Class ClaimResponse.Coverage

All Implemented Interfaces:
ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.ICompositeElement, ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement, ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IIdentifiableElement, ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResourceBlock, ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.ISupportsUndeclaredExtensions, Serializable, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
Enclosing class:

public static class ClaimResponse.Coverage extends ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BaseIdentifiableElement implements ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResourceBlock
Block class for child element: ClaimResponse.coverage ()

Definition: Financial instrument by which payment information for health care

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
    • getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType

      public <T extends ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement> List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(Class<T> theType)
      Specified by:
      getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType in interface ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.ICompositeElement
    • getSequenceElement

      public ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.PositiveIntDt getSequenceElement()
      Gets the value(s) for sequence (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not return null.

      Definition: A service line item.

    • getSequence

      public Integer getSequence()
      Gets the value(s) for sequence (). creating it if it does not exist. This method may return null.

      Definition: A service line item.

    • setSequence

      public ClaimResponse.Coverage setSequence(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.PositiveIntDt theValue)
      Sets the value(s) for sequence ()

      Definition: A service line item.

    • setSequence

      public ClaimResponse.Coverage setSequence(int theInteger)
      Sets the value for sequence ()

      Definition: A service line item.

    • getFocalElement

      public ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BooleanDt getFocalElement()
      Gets the value(s) for focal (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not return null.

      Definition: The instance number of the Coverage which is the focus for adjudication. The Coverage against which the claim is to be adjudicated.

    • getFocal

      public Boolean getFocal()
      Gets the value(s) for focal (). creating it if it does not exist. This method may return null.

      Definition: The instance number of the Coverage which is the focus for adjudication. The Coverage against which the claim is to be adjudicated.

    • setFocal

      public ClaimResponse.Coverage setFocal(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BooleanDt theValue)
      Sets the value(s) for focal ()

      Definition: The instance number of the Coverage which is the focus for adjudication. The Coverage against which the claim is to be adjudicated.

    • setFocal

      public ClaimResponse.Coverage setFocal(boolean theBoolean)
      Sets the value for focal ()

      Definition: The instance number of the Coverage which is the focus for adjudication. The Coverage against which the claim is to be adjudicated.

    • getCoverage

      Gets the value(s) for coverage (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not return null.

      Definition: Reference to the program or plan identification, underwriter or payor.

    • setCoverage

      Sets the value(s) for coverage ()

      Definition: Reference to the program or plan identification, underwriter or payor.

    • getBusinessArrangementElement

      public ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt getBusinessArrangementElement()
      Gets the value(s) for businessArrangement (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not return null.

      Definition: The contract number of a business agreement which describes the terms and conditions.

    • getBusinessArrangement

      Gets the value(s) for businessArrangement (). creating it if it does not exist. This method may return null.

      Definition: The contract number of a business agreement which describes the terms and conditions.

    • setBusinessArrangement

      public ClaimResponse.Coverage setBusinessArrangement(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt theValue)
      Sets the value(s) for businessArrangement ()

      Definition: The contract number of a business agreement which describes the terms and conditions.

    • setBusinessArrangement

      Sets the value for businessArrangement ()

      Definition: The contract number of a business agreement which describes the terms and conditions.

    • getRelationship

      Gets the value(s) for relationship (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not return null.

      Definition: The relationship of the patient to the subscriber

    • setRelationship

      Sets the value(s) for relationship ()

      Definition: The relationship of the patient to the subscriber

    • getPreAuthRef

      public List<ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt> getPreAuthRef()
      Gets the value(s) for preAuthRef (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not return null.

      Definition: A list of references from the Insurer to which these services pertain.

    • setPreAuthRef

      public ClaimResponse.Coverage setPreAuthRef(List<ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt> theValue)
      Sets the value(s) for preAuthRef ()

      Definition: A list of references from the Insurer to which these services pertain.

    • addPreAuthRef

      public ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt addPreAuthRef()
      Adds and returns a new value for preAuthRef ()

      Definition: A list of references from the Insurer to which these services pertain.

    • addPreAuthRef

      public ClaimResponse.Coverage addPreAuthRef(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt theValue)
      Adds a given new value for preAuthRef ()

      Definition: A list of references from the Insurer to which these services pertain.

      theValue - The preAuthRef to add (must not be null)
    • getPreAuthRefFirstRep

      public ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt getPreAuthRefFirstRep()
      Gets the first repetition for preAuthRef (), creating it if it does not already exist.

      Definition: A list of references from the Insurer to which these services pertain.

    • addPreAuthRef

      Adds a new value for preAuthRef ()

      Definition: A list of references from the Insurer to which these services pertain.

      Returns a reference to this object, to allow for simple chaining.
    • getClaimResponse

      Gets the value(s) for claimResponse (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not return null.

      Definition: The Coverages adjudication details.

    • setClaimResponse

      Sets the value(s) for claimResponse ()

      Definition: The Coverages adjudication details.

    • getOriginalRuleset

      Gets the value(s) for originalRuleset (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not return null.

      Definition: The style (standard) and version of the original material which was converted into this resource.

    • setOriginalRuleset

      Sets the value(s) for originalRuleset ()

      Definition: The style (standard) and version of the original material which was converted into this resource.