Enum V3ParticipationType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<V3ParticipationType>

  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    Participations related, but not primary to an act.
    Parties that may or should contribute or have contributed information to the Act.
    The practitioner who is responsible for admitting a patient to a patient encounter.
    The target of an Observation action.
    The practitioner that has responsibility for overseeing a patient's care during a patient encounter.
    Definition: A party that originates the Act and therefore has responsibility for the information given in the Act and ownership of this Act.
    A verifier who attests to the accuracy of an act, but who does not have privileges to legally authenticate the act.
    In an obstetric service, the baby.
    Target on behalf of whom the service happens, but that is not necessarily present in the service.
    Definition: A factor, such as a microorganism, chemical substance, or form of radiation, whose presence, excessive presence, or (in deficiency diseases) relative absence is essential, in whole or in part, for the occurrence of a condition.
    A person or organization who should be contacted for follow-up questions about the act in place of the author.
    The catalyst of a chemical reaction, such as an enzyme or a platinum surface.
    An advisor participating in the service by performing evaluations and making recommendations.
    The target participation for an individual in a health care coverage act in which the target role is either the policy holder of the coverage, or a covered party under the coverage.
    Participant material that is taken up, diminished, altered, or disappears in the act.
    An entity (person, organization or device) that is in charge of maintaining the information of this act (e.g., who maintains the report or the master service catalog item, etc.).
    Participant used in performing the act without being substantially affected by the act (i.e.
    Target participant that is substantially present in the act and which is directly involved in the action (includes consumed material, devices, etc.).
    The practitioner who is responsible for the discharge of a patient from a patient encounter.
    Distributes material used in or generated during the act.
    In some organ transplantation services and rarely in transfusion services a donor will be a target participant in the service.
    The destination for services.
    A location where data about an Act was entered.
    A person entering the data into the originating system.
    Only with Transportation services.
    Description: The entity playing the associated role is the physical (including energy), chemical or biological substance that is participating in the exposure.
    Description:Direct participation in an exposure act where it is unknown that the participant is the source or subject of the exposure.
    Description: The entity playing the associated role is the target (contact) of exposure.
    Description:The entity playing the associated role is the source of exposure.
    The target person or organization contractually recognized by the issuer as a participant who has assumed fiscal responsibility for another personaTMs financial obligations by guaranteeing to pay for amounts owed to a particular account Example:The subscriber of the patientaTMs health insurance policy signs a contract with the provider to be fiscally responsible for the patient billing account balance amount owed.
    Participant who posses an instrument such as a financial contract (insurance policy) usually based on some agreement with the author.
    Target that is not substantially present in the act and which is not directly affected by the act, but which will be a focus of the record or documentation of the act.
    A source of reported information (e.g., a next of kin who answers questions about the patient's history).
    A party, who may or should receive or who has recieved the Act or subsequent or derivative information of that Act.
    A verifier who legally authenticates the accuracy of an act.
    The facility where the service is done.
    An information recipient to notify for urgent matters about this Act.
    A device that changes ownership due to the service, e.g., a pacemaker, a prosthesis, an insulin injection equipment (pen), etc.
    added to help the parsers
    The location of origin for services.
    Indicates that the target of the participation is involved in some manner in the act, but does not qualify how.
    The principal or primary performer of the act.
    Information recipient to whom an act statement is primarily directed.
    Participant material that is brought forth (produced) in the act (e.g., specimen in a specimen collection, access or drainage in a placement service, medication package in a dispense service).
    Definition: A person, non-person living subject, organization or device that who actually and principally carries out the action.
    The record target indicates whose medical record holds the documentation of this act.
    The person (or organization) who receives the product of an Act.
    A device that does not change ownership due to the service, i.e., a surgical instrument or tool or an endoscope.
    A person having referred the subject of the service to the performer (referring physician).
    A participant (e.g.
    The person who receives the patient
    The person or organization that has primary responsibility for the act.
    Some services take place at multiple concurrent locations (e.g., telemedicine, telephone consultation).
    The principle target on which the action happens.
    The subject of non-clinical (e.g.
    A person assisting in an act through his substantial presence and involvement This includes: assistants, technicians, associates, or whatever the job titles may be.
    Something incorporated in the subject of a therapy service to achieve a physiologic effect (e.g., heal, relieve, provoke a condition, etc.) on the subject.
    An entity entering the data into the originating system.
    A secondary information recipient, who receives copies (e.g., a primary care provider receiving copies of results as ordered by specialist).
    For services, an intermediate location that specifies a path between origin an destination.
    A person who verifies the correctness and appropriateness of the service (plan, order, event, etc.) and hence takes on accountability.
    Only with service events.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    fromCode(String codeString)
    Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details

    • PART

      public static final V3ParticipationType PART
      Indicates that the target of the participation is involved in some manner in the act, but does not qualify how.

