Class FhirTerser


public class FhirTerser extends Object
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • cloneInto

      public IBase cloneInto(IBase theSource, IBase theTarget, boolean theIgnoreMissingFields)
      Clones all values from a source object into the equivalent fields in a target object
      theSource - The source object (must not be null)
      theTarget - The target object to copy values into (must not be null)
      theIgnoreMissingFields - The ignore fields in the target which do not exist (if false, an exception will be thrown if the target is unable to accept a value from the source)
      Returns the target (which will be the same object that was passed into theTarget) for easy chaining
    • getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType

      public <T extends IBase> List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(IBaseResource theResource, Class<T> theType)
      Returns a list containing all child elements (including the resource itself) which are non-empty and are either of the exact type specified, or are a subclass of that type.

      For example, specifying a type of StringDt would return all non-empty string instances within the message. Specifying a type of IResource would return the resource itself, as well as any contained resources.

      Note on scope: This method will descend into any contained resources (IResource.getContained()) as well, but will not descend into linked resources (e.g. BaseResourceReferenceDt.getResource()) or embedded resources (e.g. Bundle.entry.resource)

      theResource - The resource instance to search. Must not be null.
      theType - The type to search for. Must not be null.
      Returns a list of all matching elements
    • getAllResourceReferences

      Extracts all outbound references from a resource
      theResource - the resource to be analyzed
      a list of references to other resources
    • getAllResourceReferencesExcluding

      Extracts all outbound references from a resource, excluding any that are located on black-listed parts of the resource
      theResource - the resource to be analyzed
      thePathsToExclude - a list of dot-delimited paths not to include in the result
      a list of references to other resources
    • getDefinition

      public BaseRuntimeChildDefinition getDefinition(Class<? extends IBaseResource> theResourceType, String thePath)
    • getSingleValueOrNull

      public Object getSingleValueOrNull(IBase theTarget, String thePath)
    • getSingleValueOrNull

      public <T extends IBase> T getSingleValueOrNull(IBase theTarget, String thePath, Class<T> theWantedType)
    • getSinglePrimitiveValue

      public Optional<String> getSinglePrimitiveValue(IBase theTarget, String thePath)
    • getSinglePrimitiveValueOrNull

      public String getSinglePrimitiveValueOrNull(IBase theTarget, String thePath)
    • getSingleValue

      public <T extends IBase> Optional<T> getSingleValue(IBase theTarget, String thePath, Class<T> theWantedType)
    • getValues

      public List<IBase> getValues(IBase theElement, String thePath)
      Returns values stored in an element identified by its path. The list of values is of type Object.
      theElement - The element to be accessed. Must not be null.
      thePath - The path for the element to be accessed.@param theElement The resource instance to be accessed. Must not be null.
      A list of values of type Object.
    • getValues

      public List<IBase> getValues(IBase theElement, String thePath, boolean theCreate)
      Returns values stored in an element identified by its path. The list of values is of type Object.
      theElement - The element to be accessed. Must not be null.
      thePath - The path for the element to be accessed.
      theCreate - When set to true, the terser will create a null-valued element where none exists.
      A list of values of type Object.
    • getValues

      public List<IBase> getValues(IBase theElement, String thePath, boolean theCreate, boolean theAddExtension)
      Returns values stored in an element identified by its path. The list of values is of type Object.
      theElement - The element to be accessed. Must not be null.
      thePath - The path for the element to be accessed.
      theCreate - When set to true, the terser will create a null-valued element where none exists.
      theAddExtension - When set to true, the terser will add a null-valued extension where one or more such extensions already exist.
      A list of values of type Object.
    • getValues

      public <T extends IBase> List<T> getValues(IBase theElement, String thePath, Class<T> theWantedClass)
      Returns values stored in an element identified by its path. The list of values is of type theWantedClass.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type declared by theWantedClass
      theElement - The element to be accessed. Must not be null.
      thePath - The path for the element to be accessed.
      theWantedClass - The desired class to be returned in a list.
      A list of values of type theWantedClass.
    • getValues

