Class Appointment

All Implemented Interfaces:
ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement, Serializable, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IAnyResource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseHasExtensions, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseHasModifierExtensions, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IDomainResource

public class Appointment extends DomainResource
A booking of a healthcare event among patient(s), practitioner(s), related person(s) and/or device(s) for a specific date/time. This may result in one or more Encounter(s).
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • identifier

      This records identifiers associated with this appointment concern that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate (e.g. in CDA documents, or in written / printed documentation).
    • status

      The overall status of the Appointment. Each of the participants has their own participation status which indicates their involvement in the process, however this status indicates the shared status.
    • serviceCategory

      A broad categorisation of the service that is to be performed during this appointment.
    • serviceType

      The specific service that is to be performed during this appointment.
    • specialty

      The specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment.
    • appointmentType

      The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type).
    • reason

      The reason that this appointment is being scheduled. This is more clinical than administrative.
    • indication

      Reason the appointment has been scheduled to take place, as specified using information from another resource. When the patient arrives and the encounter begins it may be used as the admission diagnosis. The indication will typically be a Condition (with other resources referenced in the evidence.detail), or a Procedure.
    • indicationTarget

      The actual objects that are the target of the reference (Reason the appointment has been scheduled to take place, as specified using information from another resource. When the patient arrives and the encounter begins it may be used as the admission diagnosis. The indication will typically be a Condition (with other resources referenced in the evidence.detail), or a Procedure.)
    • priority

      The priority of the appointment. Can be used to make informed decisions if needing to re-prioritize appointments. (The iCal Standard specifies 0 as undefined, 1 as highest, 9 as lowest priority).
    • description

      The brief description of the appointment as would be shown on a subject line in a meeting request, or appointment list. Detailed or expanded information should be put in the comment field.
    • supportingInformation

      Additional information to support the appointment provided when making the appointment.
    • supportingInformationTarget

      The actual objects that are the target of the reference (Additional information to support the appointment provided when making the appointment.)
    • start

      protected InstantType start
      Date/Time that the appointment is to take place.
    • end

      protected InstantType end
      Date/Time that the appointment is to conclude.
    • minutesDuration

      Number of minutes that the appointment is to take. This can be less than the duration between the start and end times (where actual time of appointment is only an estimate or is a planned appointment request).
    • slot

      protected List<Reference> slot
      The slots from the participants' schedules that will be filled by the appointment.
    • slotTarget

      protected List<Slot> slotTarget
      The actual objects that are the target of the reference (The slots from the participants' schedules that will be filled by the appointment.)
    • created

      protected DateTimeType created
      The date that this appointment was initially created. This could be different to the meta.lastModified value on the initial entry, as this could have been before the resource was created on the FHIR server, and should remain unchanged over the lifespan of the appointment.
    • comment

      protected StringType comment
      Additional comments about the appointment.
    • incomingReferral

      The referral request this appointment is allocated to assess (incoming referral).
    • incomingReferralTarget

      The actual objects that are the target of the reference (The referral request this appointment is allocated to assess (incoming referral).)
    • participant

      List of participants involved in the appointment.
    • requestedPeriod

      A set of date ranges (potentially including times) that the appointment is preferred to be scheduled within. When using these values, the minutes duration should be provided to indicate the length of the appointment to fill and populate the start/end times for the actual allocated time.
    • SP_DATE

      public static final String SP_DATE
      Search parameter: date

      Description: Appointment date/time.
      Type: date
      Path: Appointment.start

      See Also:
    • DATE

      public static final DATE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for date

      Description: Appointment date/time.
      Type: date
      Path: Appointment.start

    • SP_ACTOR

      public static final String SP_ACTOR
      Search parameter: actor

      Description: Any one of the individuals participating in the appointment
      Type: reference

      See Also:
    • ACTOR

      public static final ACTOR
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for actor

      Description: Any one of the individuals participating in the appointment
      Type: reference


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ACTOR
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Appointment:actor".

      public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER
      Search parameter: identifier

      Description: An Identifier of the Appointment
      Type: token
      Path: Appointment.identifier

      See Also:

      public static final IDENTIFIER
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for identifier

      Description: An Identifier of the Appointment
      Type: token
      Path: Appointment.identifier


      public static final String SP_PRACTITIONER
      Search parameter: practitioner

      Description: One of the individuals of the appointment is this practitioner
      Type: reference

      See Also:

      public static final PRACTITIONER
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for practitioner

      Description: One of the individuals of the appointment is this practitioner
      Type: reference


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PRACTITIONER
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Appointment:practitioner".

      public static final String SP_INCOMINGREFERRAL
      Search parameter: incomingreferral

      Description: The ReferralRequest provided as information to allocate to the Encounter
      Type: reference
      Path: Appointment.incomingReferral

      See Also:

      public static final INCOMINGREFERRAL
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for incomingreferral

      Description: The ReferralRequest provided as information to allocate to the Encounter
      Type: reference
      Path: Appointment.incomingReferral


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_INCOMINGREFERRAL
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Appointment:incomingreferral".

      public static final String SP_PART_STATUS
      Search parameter: part-status

      Description: The Participation status of the subject, or other participant on the appointment. Can be used to locate participants that have not responded to meeting requests.
      Type: token
      Path: Appointment.participant.status

      See Also:

      public static final PART_STATUS
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for part-status

      Description: The Participation status of the subject, or other participant on the appointment. Can be used to locate participants that have not responded to meeting requests.
      Type: token
      Path: Appointment.participant.status


      public static final String SP_PATIENT
      Search parameter: patient

      Description: One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient
      Type: reference

      See Also:

      public static final PATIENT
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for patient

      Description: One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient
      Type: reference


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Appointment:patient".

      public static final String SP_APPOINTMENT_TYPE
      Search parameter: appointment-type

      Description: The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)
      Type: token
      Path: Appointment.appointmentType

      See Also:

      public static final APPOINTMENT_TYPE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for appointment-type

      Description: The style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)
      Type: token
      Path: Appointment.appointmentType


      public static final String SP_SERVICE_TYPE
      Search parameter: service-type

      Description: The specific service that is to be performed during this appointment
      Type: token
      Path: Appointment.serviceType

      See Also:

      public static final SERVICE_TYPE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for service-type

      Description: The specific service that is to be performed during this appointment
      Type: token
      Path: Appointment.serviceType


      public static final String SP_LOCATION
      Search parameter: location

      Description: This location is listed in the participants of the appointment
      Type: reference

      See Also:

      public static final LOCATION
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for location

      Description: This location is listed in the participants of the appointment
      Type: reference


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_LOCATION
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Appointment:location".

      public static final String SP_STATUS
      Search parameter: status

      Description: The overall status of the appointment
      Type: token
      Path: Appointment.status

      See Also:
    • STATUS

      public static final STATUS
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for status

      Description: The overall status of the appointment
      Type: token
      Path: Appointment.status

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details