      Participations related, but not primary to an act. The Referring, Admitting, and Discharging practitioners must be the same person as those authoring the ControlAct event for their respective trigger events.
    • ADM

      public static final V3ParticipationType ADM
      The practitioner who is responsible for admitting a patient to a patient encounter.
    • ATND

      public static final V3ParticipationType ATND
      The practitioner that has responsibility for overseeing a patient's care during a patient encounter.

      public static final V3ParticipationType CALLBCK
      A person or organization who should be contacted for follow-up questions about the act in place of the author.
    • CON

      public static final V3ParticipationType CON
      An advisor participating in the service by performing evaluations and making recommendations.
    • DIS

      public static final V3ParticipationType DIS
      The practitioner who is responsible for the discharge of a patient from a patient encounter.
    • ESC

      public static final V3ParticipationType ESC
      Only with Transportation services. A person who escorts the patient.
    • REF

      public static final V3ParticipationType REF
      A person having referred the subject of the service to the performer (referring physician). Typically, a referring physician will receive a report.

      Parties that may or should contribute or have contributed information to the Act. Such information includes information leading to the decision to perform the Act and how to perform the Act (e.g., consultant), information that the Act itself seeks to reveal (e.g., informant of clinical history), or information about what Act was performed (e.g., informant witness).
    • AUT

      public static final V3ParticipationType AUT
      Definition: A party that originates the Act and therefore has responsibility for the information given in the Act and ownership of this Act. Example: the report writer, the person writing the act definition, the guideline author, the placer of an order, the EKG cart (device) creating a report etc. Every Act should have an author. Authorship is regardless of mood always actual authorship. Examples of such policies might include: The author and anyone they explicitly delegate may update the report; All administrators within the same clinic may cancel and reschedule appointments created by other administrators within that clinic; A party that is neither an author nor a party who is extended authorship maintenance rights by policy, may only amend, reverse, override, replace, or follow up in other ways on this Act, whereby the Act remains intact and is linked to another Act authored by that other party.
    • INF

      public static final V3ParticipationType INF
      A source of reported information (e.g., a next of kin who answers questions about the patient's history). For history questions, the patient is logically an informant, yet the informant of history questions is implicitly the subject.
    • TRANS

      public static final V3ParticipationType TRANS
      An entity entering the data into the originating system. The data entry entity is collected optionally for internal quality control purposes. This includes the transcriptionist for dictated text transcribed into electronic form.
    • ENT

      public static final V3ParticipationType ENT
      A person entering the data into the originating system. The data entry person is collected optionally for internal quality control purposes. This includes the transcriptionist for dictated text.
    • WIT

      public static final V3ParticipationType WIT
      Only with service events. A person witnessing the action happening without doing anything. A witness is not necessarily aware, much less approves of anything stated in the service event. Example for a witness is students watching an operation or an advanced directive witness.
    • CST

      public static final V3ParticipationType CST
      An entity (person, organization or device) that is in charge of maintaining the information of this act (e.g., who maintains the report or the master service catalog item, etc.).
    • DIR

      public static final V3ParticipationType DIR
      Target participant that is substantially present in the act and which is directly involved in the action (includes consumed material, devices, etc.).
    • ALY

      public static final V3ParticipationType ALY
      The target of an Observation action. Links an observation to a Role whose player is the substance or most specific component entity (material, micro-organism, etc.) being measured within the subject. Examples: A "plasma porcelain substance concentration" has analyte a Role with player substance Entity "porcelain". UsageNotes: The Role that this participation connects to may be any Role whose player is that substance measured. Very often, the scoper may indicate the system in which the component is being measured. E.g., for "plasma porcelain" the scoper could be "Plasma".
    • BBY

      public static final V3ParticipationType BBY
      In an obstetric service, the baby.
    • CAT

      public static final V3ParticipationType CAT
      The catalyst of a chemical reaction, such as an enzyme or a platinum surface. In biochemical reactions, connects the enzyme with the molecular interaction
    • CSM

      public static final V3ParticipationType CSM
      Participant material that is taken up, diminished, altered, or disappears in the act.
    • TPA

      public static final V3ParticipationType TPA
      Something incorporated in the subject of a therapy service to achieve a physiologic effect (e.g., heal, relieve, provoke a condition, etc.) on the subject. In an administration service the therapeutic agent is a consumable, in a preparation or dispense service, it is a product. Thus, consumable or product must be specified in accordance with the kind of service.
    • DEV

