodeableConceptDt>(); 1275 } 1276 return myUseContext; 1277 } 1278 1279 /** 1280 * Sets the value(s) for <b>useContext</b> () 1281 * 1282 * <p> 1283 * <b>Definition:</b> 1284 * The content was developed with a focus and intent of supporting the contexts that are listed. These terms may be used to assist with indexing and searching of data element definitions. 1285 * </p> 1286 */ 1287 public DataElement setUseContext(java.util.List<CodeableConceptDt> theValue) { 1288 myUseContext = theValue; 1289 return this; 1290 } 1291 1292 1293 1294 /** 1295 * Adds and returns a new value for <b>useContext</b> () 1296 * 1297 * <p> 1298 * <b>Definition:</b> 1299 * The content was developed with a focus and intent of supporting the contexts that are listed. These terms may be used to assist with indexing and searching of data element definitions. 1300 * </p> 1301 */ 1302 public CodeableConceptDt addUseContext() { 1303 CodeableConceptDt newType = new CodeableConceptDt(); 1304 getUseContext().add(newType); 1305 return newType; 1306 } 1307 1308 /** 1309 * Adds a given new value for <b>useContext</b> () 1310 * 1311 * <p> 1312 * <b>Definition:</b> 1313 * The content was developed with a focus and intent of supporting the contexts that are listed. These terms may be used to assist with indexing and searching of data element definitions. 1314 * </p> 1315 * @param theValue The useContext to add (must not be <code>null</code>) 1316 */ 1317 public DataElement addUseContext(CodeableConceptDt theValue) { 1318 if (theValue == null) { 1319 throw new NullPointerException("theValue must not be null"); 1320 } 1321 getUseContext().add(theValue); 1322 return this; 1323 } 1324 1325 /** 1326 * Gets the first repetition for <b>useContext</b> (), 1327 * creating it if it does not already exist. 1328 * 1329 * <p> 1330 * <b>Definition:</b> 1331 * The content was developed with a focus and intent of supporting the contexts that are listed. These terms may be used to assist with indexing and searching of data element definitions. 1332 * </p> 1333 */ 1334 public CodeableConceptDt getUseContextFirstRep() { 1335 if (getUseContext().isEmpty()) { 1336 return addUseContext(); 1337 } 1338 return getUseContext().get(0); 1339 } 1340 1341 /** 1342 * Gets the value(s) for <b>copyright</b> (). 1343 * creating it if it does 1344 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1345 * 1346 * <p> 1347 * <b>Definition:</b> 1348 * A copyright statement relating to the definition of the data element. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the details of the definition of the data element 1349 * </p> 1350 */ 1351 public StringDt getCopyrightElement() { 1352 if (myCopyright == null) { 1353 myCopyright = new StringDt(); 1354 } 1355 return myCopyright; 1356 } 1357 1358 1359 /** 1360 * Gets the value(s) for <b>copyright</b> (). 1361 * creating it if it does 1362 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 1363 * 1364 * <p> 1365 * <b>Definition:</b> 1366 * A copyright statement relating to the definition of the data element. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the details of the definition of the data element 1367 * </p> 1368 */ 1369 public String getCopyright() { 1370 return getCopyrightElement().getValue(); 1371 } 1372 1373 /** 1374 * Sets the value(s) for <b>copyright</b> () 1375 * 1376 * <p> 1377 * <b>Definition:</b> 1378 * A copyright statement relating to the definition of the data element. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the details of the definition of the data element 1379 * </p> 1380 */ 1381 public DataElement setCopyright(StringDt theValue) { 1382 myCopyright = theValue; 1383 return this; 1384 } 1385 1386 1387 1388 /** 1389 * Sets the value for <b>copyright</b> () 1390 * 1391 * <p> 1392 * <b>Definition:</b> 1393 * A copyright statement relating to the definition of the data element. