Class DiagnosticReport
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Definition: The findings and interpretation of diagnostic tests performed on patients, groups of patients, devices, and locations, and/or specimens derived from these. The report includes clinical context such as requesting and provider information, and some mix of atomic results, images, textual and coded interpretations, and formatted representation of diagnostic reports.
Requirements: To support reporting for any diagnostic report into a clinical data repository.
Profile Definition: http://hl7.org/fhir/profiles/DiagnosticReport
- See Also:
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
Block class for child element: DiagnosticReport.image () -
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for categorystatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for codestatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.DateClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for datestatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for diagnosisstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for encounterstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for identifierstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for imagestatic final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.DateClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for issuedstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for patientstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for performerstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for requeststatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for resultstatic final String
Search parameter constant for categorystatic final String
Search parameter constant for codestatic final String
Search parameter constant for datestatic final String
Search parameter constant for diagnosisstatic final String
Search parameter constant for encounterstatic final String
Search parameter constant for identifierstatic final String
Search parameter constant for imagestatic final String
Search parameter constant for issuedstatic final String
Search parameter constant for patientstatic final String
Search parameter constant for performerstatic final String
Search parameter constant for requeststatic final String
Search parameter constant for resultstatic final String
Search parameter constant for specimenstatic final String
Search parameter constant for statusstatic final String
Search parameter constant for subjectstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for specimenstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for statusstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for subjectFields inherited from class ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.BaseResource
Fields inherited from interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdds and returns a new value for codedDiagnosis ()addCodedDiagnosis
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Adds a given new value for codedDiagnosis ()Adds and returns a new value for identifier (id)addIdentifier
(IdentifierDt theValue) Adds a given new value for identifier (id)addImage()
Adds and returns a new value for image ()addImage
(DiagnosticReport.Image theValue) Adds a given new value for image ()Adds and returns a new value for imagingStudy ()Adds and returns a new value for presentedForm ()addPresentedForm
(AttachmentDt theValue) Adds a given new value for presentedForm ()Adds and returns a new value for request ()Adds and returns a new value for result ()Adds and returns a new value for specimen ()<T extends ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement>
List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType
(Class<T> theType) Gets the value(s) for category (class).getCode()
Gets the value(s) for code (what).Gets the value(s) for codedDiagnosis ().Gets the first repetition for codedDiagnosis (), creating it if it does not already exist.Gets the value(s) for conclusion ().ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt
Gets the value(s) for conclusion ().ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype
Gets the value(s) for effective[x] (when.done).Gets the value(s) for encounter (context).Gets the value(s) for identifier (id).Gets the first repetition for identifier (id), creating it if it does not already exist.getImage()
Gets the value(s) for image ().Gets the first repetition for image (), creating it if it does not already exist.Gets the value(s) for imagingStudy ().Gets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded).ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.InstantDt
Gets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded).Gets the value(s) for performer (who.witness).Gets the value(s) for presentedForm ().Gets the first repetition for presentedForm (), creating it if it does not already exist.Gets the value(s) for request ().Gets the value(s) for result ().Gets the value(s) for specimen ().Gets the value(s) for status (status).ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt
<DiagnosticReportStatusEnum> Gets the value(s) for status (status).ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirVersionEnum
Gets the value(s) for subject (who.focus).boolean
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for category (class)setCode
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for code (what)setCodedDiagnosis
(List<CodeableConceptDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for codedDiagnosis ()setConclusion
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for conclusion ()setConclusion
(String theString) Sets the value for conclusion ()setEffective
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype theValue) Sets the value(s) for effective[x] (when.done)setEncounter
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for encounter (context)setIdentifier
(List<IdentifierDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for identifier (id)setImage
(List<DiagnosticReport.Image> theValue) Sets the value(s) for image ()setImagingStudy
(List<ResourceReferenceDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for imagingStudy ()setIssued
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.InstantDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded)Sets the value for issued (when.recorded)setIssuedWithMillisPrecision
(Date theDate) Sets the value for issued (when.recorded)setPerformer
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for performer (who.witness)setPresentedForm
(List<AttachmentDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for presentedForm ()setRequest
(List<ResourceReferenceDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for request ()setResult
(List<ResourceReferenceDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for result ()setSpecimen
(List<ResourceReferenceDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for specimen ()setStatus
