001package org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems;
004  Copyright (c) 2011+, HL7, Inc.
005  All rights reserved.
007  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, 
008  are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
010   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this 
011     list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
012   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 
013     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 
014     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
015   * Neither the name of HL7 nor the names of its contributors may be used to 
016     endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific 
017     prior written permission.
032// Generated on Wed, Jan 30, 2019 16:19-0500 for FHIR v4.0.0
034import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException;
036public enum V3HL7StandardVersionCode {
038  /**
039   * The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft
040   * artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in January
041   * 2008.
042   */
043  BALLOT2008JAN,
044  /**
045   * The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft
046   * artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in May 2008.
047   */
048  BALLOT2008MAY,
049  /**
050   * The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft
051   * artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in September
052   * 2008.
053   */
054  BALLOT2008SEP,
055  /**
056   * The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft
057   * artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in January
058   * 2009.
059   */
060  BALLOT2009JAN,
061  /**
062   * The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft
063   * artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in May 2009.
064   */
065  BALLOT2009MAY,
066  /**
067   * The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft
068   * artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in September
069   * 2009.
070   */
071  BALLOT2009SEP,
072  /**
073   * Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and
074   * draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in
075   * January 2010.
076   */
077  BALLOT2010JAN,
078  /**
079   * Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and
080   * draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in May
081   * 2010.
082   */
083  BALLOT2010MAY,
084  /**
085   * Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and
086   * draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in
087   * September 2010.
088   */
089  BALLOT2010SEP,
090  /**
091   * Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and
092   * draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in
093   * January 2011.
094   */
095  BALLOT2011JAN,
096  /**
097   * Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and
098   * draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in May
099   * 2011.
100   */
101  BALLOT2011MAY,
102  /**
103   * Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and
104   * draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in
105   * September 2011.
106   */
107  BALLOT2011SEP,
108  /**
109   * Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and
110   * draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in
111   * January 2012.
112   */
113  BALLOT2012JAN,
114  /**
115   * Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and
116   * draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in May
117   * 2012.
118   */
119  BALLOT2012MAY,
120  /**
121   * Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and
122   * draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in
123   * September 2012.
124   */
125  BALLOT2012SEP,
126  /**
127   * The consistent set of messaging artefacts as published or contained in
128   * repositories in December of 2003, based on the latest version of any V3
129   * models or artefacts (RIM, Datatypes, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) as
130   * available in December of 2003. Note: This versioncode does not cover the
131   * version of the XML ITS.
132   */
133  V3200312,
134  /**
135   * Description:The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as
136   * published or contained in repositories in December of 2004, based on the
137   * latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Datatypes, CMETS, Common
138   * Messages, Vocabularies) as published under the title of Normative Edition
139   * 2005. Note: This versioncode does not cover the version of the XML ITS.
140   */
141  V32005N,
142  /**
143   * Description:The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as
144   * published or contained in repositories in December of 2005, based on the
145   * latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Datatypes, CMETS, Common
146   * Messages, Vocabularies) as published under the title of Normative Edition
147   * 2006. Note: This versioncode does not cover the version of the XML ITS.
148   */
149  V32006N,
150  /**
151   * Definition: The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as
152   * published or contained in repositories in December of 2007, based on the
153   * latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Data Types, CMETS, Common
154   * Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2008.
155   * Note: This version code does not cover the version of the XML ITS.
156   */
157  V32008N,
158  /**
159   * Description: The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as
160   * published or contained in repositories in December of 2008, based on the
161   * latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Data Types, CMETS, Common
162   * Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2009.
163   * Note: This version code does not cover the version of the XML ITS.
164   */
165  V32009N,
166  /**
167   * Definition: The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as
168   * published or contained in repositories in December of 2009, based on the
169   * latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Data Types, CMETS, Common
170   * Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2010.
171   * Note: This version code does not cover the version of the XML ITS.
172   */
173  V32010N,
174  /**
175   * Definition: The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as
176   * published or contained in repositories in December of 2010, based on the
177   * latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Data Types, CMETS, Common
178   * Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2011.
179   * Note: This version code does not cover the version of the XML ITS.
180   */
181  V32011N,
182  /**
183   * Definition: The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as
184   * published or contained in repositories in December of 2011, based on the
185   * latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Data Types, CMETS, Common
186   * Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2012.
187   * Note: This version code does not cover the version of the XML ITS.
188   */
189  V32012N,
190  /**
191   * Includes all material published as part of the ballot package released for
192   * vote in July-August 2003.
193   */
194  V3PR1,
195  /**
196   * Description:The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as
197   * published or contained in repositories in December of 2006, based on the
198   * latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Datatypes, CMETS, Common
199   * Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2007.
200   * Note: This versioncode does not cover the version of the XML ITS.