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the details of the definition of the data element 1394 * </p> 1395 */ 1396 public DataElement setCopyright( String theString) { 1397 myCopyright = new StringDt(theString); 1398 return this; 1399 } 1400 1401 1402 /** 1403 * Gets the value(s) for <b>stringency</b> (). 1404 * creating it if it does 1405 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1406 * 1407 * <p> 1408 * <b>Definition:</b> 1409 * Identifies how precise the data element is in its definition 1410 * </p> 1411 */ 1412 public BoundCodeDt<DataElementStringencyEnum> getStringencyElement() { 1413 if (myStringency == null) { 1414 myStringency = new BoundCodeDt<DataElementStringencyEnum>(DataElementStringencyEnum.VALUESET_BINDER); 1415 } 1416 return myStringency; 1417 } 1418 1419 1420 /** 1421 * Gets the value(s) for <b>stringency</b> (). 1422 * creating it if it does 1423 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 1424 * 1425 * <p> 1426 * <b>Definition:</b> 1427 * Identifies how precise the data element is in its definition 1428 * </p> 1429 */ 1430 public String getStringency() { 1431 return getStringencyElement().getValue(); 1432 } 1433 1434 /** 1435 * Sets the value(s) for <b>stringency</b> () 1436 * 1437 * <p> 1438 * <b>Definition:</b> 1439 * Identifies how precise the data element is in its definition 1440 * </p> 1441 */ 1442 public DataElement setStringency(BoundCodeDt<DataElementStringencyEnum> theValue) { 1443 myStringency = theValue; 1444 return this; 1445 } 1446 1447 1448 1449 /** 1450 * Sets the value(s) for <b>stringency</b> () 1451 * 1452 * <p> 1453 * <b>Definition:</b> 1454 * Identifies how precise the data element is in its definition 1455 * </p> 1456 */ 1457 public DataElement setStringency(DataElementStringencyEnum theValue) { 1458 setStringency(new BoundCodeDt<DataElementStringencyEnum>(DataElementStringencyEnum.VALUESET_BINDER, theValue)); 1459 1460/* 1461 getStringencyElement().setValueAsEnum(theValue); 1462*/ 1463 return this; 1464 } 1465 1466 1467 /** 1468 * Gets the value(s) for <b>mapping</b> (). 1469 * creating it if it does 1470 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1471 * 1472 * <p> 1473 * <b>Definition:</b> 1474 * Identifies a specification (other than a terminology) that the elements which make up the DataElement have some correspondence with 1475 * </p> 1476 */ 1477 public java.util.List<Mapping> getMapping() { 1478 if (myMapping == null) { 1479 myMapping = new java.util.ArrayList<Mapping>(); 1480 } 1481 return myMapping; 1482 } 1483 1484 /** 1485 * Sets the value(s) for <b>mapping</b> () 1486 * 1487 * <p> 1488 * <b>Definition:</b> 1489 * Identifies a specification (other than a terminology) that the elements which make up the DataElement have some correspondence with 1490 * </p> 1491 */ 1492 public DataElement setMapping(java.util.List<Mapping> theValue) { 1493 myMapping = theValue; 1494 return this; 1495 } 1496 1497 1498 1499 /** 1500 * Adds and returns a new value for <b>mapping</b> () 1501 * 1502 * <p> 1503 * <b>Definition:</b> 1504 * Identifies a specification (other than a terminology) that the elements which make up the DataElement have some correspondence with 1505 * </p> 1506 */ 1507 public Mapping addMapping() { 1508 Mapping newType = new Mapping(); 1509 getMapping().add(newType); 1510 return newType; 1511 } 1512 1513 /** 1514 * Adds a given new value for <b>mapping</b> () 1515 * 1516 * <p> 1517 * <b>Definition:</b> 1518 * Identifies a specification (other than a terminology) that the elements which make up the DataElement have some correspondence with 1519 * </p> 1520 * @param theValue The mapping to add (must not be <code>null</code>) 1521 */ 1522 public DataElement addMapping(Mapping theValue) { 1523 if (theValue == null) { 1524 throw new NullPointerException("theValue must not be null"); 1525 } 1526 getMapping().add(theValue); 1527 return this; 1528 } 1529 1530 /** 1531 * Gets the first repetition for <b>mapping</b> (), 1532 * creating it if it does not already exist. 