Class TerserUtil


public final class TerserUtil extends Object
  • Field Details Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • cloneIdentifierIntoResource Link icon

      public static void cloneIdentifierIntoResource(FhirContext theFhirContext, BaseRuntimeChildDefinition theIdentifierDefinition, IBase theNewIdentifier, IBaseResource theResourceToCloneInto)
      Given an Child Definition of `identifier`, a R4/DSTU3 Identifier, and a new resource, clone the identifier into that resources' identifier list if it is not already present.
    • hasValues Link icon

      public static boolean hasValues(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theResource, String theFieldName)
      Checks if the specified fields has any values
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theResource - Resource to check if the specified field is set
      theFieldName - name of the field to check
      Returns true if field exists and has any values set, and false otherwise
    • getValues Link icon

      public static List<IBase> getValues(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theResource, String theFieldName)
      Gets all values of the specified field.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theResource - Resource to check if the specified field is set
      theFieldName - name of the field to check
      Returns all values for the specified field or null if field with the provided name doesn't exist
    • getValueFirstRep Link icon

      public static IBase getValueFirstRep(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theResource, String theFieldName)
      Gets the first available value for the specified field.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theResource - Resource to check if the specified field is set
      theFieldName - name of the field to check
      Returns the first value for the specified field or null if field with the provided name doesn't exist or has no values
    • cloneCompositeField Link icon

      public static void cloneCompositeField(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theFrom, IBaseResource theTo, String theField)
      Clones specified composite field (collection). Composite field values must conform to the collections contract.
      theFrom - Resource to clone the specified field from
      theTo - Resource to clone the specified field to
      theField - Field name to be copied
    • equals Link icon

      public static boolean equals(IBase theItem1, IBase theItem2)
      Checks if two items are equal via EQUALS_DEEP method
      theItem1 - First item to compare
      theItem2 - Second item to compare
      Returns true if they are equal and false otherwise
    • mergeAllFields Link icon

      public static void mergeAllFields(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theFrom, IBaseResource theTo)
      Merges all fields on the provided instance. theTo will contain a union of all values from theFrom instance and theTo instance.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFrom - The resource to merge the fields from
      theTo - The resource to merge the fields into
    • replaceFields Link icon

      public static void replaceFields(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theFrom, IBaseResource theTo, Predicate<String> theFieldNameInclusion)
      Replaces all fields that have matching field names by the given inclusion strategy. theTo will contain a copy of the values from theFrom instance.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFrom - The resource to merge the fields from
      theTo - The resource to merge the fields into
      theFieldNameInclusion - Inclusion strategy that checks if a given field should be replaced
    • replaceFieldsByPredicate Link icon

      public static void replaceFieldsByPredicate(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theFrom, IBaseResource theTo, Predicate<org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple<BaseRuntimeChildDefinition,IBase,IBase>> thePredicate)
      Replaces fields on theTo resource that test positive by the given predicate. theTo will contain a copy of the values from theFrom for which predicate tests positive. Please note that composite fields will be replaced fully.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFrom - The resource to merge the fields from
      theTo - The resource to merge the fields into
      thePredicate - Predicate that checks if a given field should be replaced
    • fieldExists Link icon

      public static boolean fieldExists(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theFieldName, IBaseResource theInstance)
      Checks if the field exists on the resource
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFieldName - Name of the field to check
      theInstance - Resource instance to check
      Returns true if resource definition has a child with the specified name and false otherwise
    • replaceField Link icon

      public static void replaceField(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theFieldName, IBaseResource theFrom, IBaseResource theTo)
      Replaces the specified fields on theTo resource with the value from theFrom resource.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFrom - The resource to replace the field from
      theTo - The resource to replace the field on
    • clearField Link icon

      public static void clearField(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theResource, String theFieldName)
      Clears the specified field on the resource provided
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theResource -
      theFieldName -
    • clearFieldByFhirPath Link icon

      public static void clearFieldByFhirPath(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theResource, String theFhirPath)
      Clears the specified field on the resource provided by the FHIRPath. If more than one value matches the FHIRPath, all values will be cleared.
      theFhirContext -
      theResource -
      theFhirPath -
    • clearField Link icon

      public static void clearField(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theFieldName, IBase theBase)
      Clears the specified field on the element provided
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFieldName - Name of the field to clear values for
      theBase - The element definition to clear values on
    • setField Link icon

      public static void setField(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theFieldName, IBaseResource theResource, IBase... theValues)
      Sets the provided field with the given values. This method will add to the collection of existing field values in case of multiple cardinality. Use clearField(FhirContext, IBaseResource, String) to remove values before setting
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFieldName - Child field name of the resource to set
      theResource - The resource to set the values on
      theValues - The values to set on the resource child field name
    • setField Link icon

      public static void setField(FhirContext theFhirContext, FhirTerser theTerser, String theFieldName, IBaseResource theResource, IBase... theValues)
      Sets the provided field with the given values. This method will add to the collection of existing field values in case of multiple cardinality. Use clearField(FhirContext, IBaseResource, String) to remove values before setting
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theTerser - Terser to be used when cloning field values
      theFieldName - Child field name of the resource to set
      theResource - The resource to set the values on
      theValues - The values to set on the resource child field name
    • setStringField Link icon