      public <T extends IBase> List<T> getValues(IBase theElement, String thePath, Class<T> theWantedClass, boolean theCreate)
      Returns values stored in an element identified by its path. The list of values is of type theWantedClass.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type declared by theWantedClass
      theElement - The element to be accessed. Must not be null.
      thePath - The path for the element to be accessed.
      theWantedClass - The desired class to be returned in a list.
      theCreate - When set to true, the terser will create a null-valued element where none exists.
      A list of values of type theWantedClass.
    • getValues

      public <T extends IBase> List<T> getValues(IBase theElement, String thePath, Class<T> theWantedClass, boolean theCreate, boolean theAddExtension)
      Returns values stored in an element identified by its path. The list of values is of type theWantedClass.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type declared by theWantedClass
      theElement - The element to be accessed. Must not be null.
      thePath - The path for the element to be accessed.
      theWantedClass - The desired class to be returned in a list.
      theCreate - When set to true, the terser will create a null-valued element where none exists.
      theAddExtension - When set to true, the terser will add a null-valued extension where one or more such extensions already exist.
      A list of values of type theWantedClass.
    • isSourceInCompartmentForTarget

      public boolean isSourceInCompartmentForTarget(String theCompartmentName, IBaseResource theSource, IIdType theTarget)
      Returns true if theSource is in the compartment named theCompartmentName belonging to resource theTarget
      theCompartmentName - The name of the compartment
      theSource - The potential member of the compartment
      theTarget - The owner of the compartment. Note that both the resource type and ID must be filled in on this IIdType or the method will throw an IllegalArgumentException
      true if theSource is in the compartment
      IllegalArgumentException - If theTarget does not contain both a resource type and ID
    • isSourceInCompartmentForTarget

      public boolean isSourceInCompartmentForTarget(String theCompartmentName, IBaseResource theSource, IIdType theTarget, Set<String> theAdditionalCompartmentParamNames)
      Returns true if theSource is in the compartment named theCompartmentName belonging to resource theTarget
      theCompartmentName - The name of the compartment
      theSource - The potential member of the compartment
      theTarget - The owner of the compartment. Note that both the resource type and ID must be filled in on this IIdType or the method will throw an IllegalArgumentException
      theAdditionalCompartmentParamNames - If provided, search param names provided here will be considered as included in the given compartment for this comparison.
      true if theSource is in the compartment or one of the additional parameters matched.
      IllegalArgumentException - If theTarget does not contain both a resource type and ID
    • getCompartmentOwnersForResource

      @Nonnull public List<IIdType> getCompartmentOwnersForResource(String theCompartmentName, IBaseResource theSource, Set<String> theAdditionalCompartmentParamNames)
      Returns the owners of the compartment in theSource is in the compartment named theCompartmentName.
      theCompartmentName - The name of the compartment
      theSource - The potential member of the compartment
      theAdditionalCompartmentParamNames - If provided, search param names provided here will be considered as included in the given compartment for this comparison.
    • visit

      public void visit(IBaseResource theResource, IModelVisitor theVisitor)
      Visit all elements in a given resource

      Note on scope: This method will descend into any contained resources (IResource.getContained()) as well, but will not descend into linked resources (e.g. BaseResourceReferenceDt.getResource()) or embedded resources (e.g. Bundle.entry.resource)

      theResource - The resource to visit
      theVisitor - The visitor
    • newMap

      public Map<Object,Object> newMap()
    • visit

      public void visit(IBase theElement, IModelVisitor2 theVisitor)
      Visit all elements in a given resource or element


      Note on scope: This method will descend into any contained resources (IResource.getContained()) as well, but will not descend into linked resources (e.g. BaseResourceReferenceDt.getResource()) or embedded resources (e.g. Bundle.entry.resource)

      theElement - The element to visit
      theVisitor - The visitor
    • getAllEmbeddedResources

      public Collection<IBaseResource> getAllEmbeddedResources(IBaseResource theResource, boolean theRecurse)
      Returns all embedded resources that are found embedded within theResource. An embedded resource is a resource that can be found as a direct child within a resource, as opposed to being referenced by the resource.