1533 * 1534 * <p> 1535 * <b>Definition:</b> 1536 * Identifies a specification (other than a terminology) that the elements which make up the DataElement have some correspondence with 1537 * </p> 1538 */ 1539 public Mapping getMappingFirstRep() { 1540 if (getMapping().isEmpty()) { 1541 return addMapping(); 1542 } 1543 return getMapping().get(0); 1544 } 1545 1546 /** 1547 * Gets the value(s) for <b>element</b> (). 1548 * creating it if it does 1549 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1550 * 1551 * <p> 1552 * <b>Definition:</b> 1553 * Defines the structure, type, allowed values and other constraining characteristics of the data element 1554 * </p> 1555 */ 1556 public java.util.List<ElementDefinitionDt> getElement() { 1557 if (myElement == null) { 1558 myElement = new java.util.ArrayList<ElementDefinitionDt>(); 1559 } 1560 return myElement; 1561 } 1562 1563 /** 1564 * Sets the value(s) for <b>element</b> () 1565 * 1566 * <p> 1567 * <b>Definition:</b> 1568 * Defines the structure, type, allowed values and other constraining characteristics of the data element 1569 * </p> 1570 */ 1571 public DataElement setElement(java.util.List<ElementDefinitionDt> theValue) { 1572 myElement = theValue; 1573 return this; 1574 } 1575 1576 1577 1578 /** 1579 * Adds and returns a new value for <b>element</b> () 1580 * 1581 * <p> 1582 * <b>Definition:</b> 1583 * Defines the structure, type, allowed values and other constraining characteristics of the data element 1584 * </p> 1585 */ 1586 public ElementDefinitionDt addElement() { 1587 ElementDefinitionDt newType = new ElementDefinitionDt(); 1588 getElement().add(newType); 1589 return newType; 1590 } 1591 1592 /** 1593 * Adds a given new value for <b>element</b> () 1594 * 1595 * <p> 1596 * <b>Definition:</b> 1597 * Defines the structure, type, allowed values and other constraining characteristics of the data element 1598 * </p> 1599 * @param theValue The element to add (must not be <code>null</code>) 1600 */ 1601 public DataElement addElement(ElementDefinitionDt theValue) { 1602 if (theValue == null) { 1603 throw new NullPointerException("theValue must not be null"); 1604 } 1605 getElement().add(theValue); 1606 return this; 1607 } 1608 1609 /** 1610 * Gets the first repetition for <b>element</b> (), 1611 * creating it if it does not already exist. 1612 * 1613 * <p> 1614 * <b>Definition:</b> 1615 * Defines the structure, type, allowed values and other constraining characteristics of the data element 1616 * </p> 1617 */ 1618 public ElementDefinitionDt getElementFirstRep() { 1619 if (getElement().isEmpty()) { 1620 return addElement(); 1621 } 1622 return getElement().get(0); 1623 } 1624 1625 /** 1626 * Block class for child element: <b>DataElement.contact</b> () 1627 * 1628 * <p> 1629 * <b>Definition:</b> 1630 * Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher 1631 * </p> 1632 */ 1633 @Block() 1634 public static class Contact 1635 extends BaseIdentifiableElement 1636 implements IResourceBlock { 1637 1638 @Child(name="name", type=StringDt.class, order=0, min=0, max=1, summary=true, modifier=false) 1639 @Description( 1640 shortDefinition="", 1641 formalDefinition="The name of an individual to contact regarding the data element" 1642 ) 1643 private StringDt myName; 1644 1645 @Child(name="telecom", type=ContactPointDt.class, order=1, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, summary=true, modifier=false) 1646 @Description( 1647 shortDefinition="", 1648 formalDefinition="Contact details for individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher" 1649 ) 1650 private java.util.List<ContactPointDt> myTelecom; 1651 1652 1653 @Override 1654 public boolean isEmpty() { 1655 return super.isBaseEmpty() && ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil.isEmpty( myName, myTelecom); 1656 } 1657 1658 @Override 1659 public <T extends IElement> List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(Class<T> theType) { 1660 return ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil.allPopulatedChildElements(theType, myName, myTelecom); 1661 } 1662 1663 /** 1664 * Gets the value(s) for <b>name</b> (). 