Interface IJpaSectionSearchStrategy<T extends org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdvanceDirectivesJpaSectionSearchStrategy, AllergyIntoleranceJpaSectionSearchStrategy, DiagnosticResultsJpaSectionSearchStrategyDiagnosticReport, DiagnosticResultsJpaSectionSearchStrategyObservation, FunctionalStatusJpaSectionSearchStrategy, IllnessHistoryJpaSectionSearchStrategy, ImmunizationsJpaSectionSearchStrategy, JpaSectionSearchStrategy, MedicalDevicesJpaSectionSearchStrategy, MedicationSummaryJpaSectionSearchStrategyMedicationAdministration, MedicationSummaryJpaSectionSearchStrategyMedicationDispense, MedicationSummaryJpaSectionSearchStrategyMedicationRequest, MedicationSummaryJpaSectionSearchStrategyMedicationStatement, PlanOfCareJpaSectionSearchStrategy, PregnancyJpaSectionSearchStrategy, ProblemListJpaSectionSearchStrategy, ProceduresJpaSectionSearchStrategy, SocialHistoryJpaSectionSearchStrategy, VitalSignsJpaSectionSearchStrategy

public interface IJpaSectionSearchStrategy<T extends org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource>
Implementations of this interface are used to fetch resources to include for a given IPS section by performing a search in a local JPA repository.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    massageResourceSearch(IpsSectionContext<T> theIpsSectionContext, ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.SearchParameterMap theSearchParameterMap)
    This method can manipulate the SearchParameterMap that will be used to find candidate resources for the given IPS section.
    default boolean
    shouldInclude(IpsSectionContext<T> theIpsSectionContext, T theCandidate)
    This method will be called for each found resource candidate for inclusion in the IPS document.
  • Method Details

    • massageResourceSearch

      default void massageResourceSearch(@Nonnull IpsSectionContext<T> theIpsSectionContext, @Nonnull ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.searchparam.SearchParameterMap theSearchParameterMap)
      This method can manipulate the SearchParameterMap that will be used to find candidate resources for the given IPS section. The map will already have a subject/patient parameter added to it. The map provided in theSearchParameterMap will contain a subject/patient reference (e.g. ?patient=Patient/123), but no other parameters. This method can add other parameters. The default implementation of this interface performs no action.

      For example, for a Vital Signs section, the implementation might add a parameter indicating the parameter category=vital-signs.

      theIpsSectionContext - The context, which indicates the IPS section and the resource type being searched for.
      theSearchParameterMap - The map to manipulate.
    • shouldInclude

      default boolean shouldInclude(@Nonnull IpsSectionContext<T> theIpsSectionContext, @Nonnull T theCandidate)
      This method will be called for each found resource candidate for inclusion in the IPS document. The strategy can decide whether to include it or not. Note that the default implementation will always return true.

      This method is called once for every resource that is being considered for inclusion in an IPS section.