Package org.hl7.fhir.r5.utils
package org.hl7.fhir.r5.utils
ClassDescriptionDataTypeVisitor.IDatatypeVisitor<T extends DataType>Deprecated.This interface only exists to provide backward compatibility for the following two projects: clinical-reasoning clinical_quality-language Due to a circular dependency, they cannot be updated without a release of HAPI, which requires backwards compatibility with core version clas smaps between the jurisdictions defined for CanonicalResource.jurisdiction and Java LocaleThis class takes a profile, and builds a questionnaire from it If you then convert this questionnaire to a form using the XMLTools form builder, and then take the QuestionnaireResponse this creates, you can use QuestionnaireInstanceConvert to build an instance the conforms to the profile FHIR context: conceptLocator, codeSystems, valueSets, maps, client, profiles You don"t have to provide any of these, but the more you provide, the better the conversion will beDecoration utilities for various resource typesthis is the version of the library, as opposed to the version of FHIR