      public static final V3ParticipationType DEV
      Participant used in performing the act without being substantially affected by the act (i.e. durable or inert with respect to that particular service). Examples: monitoring equipment, tools, but also access/drainage lines, prostheses, pace maker, etc.
    • NRD

      public static final V3ParticipationType NRD
      A device that changes ownership due to the service, e.g., a pacemaker, a prosthesis, an insulin injection equipment (pen), etc. Such material may need to be restocked after he service.
    • RDV

      public static final V3ParticipationType RDV
      A device that does not change ownership due to the service, i.e., a surgical instrument or tool or an endoscope. The distinction between reuseable and non-reuseable must be made in order to know whether material must be re-stocked.
    • DON

      public static final V3ParticipationType DON
      In some organ transplantation services and rarely in transfusion services a donor will be a target participant in the service. However, in most cases transplantation is decomposed in three services: explantation, transport, and implantation. The identity of the donor (recipient) is often irrelevant for the explantation (implantation) service.

      public static final V3ParticipationType EXPAGNT
      Description: The entity playing the associated role is the physical (including energy), chemical or biological substance that is participating in the exposure. For example in communicable diseases, the associated playing entity is the disease causing pathogen.
    • EXPART

      public static final V3ParticipationType EXPART
      Description:Direct participation in an exposure act where it is unknown that the participant is the source or subject of the exposure. If the participant is known to be the contact of an exposure then the SBJ participation type should be used. If the participant is known to be the source then the EXSRC participation type should be used.

      public static final V3ParticipationType EXPTRGT
      Description: The entity playing the associated role is the target (contact) of exposure.
    • EXSRC

      public static final V3ParticipationType EXSRC
      Description:The entity playing the associated role is the source of exposure.
    • PRD

      public static final V3ParticipationType PRD
      Participant material that is brought forth (produced) in the act (e.g., specimen in a specimen collection, access or drainage in a placement service, medication package in a dispense service). It does not matter whether the material produced had existence prior to the service, or whether it is created in the service (e.g., in supply services the product is taken from a stock).
    • SBJ

      public static final V3ParticipationType SBJ
      The principle target on which the action happens. Examples: The patient in physical examination, a specimen in a lab observation. May also be a patient's family member (teaching) or a device or room (cleaning, disinfecting, housekeeping). UsageNotes: Not all direct targets are subjects. Consumables and devices used as tools for an act are not subjects. However, a device may be a subject of a maintenance action.
    • SPC

      public static final V3ParticipationType SPC
      The subject of non-clinical (e.g. laboratory) observation services is a specimen.
    • IND

      public static final V3ParticipationType IND
      Target that is not substantially present in the act and which is not directly affected by the act, but which will be a focus of the record or documentation of the act.
    • BEN

      public static final V3ParticipationType BEN
      Target on behalf of whom the service happens, but that is not necessarily present in the service. Can occur together with direct target to indicate that a target is both, as in the case where the patient is the indirect beneficiary of a service rendered to a family member, e.g. counseling or given home care instructions. This concept includes a participant, such as a covered party, who derives benefits from a service act covered by a coverage act. Note that the semantic role of the intended recipient who benefits from the happening denoted by the verb in the clause. Thus, a patient who has no coverage under a policy or program may be a beneficiary of a health service while not being the beneficiary of coverage for that service.
    • CAGNT

      public static final V3ParticipationType CAGNT
      Definition: A factor, such as a microorganism, chemical substance, or form of radiation, whose presence, excessive presence, or (in deficiency diseases) relative absence is essential, in whole or in part, for the occurrence of a condition. Constraint: The use of this participation is limited to observations.
    • COV

      public static final V3ParticipationType COV
      The target participation for an individual in a health care coverage act in which the target role is either the policy holder of the coverage, or a covered party under the coverage.
    • GUAR

      public static final V3ParticipationType GUAR
      The target person or organization contractually recognized by the issuer as a participant who has assumed fiscal responsibility for another personaTMs financial obligations by guaranteeing to pay for amounts owed to a particular account Example:The subscriber of the patientaTMs health insurance policy signs a contract with the provider to be fiscally responsible for the patient billing account balance amount owed.
    • HLD

      public static final V3ParticipationType HLD
      Participant who posses an instrument such as a financial contract (insurance policy) usually based on some agreement with the author.
    • RCT

      public static final V3ParticipationType RCT
      The record target indicates whose medical record holds the documentation of this act. This is especially important when the subject of a service is not the patient himself.
    • RCV

      public static final V3ParticipationType RCV
      The person (or organization) who receives the product of an Act.
    • IRCP