(DiagnosticReportStatusEnum theValue) Sets the value(s) for status (status)setStatus
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt<DiagnosticReportStatusEnum> theValue) Sets the value(s) for status (status)setSubject
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for subject (who.focus)Methods inherited from class ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.BaseResource
getContained, getId, getIdElement, getLanguage, getMeta, getResourceMetadata, getText, isBaseEmpty, setContained, setId, setId, setId, setLanguage, setResourceMetadata, setText, toString
Methods inherited from class ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BaseElement
addUndeclaredExtension, addUndeclaredExtension, addUndeclaredExtension, getAllUndeclaredExtensions, getFormatCommentsPost, getFormatCommentsPre, getUndeclaredExtensions, getUndeclaredExtensionsByUrl, getUndeclaredModifierExtensions, getUserData, hasFormatComment, setUserData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
fhirType, getFormatCommentsPost, getFormatCommentsPre, getUserData, hasFormatComment, setUserData
Methods inherited from interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource
getIdElement, isDeleted, setId, setId
Methods inherited from interface ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource
getContained, getId, getLanguage, getMeta, getResourceMetadata, getText, setId, setLanguage, setResourceMetadata
Field Details
Search parameter constant for statusDescription: The status of the report
Type: token
Path: DiagnosticReport.status
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for statusDescription: The status of the report
Type: token
Path: DiagnosticReport.status
Search parameter constant for issuedDescription: When the report was issued
Type: date
Path: DiagnosticReport.issued
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for issuedDescription: When the report was issued
Type: date
Path: DiagnosticReport.issued
Search parameter constant for subjectDescription: The subject of the report
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.subject
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for subjectDescription: The subject of the report
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.subject
Search parameter constant for performerDescription: Who was the source of the report (organization)
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.performer
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for performerDescription: Who was the source of the report (organization)
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.performer
Search parameter constant for identifierDescription: An identifier for the report
Type: token
Path: DiagnosticReport.identifier
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for identifierDescription: An identifier for the report
Type: token
Path: DiagnosticReport.identifier
Search parameter constant for categoryDescription: Which diagnostic discipline/department created the report
Type: token
Path: DiagnosticReport.category
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for categoryDescription: Which diagnostic discipline/department created the report
Type: token
Path: DiagnosticReport.category
Search parameter constant for dateDescription: The clinically relevant time of the report
Type: date
Path: DiagnosticReport.effective[x]
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for dateDescription: The clinically relevant time of the report
Type: date
Path: DiagnosticReport.effective[x]
Search parameter constant for specimenDescription: The specimen details
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.specimen
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for specimenDescription: The specimen details
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.specimen
Search parameter constant for codeDescription: The code for the report as a whole, as opposed to codes for the atomic results, which are the names on the observation resource referred to from the result
Type: token
Path: DiagnosticReport.code
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for codeDescription: The code for the report as a whole, as opposed to codes for the atomic results, which are the names on the observation resource referred to from the result
Type: token
Path: DiagnosticReport.code
Search parameter constant for resultDescription: Link to an atomic result (observation resource)
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.result
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for resultDescription: Link to an atomic result (observation resource)
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.result
Search parameter constant for diagnosisDescription: A coded diagnosis on the report
Type: token
Path: DiagnosticReport.codedDiagnosis
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for diagnosisDescription: A coded diagnosis on the report
Type: token
Path: DiagnosticReport.codedDiagnosis
Search parameter constant for imageDescription: A reference to the image source.
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.image.link
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for imageDescription: A reference to the image source.
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.image.link
Search parameter constant for requestDescription: Reference to the test or procedure request.
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.request
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for requestDescription: Reference to the test or procedure request.
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.request
Search parameter constant for patientDescription: The subject of the report if a patient
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.subject
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for patientDescription: The subject of the report if a patient
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.subject
Search parameter constant for encounterDescription: The Encounter when the order was made
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.encounter
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for encounterDescription: The Encounter when the order was made
Type: reference
Path: DiagnosticReport.encounter
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "DiagnosticReport:encounter". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "DiagnosticReport:image". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "DiagnosticReport:patient". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "DiagnosticReport:performer". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "DiagnosticReport:request". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "DiagnosticReport:result". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "DiagnosticReport:specimen". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "DiagnosticReport:subject".