1665 * creating it if it does 1666 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1667 * 1668 * <p> 1669 * <b>Definition:</b> 1670 * The name of an individual to contact regarding the data element 1671 * </p> 1672 */ 1673 public StringDt getNameElement() { 1674 if (myName == null) { 1675 myName = new StringDt(); 1676 } 1677 return myName; 1678 } 1679 1680 1681 /** 1682 * Gets the value(s) for <b>name</b> (). 1683 * creating it if it does 1684 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 1685 * 1686 * <p> 1687 * <b>Definition:</b> 1688 * The name of an individual to contact regarding the data element 1689 * </p> 1690 */ 1691 public String getName() { 1692 return getNameElement().getValue(); 1693 } 1694 1695 /** 1696 * Sets the value(s) for <b>name</b> () 1697 * 1698 * <p> 1699 * <b>Definition:</b> 1700 * The name of an individual to contact regarding the data element 1701 * </p> 1702 */ 1703 public Contact setName(StringDt theValue) { 1704 myName = theValue; 1705 return this; 1706 } 1707 1708 1709 1710 /** 1711 * Sets the value for <b>name</b> () 1712 * 1713 * <p> 1714 * <b>Definition:</b> 1715 * The name of an individual to contact regarding the data element 1716 * </p> 1717 */ 1718 public Contact setName( String theString) { 1719 myName = new StringDt(theString); 1720 return this; 1721 } 1722 1723 1724 /** 1725 * Gets the value(s) for <b>telecom</b> (). 1726 * creating it if it does 1727 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1728 * 1729 * <p> 1730 * <b>Definition:</b> 1731 * Contact details for individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher 1732 * </p> 1733 */ 1734 public java.util.List<ContactPointDt> getTelecom() { 1735 if (myTelecom == null) { 1736 myTelecom = new java.util.ArrayList<ContactPointDt>(); 1737 } 1738 return myTelecom; 1739 } 1740 1741 /** 1742 * Sets the value(s) for <b>telecom</b> () 1743 * 1744 * <p> 1745 * <b>Definition:</b> 1746 * Contact details for individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher 1747 * </p> 1748 */ 1749 public Contact setTelecom(java.util.List<ContactPointDt> theValue) { 1750 myTelecom = theValue; 1751 return this; 1752 } 1753 1754 1755 1756 /** 1757 * Adds and returns a new value for <b>telecom</b> () 1758 * 1759 * <p> 1760 * <b>Definition:</b> 1761 * Contact details for individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher 1762 * </p> 1763 */ 1764 public ContactPointDt addTelecom() { 1765 ContactPointDt newType = new ContactPointDt(); 1766 getTelecom().add(newType); 1767 return newType; 1768 } 1769 1770 /** 1771 * Adds a given new value for <b>telecom</b> () 1772 * 1773 * <p> 1774 * <b>Definition:</b> 1775 * Contact details for individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher 1776 * </p> 1777 * @param theValue The telecom to add (must not be <code>null</code>) 1778 */ 1779 public Contact addTelecom(ContactPointDt theValue) { 1780 if (theValue == null) { 1781 throw new NullPointerException("theValue must not be null"); 1782 } 1783 getTelecom().add(theValue); 1784 return this; 1785 } 1786 1787 /** 1788 * Gets the first repetition for <b>telecom</b> (), 1789 * creating it if it does not already exist. 1790 * 1791 * <p> 1792 * <b>Definition:</b> 1793 * Contact details for individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher 1794 * </p> 1795 */ 1796 public ContactPointDt getTelecomFirstRep() { 1797 if (getTelecom().isEmpty()) { 1798 return addTelecom(); 1799 } 1800 return getTelecom().get(0); 1801 } 1802 1803 1804 1805 } 1806 1807 1808 /** 1809 * Block class for child element: <b>DataElement.mapping</b> () 1810 * 1811 * <p> 1812 * <b>Definition:</b> 1813 * Identifies a specification (other than a terminology) that the elements which make up the DataElement have some correspondence with 1814 * </p> 1815 */ 1816 @Block() 1817 public static class Mapping 1818 extends BaseIdentifiableElement 1819 implements IResourceBlock { 1820 1821 @Child(name="identity", type=IdDt.class, order=0, min=1, max=1, summary=false, modifier=false) 