Interface IPagingProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
BasePagingProvider, FifoMemoryPagingProvider

public interface IPagingProvider
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultPageSize

      if no _count parameter is provided, use this for the page size
    • getMaximumPageSize

      if the _count parameter is larger than this value, reduce it to this value
    • canStoreSearchResults

      default boolean canStoreSearchResults()
      true if the paging provider is able to store search results.
    • retrieveResultList

      IBundleProvider retrieveResultList(@Nullable RequestDetails theRequestDetails, @Nonnull String theSearchId)
      Retrieve a result list by Search ID
      4.0.0 - Note that the theRequest parameter was added to this method in HAPI FHIR 4.0.0. Existing implementations may choose to add this parameter and not use it if needed.
    • retrieveResultList

      default IBundleProvider retrieveResultList(@Nullable RequestDetails theRequestDetails, @Nonnull String theSearchId, String thePageId)
      Retrieve a result list by Search ID and Page ID
      4.0.0 - Note that the theRequest parameter was added to this method in HAPI FHIR 4.0.0. Existing implementations may choose to add this parameter and not use it if needed.
    • storeResultList

      String storeResultList(@Nullable RequestDetails theRequestDetails, IBundleProvider theList)
      Stores a result list and returns an ID with which that list can be returned
      theRequestDetails - The server request being made (may be null)