Constructor Details
public DiagnosticReport()
Method Details
- Specified by:
in interfaceorg.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
public <T extends ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement> List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(Class<T> theType) - Specified by:
in interfaceca.uhn.fhir.model.api.ICompositeElement
Gets the value(s) for identifier (id). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The local ID assigned to the report by the order filler, usually by the Information System of the diagnostic service provider
Sets the value(s) for identifier (id)Definition: The local ID assigned to the report by the order filler, usually by the Information System of the diagnostic service provider
Adds and returns a new value for identifier (id)Definition: The local ID assigned to the report by the order filler, usually by the Information System of the diagnostic service provider
Adds a given new value for identifier (id)Definition: The local ID assigned to the report by the order filler, usually by the Information System of the diagnostic service provider
- Parameters:
- The identifier to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for identifier (id), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition: The local ID assigned to the report by the order filler, usually by the Information System of the diagnostic service provider
Gets the value(s) for status (status). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The status of the diagnostic report as a whole
Gets the value(s) for status (status). creating it if it does not exist. This method may returnnull
.Definition: The status of the diagnostic report as a whole
public DiagnosticReport setStatus(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt<DiagnosticReportStatusEnum> theValue) Sets the value(s) for status (status)Definition: The status of the diagnostic report as a whole
Sets the value(s) for status (status)Definition: The status of the diagnostic report as a whole
Gets the value(s) for category (class). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: A code that classifies the clinical discipline, department or diagnostic service that created the report (e.g. cardiology, biochemistry, hematology, MRI). This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
Sets the value(s) for category (class)Definition: A code that classifies the clinical discipline, department or diagnostic service that created the report (e.g. cardiology, biochemistry, hematology, MRI). This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
Gets the value(s) for code (what). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: A code or name that describes this diagnostic report
Sets the value(s) for code (what)Definition: A code or name that describes this diagnostic report
Gets the value(s) for subject (who.focus). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The subject of the report. Usually, but not always, this is a patient. However diagnostic services also perform analyses on specimens collected from a variety of other sources.
Sets the value(s) for subject (who.focus)Definition: The subject of the report. Usually, but not always, this is a patient. However diagnostic services also perform analyses on specimens collected from a variety of other sources.
Gets the value(s) for encounter (context). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The link to the health care event (encounter) when the order was made.
Sets the value(s) for encounter (context)Definition: The link to the health care event (encounter) when the order was made.
Gets the value(s) for effective[x] (when.done). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The time or time-period the observed values are related to. When the subject of the report is a patient, this is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection(s), but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.
Sets the value(s) for effective[x] (when.done)Definition: The time or time-period the observed values are related to. When the subject of the report is a patient, this is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection(s), but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.
Gets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The date and time that this version of the report was released from the source diagnostic service
Gets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded). creating it if it does not exist. This method may returnnull
.Definition: The date and time that this version of the report was released from the source diagnostic service
Sets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded)Definition: The date and time that this version of the report was released from the source diagnostic service
Sets the value for issued (when.recorded)Definition: The date and time that this version of the report was released from the source diagnostic service
public DiagnosticReport setIssued(Date theDate, ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision) Sets the value for issued (when.recorded)Definition: The date and time that this version of the report was released from the source diagnostic service
Gets the value(s) for performer (who.witness). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The diagnostic service that is responsible for issuing the report
Sets the value(s) for performer (who.witness)Definition: The diagnostic service that is responsible for issuing the report
Gets the value(s) for request (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Details concerning a test or procedure requested.
Sets the value(s) for request ()Definition: Details concerning a test or procedure requested.
Adds and returns a new value for request ()Definition: Details concerning a test or procedure requested.