1822 @Description( 1823 shortDefinition="", 1824 formalDefinition="An internal id that is used to identify this mapping set when specific mappings are made on a per-element basis" 1825 ) 1826 private IdDt myIdentity; 1827 1828 @Child(name="uri", type=UriDt.class, order=1, min=0, max=1, summary=false, modifier=false) 1829 @Description( 1830 shortDefinition="", 1831 formalDefinition="An absolute URI that identifies the specification that this mapping is expressed to" 1832 ) 1833 private UriDt myUri; 1834 1835 @Child(name="name", type=StringDt.class, order=2, min=0, max=1, summary=false, modifier=false) 1836 @Description( 1837 shortDefinition="", 1838 formalDefinition="A name for the specification that is being mapped to" 1839 ) 1840 private StringDt myName; 1841 1842 @Child(name="comments", type=StringDt.class, order=3, min=0, max=1, summary=false, modifier=false) 1843 @Description( 1844 shortDefinition="", 1845 formalDefinition="Comments about this mapping, including version notes, issues, scope limitations, and other important notes for usage" 1846 ) 1847 private StringDt myComments; 1848 1849 1850 @Override 1851 public boolean isEmpty() { 1852 return super.isBaseEmpty() && ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil.isEmpty( myIdentity, myUri, myName, myComments); 1853 } 1854 1855 @Override 1856 public <T extends IElement> List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(Class<T> theType) { 1857 return ca.uhn.fhir.util.ElementUtil.allPopulatedChildElements(theType, myIdentity, myUri, myName, myComments); 1858 } 1859 1860 /** 1861 * Gets the value(s) for <b>identity</b> (). 1862 * creating it if it does 1863 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1864 * 1865 * <p> 1866 * <b>Definition:</b> 1867 * An internal id that is used to identify this mapping set when specific mappings are made on a per-element basis 1868 * </p> 1869 */ 1870 public IdDt getIdentityElement() { 1871 if (myIdentity == null) { 1872 myIdentity = new IdDt(); 1873 } 1874 return myIdentity; 1875 } 1876 1877 1878 /** 1879 * Gets the value(s) for <b>identity</b> (). 1880 * creating it if it does 1881 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 1882 * 1883 * <p> 1884 * <b>Definition:</b> 1885 * An internal id that is used to identify this mapping set when specific mappings are made on a per-element basis 1886 * </p> 1887 */ 1888 public String getIdentity() { 1889 return getIdentityElement().getValue(); 1890 } 1891 1892 /** 1893 * Sets the value(s) for <b>identity</b> () 1894 * 1895 * <p> 1896 * <b>Definition:</b> 1897 * An internal id that is used to identify this mapping set when specific mappings are made on a per-element basis 1898 * </p> 1899 */ 1900 public Mapping setIdentity(IdDt theValue) { 1901 myIdentity = theValue; 1902 return this; 1903 } 1904 1905 1906 1907 /** 1908 * Sets the value for <b>identity</b> () 1909 * 1910 * <p> 1911 * <b>Definition:</b> 1912 * An internal id that is used to identify this mapping set when specific mappings are made on a per-element basis 1913 * </p> 1914 */ 1915 public Mapping setIdentity( String theId) { 1916 myIdentity = new IdDt(theId); 1917 return this; 1918 } 1919 1920 1921 /** 1922 * Gets the value(s) for <b>uri</b> (). 1923 * creating it if it does 1924 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1925 * 1926 * <p> 1927 * <b>Definition:</b> 1928 * An absolute URI that identifies the specification that this mapping is expressed to 1929 * </p> 1930 */ 1931 public UriDt getUriElement() { 1932 if (myUri == null) { 1933 myUri = new UriDt(); 1934 } 1935 return myUri; 1936 } 1937 1938 1939 /** 1940 * Gets the value(s) for <b>uri</b> (). 