      public static final V3ParticipationType IRCP
      A party, who may or should receive or who has recieved the Act or subsequent or derivative information of that Act. Information recipient is inert, i.e., independent of mood." Rationale: this is a generalization of a too diverse family that the definition can't be any more specific, and the concept is abstract so one of the specializations should be used.
    • NOT

      public static final V3ParticipationType NOT
      An information recipient to notify for urgent matters about this Act. (e.g., in a laboratory order, critical results are being called by phone right away, this is the contact to call; or for an inpatient encounter, a next of kin to notify when the patient becomes critically ill).
    • PRCP

      public static final V3ParticipationType PRCP
      Information recipient to whom an act statement is primarily directed. E.g., a primary care provider receiving a discharge letter from a hospitalist, a health department receiving information on a suspected case of infectious disease. Multiple of these participations may exist on the same act without requiring that recipients be ranked as primary vs. secondary.
    • REFB

      public static final V3ParticipationType REFB
      A participant (e.g. provider) who has referred the subject of an act (e.g. patient). Typically, a referred by participant will provide a report (e.g. referral).
    • REFT

      public static final V3ParticipationType REFT
      The person who receives the patient
    • TRC

      public static final V3ParticipationType TRC
      A secondary information recipient, who receives copies (e.g., a primary care provider receiving copies of results as ordered by specialist).
    • LOC

      public static final V3ParticipationType LOC
      The facility where the service is done. May be a static building (or room therein) or a moving location (e.g., ambulance, helicopter, aircraft, train, truck, ship, etc.)
    • DST

      public static final V3ParticipationType DST
      The destination for services. May be a static building (or room therein) or a movable facility (e.g., ship).
    • ELOC

      public static final V3ParticipationType ELOC
      A location where data about an Act was entered.
    • ORG

      public static final V3ParticipationType ORG
      The location of origin for services. May be a static building (or room therein) or a movable facility (e.g., ship).
    • RML

      public static final V3ParticipationType RML
      Some services take place at multiple concurrent locations (e.g., telemedicine, telephone consultation). The location where the principal performing actor is located is taken as the primary location (LOC) while the other location(s) are considered "remote."
    • VIA

      public static final V3ParticipationType VIA
      For services, an intermediate location that specifies a path between origin an destination.
    • PRF

      public static final V3ParticipationType PRF
      Definition: A person, non-person living subject, organization or device that who actually and principally carries out the action. Device should only be assigned as a performer in circumstances where the device is performing independent of human intervention. Need not be the principal responsible actor. Exampe: A surgery resident operating under supervision of attending surgeon, a search and rescue dog locating survivors, an electronic laboratory analyzer or the laboratory discipline requested to perform a laboratory test. The performer may also be the patient in self-care, e.g. fingerstick blood sugar. The traditional order filler is a performer. This information should accompany every service event. Note: that existing HL7 designs assign an organization as the playing entity of the Role that is the performer. These designs should be revised in subsequent releases to make this the scooping entity for the role involved.
    • DIST

      public static final V3ParticipationType DIST
      Distributes material used in or generated during the act.
    • PPRF

      public static final V3ParticipationType PPRF
      The principal or primary performer of the act.
    • SPRF

      public static final V3ParticipationType SPRF
      A person assisting in an act through his substantial presence and involvement This includes: assistants, technicians, associates, or whatever the job titles may be.
    • RESP

      public static final V3ParticipationType RESP
      The person or organization that has primary responsibility for the act. The responsible party is not necessarily present in an action, but is accountable for the action through the power to delegate, and the duty to review actions with the performing actor after the fact. This responsibility may be ethical, legal, contractual, fiscal, or fiduciary in nature. Example: A person who is the head of a biochemical laboratory; a sponsor for a policy or government program.
    • VRF

      public static final V3ParticipationType VRF
      A person who verifies the correctness and appropriateness of the service (plan, order, event, etc.) and hence takes on accountability.
    • AUTHEN

      public static final V3ParticipationType AUTHEN
      A verifier who attests to the accuracy of an act, but who does not have privileges to legally authenticate the act. An example would be a resident physician who sees a patient and dictates a note, then later signs it. Their signature constitutes an authentication.
    • LA

      public static final V3ParticipationType LA
      A verifier who legally authenticates the accuracy of an act. An example would be a staff physician who sees a patient and dictates a note, then later signs it. Their signature constitutes a legal authentication.
    • NULL

      public static final V3ParticipationType NULL
      added to help the parsers
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static V3ParticipationType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static V3ParticipationType valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • fromCode

      public static V3ParticipationType fromCode(String codeString) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
    • toCode

      public String toCode()
    • getSystem

      public String getSystem()
    • getDefinition

    • getDisplay

      public String getDisplay()