201   */
202  V32007N,
203  /**
204   * added to help the parsers
205   */
206  NULL;
208  public static V3HL7StandardVersionCode fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException {
209    if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString))
210      return null;
211    if ("Ballot2008Jan".equals(codeString))
212      return BALLOT2008JAN;
213    if ("Ballot2008May".equals(codeString))
214      return BALLOT2008MAY;
215    if ("Ballot2008Sep".equals(codeString))
216      return BALLOT2008SEP;
217    if ("Ballot2009Jan".equals(codeString))
218      return BALLOT2009JAN;
219    if ("Ballot2009May".equals(codeString))
220      return BALLOT2009MAY;
221    if ("Ballot2009Sep".equals(codeString))
222      return BALLOT2009SEP;
223    if ("Ballot2010Jan".equals(codeString))
224      return BALLOT2010JAN;
225    if ("Ballot2010May".equals(codeString))
226      return BALLOT2010MAY;
227    if ("Ballot2010Sep".equals(codeString))
228      return BALLOT2010SEP;
229    if ("Ballot2011Jan".equals(codeString))
230      return BALLOT2011JAN;
231    if ("Ballot2011May".equals(codeString))
232      return BALLOT2011MAY;
233    if ("Ballot2011Sep".equals(codeString))
234      return BALLOT2011SEP;
235    if ("Ballot2012Jan".equals(codeString))
236      return BALLOT2012JAN;
237    if ("Ballot2012May".equals(codeString))
238      return BALLOT2012MAY;
239    if ("Ballot2012Sep".equals(codeString))
240      return BALLOT2012SEP;
241    if ("V3-2003-12".equals(codeString))
242      return V3200312;
243    if ("V3-2005N".equals(codeString))
244      return V32005N;
245    if ("V3-2006N".equals(codeString))
246      return V32006N;
247    if ("V3-2008N".equals(codeString))
248      return V32008N;
249    if ("V3-2009N".equals(codeString))
250      return V32009N;
251    if ("V3-2010N".equals(codeString))
252      return V32010N;
253    if ("V3-2011N".equals(codeString))
254      return V32011N;
255    if ("V3-2012N".equals(codeString))
256      return V32012N;
257    if ("V3PR1".equals(codeString))
258      return V3PR1;
259    if ("V3-2007N".equals(codeString))
260      return V32007N;
261    throw new FHIRException("Unknown V3HL7StandardVersionCode code '" + codeString + "'");
262  }
264  public String toCode() {
265    switch (this) {
266    case BALLOT2008JAN:
267      return "Ballot2008Jan";
268    case BALLOT2008MAY:
269      return "Ballot2008May";
270    case BALLOT2008SEP:
271      return "Ballot2008Sep";
272    case BALLOT2009JAN:
273      return "Ballot2009Jan";
274    case BALLOT2009MAY:
275      return "Ballot2009May";
276    case BALLOT2009SEP:
277      return "Ballot2009Sep";
278    case BALLOT2010JAN:
279      return "Ballot2010Jan";
280    case BALLOT2010MAY:
281      return "Ballot2010May";
282    case BALLOT2010SEP:
283      return "Ballot2010Sep";
284    case BALLOT2011JAN:
285      return "Ballot2011Jan";
286    case BALLOT2011MAY:
287      return "Ballot2011May";
288    case BALLOT2011SEP:
289      return "Ballot2011Sep";
290    case BALLOT2012JAN:
291      return "Ballot2012Jan";
292    case BALLOT2012MAY:
293      return "Ballot2012May";
294    case BALLOT2012SEP:
295      return "Ballot2012Sep";
296    case V3200312:
297      return "V3-2003-12";
298    case V32005N:
299      return "V3-2005N";
300    case V32006N:
301      return "V3-2006N";
302    case V32008N:
303      return "V3-2008N";
304    case V32009N:
305      return "V3-2009N";
306    case V32010N:
307      return "V3-2010N";
308    case V32011N:
309      return "V3-2011N";
310    case V32012N:
311      return "V3-2012N";
312    case V3PR1:
313      return "V3PR1";
314    case V32007N:
315      return "V3-2007N";
316    case NULL:
317      return null;
318    default:
319      return "?";
320    }
321  }
323  public String getSystem() {
324    return "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-HL7StandardVersionCode";
325  }
327  public String getDefinition() {
328    switch (this) {
329    case BALLOT2008JAN:
330      return "The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in January 2008.";
331    case BALLOT2008MAY:
332      return "The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in May 2008.";
333    case BALLOT2008SEP:
334      return "The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in September 2008.";
335    case BALLOT2009JAN:
336      return "The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in January 2009.";
337    case BALLOT2009MAY:
338      return "The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in May 2009.";
339    case BALLOT2009SEP:
340      return "The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in September 2009.";
341    case BALLOT2010JAN:
342      return "Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in January 2010.";
343    case BALLOT2010MAY:
344      return "Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in May 2010.";
345    case BALLOT2010SEP:
346      return "Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in September 2010.";
347    case BALLOT2011JAN:
348      return "Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in January 2011.";
349    case BALLOT2011MAY:
350      return "Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in May 2011.";
351    case BALLOT2011SEP:
352      return "Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in September 2011.";
353    case BALLOT2012JAN:
354      return "Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in January 2012.";
355    case BALLOT2012MAY:
356      return "Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in May 2012.";
357    case BALLOT2012SEP:
358      return "Definition: The complete set of normative, DSTU, proposed (under ballot) and draft artifacts as published in the ballot whose ballot cycle ended in September 2012.";
359    case V3200312:
360      return "The consistent set of messaging artefacts as published or contained in repositories in December of 2003, based on the latest version of any V3 models or artefacts (RIM, Datatypes, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) as available in December of 2003. Note: This versioncode does not cover the version of the XML ITS.";
361    case V32005N:
362      return "Description:The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as published or contained in repositories in December of 2004, based on the latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Datatypes, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) as published under the title of Normative Edition 2005. Note: This versioncode does not cover the version of the XML ITS.";
363    case V32006N:
364      return "Description:The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as published or contained in repositories in December of 2005, based on the latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Datatypes, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) as published under the title of Normative Edition 2006. Note: This versioncode does not cover the version of the XML ITS.";
365    case V32008N:
366      return "Definition: The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as published or contained in repositories in December of 2007, based on the latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Data Types, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2008. Note: This version code does not cover the version of the XML ITS.";
367    case V32009N:
368      return "Description: The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as published or contained in repositories in December of 2008, based on the latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Data Types, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2009. Note: This version code does not cover the version of the XML ITS.";
369    case V32010N:
370      return "Definition: The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as published or contained in repositories in December of 2009, based on the latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Data Types, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2010. Note: This version code does not cover the version of the XML ITS.";
371    case V32011N:
372      return "Definition: The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as published or contained in repositories in December of 2010, based on the latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Data Types, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2011. Note: This version code does not cover the version of the XML ITS.";
373    case V32012N:
374      return "Definition: The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as published or contained in repositories in December of 2011, based on the latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Data Types, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2012. Note: This version code does not cover the version of the XML ITS.";
375    case V3PR1:
376      return "Includes all material published as part of the ballot package released for vote in July-August 2003.";
377    case V32007N:
378      return "Description:The consistent set of normative and DSTU messaging artifacts as published or contained in repositories in December of 2006, based on the latest version of any V3 models or artifacts (RIM, Datatypes, CMETS, Common Messages, Vocabularies) published under the title of Normative Edition 2007. Note: This versioncode does not cover the version of the XML ITS.";
379    case NULL:
380      return null;
381    default:
382      return "?";
383    }
384  }
386  public String getDisplay() {
387    switch (this) {
388    case BALLOT2008JAN:
389      return "Ballot 2008 January";
390    case BALLOT2008MAY:
391      return "Ballot 2008 May";
392    case BALLOT2008SEP:
393      return "Ballot 2008 September";
394    case BALLOT2009JAN:
395      return "Ballot 2009 January";
396    case BALLOT2009MAY:
397      return "Ballot 2009 May";
398    case BALLOT2009SEP:
399      return "Ballot 2009 September";
400    case BALLOT2010JAN:
401      return "Ballot 2010 Jan";
402    case BALLOT2010MAY:
403      return "Ballot 2010 May";
404    case BALLOT2010SEP:
405      return "Ballot 2010 Sep";
406    case BALLOT2011JAN:
407      return "Ballot 2011 Jan";
408    case BALLOT2011MAY:
409      return "Ballot 2011 May";
410    case BALLOT2011SEP:
411      return "Ballot 2011 Sep";
412    case BALLOT2012JAN:
413      return "Ballot 2012 Jan";
414    case BALLOT2012MAY:
415      return "Ballot 2012 May";
416    case BALLOT2012SEP:
417      return "Ballot 2012 Sep";
418    case V3200312:
419      return "HL7 Version V3-2003-12";
420    case V32005N:
421      return "2005 Normative Edition";
422    case V32006N:
423      return "2006 Normative Edition";
424    case V32008N:
425      return "2008 Normative Edition";
426    case V32009N:
427      return "2009 Normative Edition";
428    case V32010N:
429      return "2010 Normative Edition";
430    case V32011N:
431      return "2011 Normative Edition";
432    case V32012N:
433      return "2012 Normative Edition";
434    case V3PR1:
435      return "Version3 Pre-release #1";
436    case V32007N:
437      return "2007 Normative Edition";
438    case NULL:
439      return null;
440    default:
441      return "?";
442    }
443  }