1941 * creating it if it does 1942 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 1943 * 1944 * <p> 1945 * <b>Definition:</b> 1946 * An absolute URI that identifies the specification that this mapping is expressed to 1947 * </p> 1948 */ 1949 public String getUri() { 1950 return getUriElement().getValue(); 1951 } 1952 1953 /** 1954 * Sets the value(s) for <b>uri</b> () 1955 * 1956 * <p> 1957 * <b>Definition:</b> 1958 * An absolute URI that identifies the specification that this mapping is expressed to 1959 * </p> 1960 */ 1961 public Mapping setUri(UriDt theValue) { 1962 myUri = theValue; 1963 return this; 1964 } 1965 1966 1967 1968 /** 1969 * Sets the value for <b>uri</b> () 1970 * 1971 * <p> 1972 * <b>Definition:</b> 1973 * An absolute URI that identifies the specification that this mapping is expressed to 1974 * </p> 1975 */ 1976 public Mapping setUri( String theUri) { 1977 myUri = new UriDt(theUri); 1978 return this; 1979 } 1980 1981 1982 /** 1983 * Gets the value(s) for <b>name</b> (). 1984 * creating it if it does 1985 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 1986 * 1987 * <p> 1988 * <b>Definition:</b> 1989 * A name for the specification that is being mapped to 1990 * </p> 1991 */ 1992 public StringDt getNameElement() { 1993 if (myName == null) { 1994 myName = new StringDt(); 1995 } 1996 return myName; 1997 } 1998 1999 2000 /** 2001 * Gets the value(s) for <b>name</b> (). 2002 * creating it if it does 2003 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 2004 * 2005 * <p> 2006 * <b>Definition:</b> 2007 * A name for the specification that is being mapped to 2008 * </p> 2009 */ 2010 public String getName() { 2011 return getNameElement().getValue(); 2012 } 2013 2014 /** 2015 * Sets the value(s) for <b>name</b> () 2016 * 2017 * <p> 2018 * <b>Definition:</b> 2019 * A name for the specification that is being mapped to 2020 * </p> 2021 */ 2022 public Mapping setName(StringDt theValue) { 2023 myName = theValue; 2024 return this; 2025 } 2026 2027 2028 2029 /** 2030 * Sets the value for <b>name</b> () 2031 * 2032 * <p> 2033 * <b>Definition:</b> 2034 * A name for the specification that is being mapped to 2035 * </p> 2036 */ 2037 public Mapping setName( String theString) { 2038 myName = new StringDt(theString); 2039 return this; 2040 } 2041 2042 2043 /** 2044 * Gets the value(s) for <b>comments</b> (). 2045 * creating it if it does 2046 * not exist. Will not return <code>null</code>. 2047 * 2048 * <p> 2049 * <b>Definition:</b> 2050 * Comments about this mapping, including version notes, issues, scope limitations, and other important notes for usage 2051 * </p> 2052 */ 2053 public StringDt getCommentsElement() { 2054 if (myComments == null) { 2055 myComments = new StringDt(); 2056 } 2057 return myComments; 2058 } 2059 2060 2061 /** 2062 * Gets the value(s) for <b>comments</b> (). 2063 * creating it if it does 2064 * not exist. This method may return <code>null</code>. 2065 * 2066 * <p> 2067 * <b>Definition:</b> 2068 * Comments about this mapping, including version notes, issues, scope limitations, and other important notes for usage 2069 * </p> 2070 */ 2071 public String getComments() { 2072 return getCommentsElement().getValue(); 2073 } 2074 2075 /** 2076 * Sets the value(s) for <b>comments</b> () 2077 * 2078 * <p> 2079 * <b>Definition:</b> 2080 * Comments about this mapping, including version notes, issues, scope limitations, and other important notes for usage 2081 * </p> 2082 */ 2083 public Mapping setComments(StringDt theValue) { 2084 myComments = theValue; 2085 return this; 2086 } 2087 2088 2089 2090 /** 2091 * Sets the value for <b>comments</b> () 2092 * 2093 * <p> 2094 * <b>Definition:</b> 2095 * Comments about this mapping, including version notes, issues, scope limitations, and other important notes for usage 2096 * </p> 2097 */ 2098 public Mapping setComments( String theString) { 2099 myComments = new StringDt(theString); 2100 return this; 2101 } 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 } 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 @Override 2112 public String getResourceName() { 2113 return "DataElement"; 2114 } 2115 2116 public ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirVersionEnum getStructureFhirVersionEnum() { 2117 return ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirVersionEnum.DSTU2; 2118 } 2119 2120 2121}