      public static void setStringField(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theFieldName, IBaseResource theResource, String theValue)
      Sets the provided field with the given values. This method will add to the collection of existing field values in case of multiple cardinality. Use clearField(FhirContext, IBaseResource, String) to remove values before setting
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFieldName - Child field name of the resource to set
      theResource - The resource to set the values on
      theValue - The String value to set on the resource child field name. This value is converted to the appropriate primitive type before the value is set
    • setFieldByFhirPath Link icon

      public static void setFieldByFhirPath(FhirTerser theTerser, String theFhirPath, IBaseResource theResource, IBase theValue)
      Sets the specified value at the FHIR path provided.
      theTerser - The terser that should be used for cloning the field value.
      theFhirPath - The FHIR path to set the field at
      theResource - The resource on which the value should be set
      theValue - The value to set
    • setFieldByFhirPath Link icon

      public static void setFieldByFhirPath(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theFhirPath, IBaseResource theResource, IBase theValue)
      Sets the specified value at the FHIR path provided.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFhirPath - The FHIR path to set the field at
      theResource - The resource on which the value should be set
      theValue - The value to set
    • setStringFieldByFhirPath Link icon

      public static void setStringFieldByFhirPath(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theFhirPath, IBaseResource theResource, String theValue)
      Sets the specified String value at the FHIR path provided.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFhirPath - The FHIR path to set the field at
      theResource - The resource on which the value should be set
      theValue - The String value to set. The string is converted to the appropriate primitive type before setting the field
    • getFieldByFhirPath Link icon

      public static List<IBase> getFieldByFhirPath(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theFhirPath, IBase theResource)
      Returns field values ant the specified FHIR path from the resource.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFhirPath - The FHIR path to get the field from
      theResource - The resource from which the value should be retrieved
      Returns the list of field values at the given FHIR path
    • getFirstFieldByFhirPath Link icon

      public static IBase getFirstFieldByFhirPath(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theFhirPath, IBase theResource)
      Returns the first available field value at the specified FHIR path from the resource.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFhirPath - The FHIR path to get the field from
      theResource - The resource from which the value should be retrieved
      Returns the first available value or null if no values can be retrieved
    • mergeFieldsExceptIdAndMeta Link icon

      public static void mergeFieldsExceptIdAndMeta(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theFrom, IBaseResource theTo)
      Merges values of all fields except for "identifier" and "meta" from theFrom resource to theTo resource. Fields values are compared via the equalsDeep method, or via object identity if this method is not available.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFrom - Resource to merge the specified field from
      theTo - Resource to merge the specified field into
    • mergeFields Link icon

      public static void mergeFields(FhirContext theFhirContext, IBaseResource theFrom, IBaseResource theTo, Predicate<String> inclusionStrategy)
      Merges values of all field from theFrom resource to theTo resource. Fields values are compared via the equalsDeep method, or via object identity if this method is not available.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFrom - Resource to merge the specified field from
      theTo - Resource to merge the specified field into
      inclusionStrategy - Predicate to test which fields should be merged
    • mergeField Link icon

      public static void mergeField(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theFieldName, IBaseResource theFrom, IBaseResource theTo)
      Merges value of the specified field from theFrom resource to theTo resource. Fields values are compared via the equalsDeep method, or via object identity if this method is not available.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theFieldName - Name of the child filed to merge
      theFrom - Resource to merge the specified field from
      theTo - Resource to merge the specified field into
    • mergeField Link icon

      public static void mergeField(FhirContext theFhirContext, FhirTerser theTerser, String theFieldName, IBaseResource theFrom, IBaseResource theTo)
      Merges value of the specified field from theFrom resource to theTo resource. Fields values are compared via the equalsDeep method, or via object identity if this method is not available.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theTerser - Terser to be used when cloning the field values
      theFieldName - Name of the child filed to merge
      theFrom - Resource to merge the specified field from
      theTo - Resource to merge the specified field into
    • clone Link icon

      public static <T extends IBaseResource> T clone(FhirContext theFhirContext, T theInstance)
      Clones the specified resource.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Base resource type
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theInstance - The instance to be cloned
      Returns a cloned instance
    • newElement Link icon

      public static <T extends IBase> T newElement(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theElementType)
      Creates a new element instance
      Type Parameters:
      T - Base element type
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theElementType - Element type name
      Returns a new instance of the element
    • newElement Link icon

      public static <T extends IBase> T newElement(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theElementType, Object theConstructorParam)
      Creates a new element instance
      Type Parameters:
      T - Base element type
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theElementType - Element type name
      theConstructorParam - Initialization parameter for the element
      Returns a new instance of the element with the specified initial value
    • newResource Link icon

      public static <T extends IBase> T newResource(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theResourceName)
      Creates a new resource definition.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the resource
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theResourceName - Name of the resource in the context
      Returns a new instance of the resource
    • newResource Link icon

      public static <T extends IBase> T newResource(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theResourceName, Object theConstructorParam)
      Creates a new resource definition.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the resource
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theResourceName - Name of the resource in the context
      theConstructorParam - Initialization parameter for the new instance
      Returns a new instance of the resource
    • instantiateBackboneElement Link icon

      public static IBaseBackboneElement instantiateBackboneElement(FhirContext theFhirContext, String theTargetResourceName, String theTargetFieldName)
      Creates a new BackboneElement.
      theFhirContext - Context holding resource definition
      theTargetResourceName - Name of the resource in the context
      theTargetFieldName - Name of the backbone element in the resource
      Returns a new instance of the element