      Examples include resources found within Bundle.entry.resource and Parameters.parameter.resource, as well as contained resources found within Resource.contained

      theRecurse - Should embedded resources be recursively scanned for further embedded resources
      A collection containing the embedded resources. Order is arbitrary.
    • clear

      public void clear(IBaseResource theInput)
      Clear all content on a resource
    • containResources

      Iterate through the whole resource and identify any contained resources. Optionally this method can also assign IDs and modify references where the resource link has been specified but not the reference text.
    • addElement

      @Nonnull public <T extends IBase> T addElement(@Nonnull IBase theTarget, @Nonnull String thePath)
      Adds and returns a new element at the given path within the given structure. The paths used here are not FHIRPath expressions but instead just simple dot-separated path expressions.

      Only the last entry in the path is always created, existing repetitions of elements before the final dot are returned if they exists (although they are created if they do not). For example, given the path, a new repetition of given is always added to the first (index 0) repetition of the name. If an index-0 repetition of name already exists, it is added to. If one does not exist, it if created and then added to.

      If the last element in the path refers to a non-repeatable element that is already present and is not empty, a DataFormatException error will be thrown.

      theTarget - The element to add to. This will often be a resource instance, but does not need to be.
      thePath - The path.
      The newly added element
      DataFormatException - If the path is invalid or does not end with either a repeatable element, or an element that is non-repeatable but not already populated.
    • addElement

      @Nonnull public <T extends IBase> T addElement(@Nonnull IBase theTarget, @Nonnull String thePath, @Nullable String theValue)
      Adds and returns a new element at the given path within the given structure. The paths used here are not FHIRPath expressions but instead just simple dot-separated path expressions.

      This method follows all of the same semantics as addElement(IBase, String) but it requires the path to point to an element with a primitive datatype and set the value of the datatype to the given value.

      theTarget - The element to add to. This will often be a resource instance, but does not need to be.
      thePath - The path.
      theValue - The value to set, or null.
      The newly added element
      DataFormatException - If the path is invalid or does not end with either a repeatable element, or an element that is non-repeatable but not already populated.
    • setElement

      @Nonnull public <T extends IBase> T setElement(@Nonnull IBase theTarget, @Nonnull String thePath, @Nullable String theValue)
      Adds and returns a new element at the given path within the given structure. The paths used here are not FHIRPath expressions but instead just simple dot-separated path expressions.

      This method follows all of the same semantics as addElement(IBase, String) but it requires the path to point to an element with a primitive datatype and set the value of the datatype to the given value.

      theTarget - The element to add to. This will often be a resource instance, but does not need to be.
      thePath - The path.
      theValue - The value to set, or null.
      The newly added element
      DataFormatException - If the path is invalid or does not end with either a repeatable element, or an element that is non-repeatable but not already populated.
    • addElements

      public void addElements(IBase theTarget, String thePath, Collection<String> theValues)
      This method has the same semantics as addElement(IBase, String, String) but adds a collection of primitives instead of a single one.
      theTarget - The element to add to. This will often be a resource instance, but does not need to be.
      thePath - The path.
      theValues - The values to set, or null.
    • clone

      public <T extends IBaseResource> T clone(T theSource)
      Clones a resource object, copying all data elements from theSource into a new copy of the same type.

      Note that:

      • Only FHIR data elements are copied (i.e. user data maps are not copied)
      • If a class extending a HAPI FHIR type (e.g. an instance of a class extending the Patient class) is supplied, an instance of the base type will be returned.
      theSource - The source resource
      A copy of the source resource