Gets the value(s) for specimen (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Details about the specimens on which this diagnostic report is based
Sets the value(s) for specimen ()Definition: Details about the specimens on which this diagnostic report is based
Adds and returns a new value for specimen ()Definition: Details about the specimens on which this diagnostic report is based
Gets the value(s) for result (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Observations that are part of this diagnostic report. Observations can be simple name/value pairs (e.g. \"atomic\" results), or they can be grouping observations that include references to other members of the group (e.g. \"panels\").
Sets the value(s) for result ()Definition: Observations that are part of this diagnostic report. Observations can be simple name/value pairs (e.g. \"atomic\" results), or they can be grouping observations that include references to other members of the group (e.g. \"panels\").
Adds and returns a new value for result ()Definition: Observations that are part of this diagnostic report. Observations can be simple name/value pairs (e.g. \"atomic\" results), or they can be grouping observations that include references to other members of the group (e.g. \"panels\").
Gets the value(s) for imagingStudy (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: One or more links to full details of any imaging performed during the diagnostic investigation. Typically, this is imaging performed by DICOM enabled modalities, but this is not required. A fully enabled PACS viewer can use this information to provide views of the source images.
Sets the value(s) for imagingStudy ()Definition: One or more links to full details of any imaging performed during the diagnostic investigation. Typically, this is imaging performed by DICOM enabled modalities, but this is not required. A fully enabled PACS viewer can use this information to provide views of the source images.
Adds and returns a new value for imagingStudy ()Definition: One or more links to full details of any imaging performed during the diagnostic investigation. Typically, this is imaging performed by DICOM enabled modalities, but this is not required. A fully enabled PACS viewer can use this information to provide views of the source images.
Gets the value(s) for image (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: A list of key images associated with this report. The images are generally created during the diagnostic process, and may be directly of the patient, or of treated specimens (i.e. slides of interest).
Sets the value(s) for image ()Definition: A list of key images associated with this report. The images are generally created during the diagnostic process, and may be directly of the patient, or of treated specimens (i.e. slides of interest).
Adds and returns a new value for image ()Definition: A list of key images associated with this report. The images are generally created during the diagnostic process, and may be directly of the patient, or of treated specimens (i.e. slides of interest).
Adds a given new value for image ()Definition: A list of key images associated with this report. The images are generally created during the diagnostic process, and may be directly of the patient, or of treated specimens (i.e. slides of interest).
- Parameters:
- The image to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for image (), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition: A list of key images associated with this report. The images are generally created during the diagnostic process, and may be directly of the patient, or of treated specimens (i.e. slides of interest).
Gets the value(s) for conclusion (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Concise and clinically contextualized narrative interpretation of the diagnostic report
Gets the value(s) for conclusion (). creating it if it does not exist. This method may returnnull
.Definition: Concise and clinically contextualized narrative interpretation of the diagnostic report
Sets the value(s) for conclusion ()Definition: Concise and clinically contextualized narrative interpretation of the diagnostic report
Sets the value for conclusion ()Definition: Concise and clinically contextualized narrative interpretation of the diagnostic report
Gets the value(s) for codedDiagnosis (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
Sets the value(s) for codedDiagnosis ()Definition:
Adds and returns a new value for codedDiagnosis ()Definition:
Adds a given new value for codedDiagnosis ()Definition:
- Parameters:
- The codedDiagnosis to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for codedDiagnosis (), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition:
Gets the value(s) for presentedForm (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Rich text representation of the entire result as issued by the diagnostic service. Multiple formats are allowed but they SHALL be semantically equivalent.
Sets the value(s) for presentedForm ()Definition: Rich text representation of the entire result as issued by the diagnostic service. Multiple formats are allowed but they SHALL be semantically equivalent.
Adds and returns a new value for presentedForm ()Definition: Rich text representation of the entire result as issued by the diagnostic service. Multiple formats are allowed but they SHALL be semantically equivalent.
Adds a given new value for presentedForm ()Definition: Rich text representation of the entire result as issued by the diagnostic service. Multiple formats are allowed but they SHALL be semantically equivalent.
- Parameters:
- The presentedForm to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for presentedForm (), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition: Rich text representation of the entire result as issued by the diagnostic service. Multiple formats are allowed but they SHALL be semantically equivalent.
- Specified by:
in interfaceca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource
- Specified by:
in interfaceorg.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource
- Specified by:
in interfaceca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource