Enum V3ObservationMethod
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Enum Constant Summary
Enum ConstantsEnum ConstantDescriptionComplement fixationComputed axial tomographySusceptibility, High Level Aminoglycoside Resistance agar testVisual, Macroscopic observationComputed, Magnetic resonanceComputed, MorphometryComputed, Positron emission tomographySAMHSA drug assay confirmationSAMHSA drug assay screeningSerum NeutralizationTitrationUltrasoundX-ray crystallographyAgglutinationAgglutination, Buffered acidified plateAgglutination, CardAgglutination, HemagglutinationAgglutination, Hemagglutination inhibitionAgglutination, LatexAgglutination, PlateAgglutination, Rapid PlateAgglutination, RBCAgglutination, RivanolAgglutination, TubeBioassayBioassay, Animal InoculationBioassay, CytotoxicityBioassay, Embryo Infective Dose 50Bioassay, Embryo Lethal Dose 50Bioassay, Mouse intercerebral inoculationBioassay, qualitativeBioassay, quantitativeChemicalChemical, Differential light absorptionChemical, DipstickChemical, Dipstick colorimetric laboratory testChemical, Test stripChromatographyChromatography, AffinityChromatography, Gas liquidChromatography, High performance liquidChromatography, LiquidChromatography, Protein A affinityCoagulationCoagulation, Tilt tubeCoagulation, Tilt tube reptilase inducedCount, AutomatedCount, ManualCount, Platelet, Rees-EckerCulture, AerobicCulture, AnaerobicCulture, Chicken EmbryoCulture, Delayed secondary enrichmentCulture, MicroaerophilicCulture, Quantitative microbial, cupCulture, Quantitative microbial, dropletCulture, Quantitative microbial, filter paperCulture, Quantitative microbial, padCulture, Quantitative microbial, pour plateCulture, Quantitative microbial, surface streakCulture, Somatic CellDiffusion, AgarDiffusion, Agar Gel ImmunodiffusionElectrophoresisElectrophoresis, Agaorse gelElectrophoresis, citrate agarElectrophoresis, ImmunoElectrophoresis, Polyacrylamide gelElectrophoresis, Starch gelELISAELISA, antigen captureELISA, avidin biotin peroxidase complexELISA, KineticELISA, peroxidase-antiperoxidaseIdentification, API 20 StrepIdentification, API 20AIdentification, API 20C AUXIdentification, API 20EIdentification, API 20NEIdentification, API 50 CHIdentification, API An-IDENTIdentification, API CoryneIdentification, API Rapid 20EIdentification, API StaphIdentification, API ZYMIdentification, BacterialIdentification, mini VIDASIdentification, Phage susceptibility typingIdentification, Quad-FERM+Identification, RAPIDEC StaphIdentification, StaphaurexIdentification, VIDASIdentification, VitekIdentification, VITEK 2Immune stainImmune stain, Immunofluorescent antibody, directImmune stain, Immunofluorescent antibody, indirectImmune stain, Immunoperoxidase, Avidin-Biotin ComplexImmune stain, Immunoperoxidase, Peroxidase anti-peroxidase complexImmune stain, Immunoperoxidase, Protein A-peroxidase complexImmunoassayImmunoassay, qualitative, multiple stepImmunoassay, qualitative, single stepImmunoassay, RadioimmunoassayImmunoassay, semi-quantitative, multiple stepImmunoassay, semi-quantitative, single stepMicroscopyMicroscopy, DarkfieldMicroscopy, ElectronMicroscopy, Electron microscopy tomographyMicroscopy, Electron, negative stainMicroscopy, Electron, thick section transmissionMicroscopy, Electron, thin section transmissionMicroscopy, LightMicroscopy, Polarized lightMicroscopy, Scanning electronMicroscopy, Transmission electronMicroscopy, Transparent tape direct examinationMolecular, 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence ReplicationMolecular, Branched Chain DNAMolecular, Hybridization Protection AssayMolecular, Immune blotMolecular, In-situ hybridizationMolecular, Ligase Chain ReactionMolecular, Ligation Activated TranscriptionMolecular, Nucleic Acid ProbeMolecular, Nucleic acid probeMolecular, Nucleic acid probe with amplification Rationale: Duplicate of code 0126.Molecular, Nucleic acid probe with target amplificationMolecular, Nucleic acid reverse transcriptionMolecular, Nucleic Acid Sequence Based AnalysisMolecular, Polymerase chain reactionMolecular, Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category methodMolecular, Restriction Fragment Length PolymorphismMolecular, Southern BlotMolecular, Strand Displacement AmplificationMolecular, Transcription Mediated AmplificationMolecular, Western BlotPrecipitation, FlocculationPrecipitation, Immune precipitationPrecipitation, Milk ring testPrecipitation, PrecipitinStain, Acid fastStain, Acid fast, fluorochromeStain, Acid fast, Kinyoun's cold carbolfuchsinStain, Acid fast, Ziehl-NeelsenStain, Acid phosphataseStain, Acridine orangeStain, Active brilliant orange KHStain, Alazarin red SStain, Alcian blueStain, Alcian blue with Periodic acid SchiffStain, ArgentaffinStain, Argentaffin silverStain, Azure-eosinStain, Basic FuschinStain, BennholdStain, Bennhold's Congo redStain, BielschowskyStain, Bielschowsky's silverStain, BleachStain, BodianStain, Brown-BrennStain, Butyrate-esteraseStain, Calcofluor white fluorescentStain, Carbol-fuchsinStain, CarmineStain, Churukian-SchenkStain, Congo redStain, Cresyl echt violetStain, Crystal violetStain, De GalanthaStain, Dieterle silver impregnationStain, Fite-FarcoStain, Fontana-Masson silverStain, FouchetStain, GomoriStain, Gomori methenamine silverStain, Gomori-Wheatly trichromeStain, GridleyStain, Grimelius silverStain, GrocottStain, Grocott methenamine silverStain, Hale's colloidal ferric oxideStain, Hale's colloidal ironStain, HanselStain, Harris regressive hematoxylin and eosinStain, Hematoxylin and eosinStain, HighmanStain, HolzerStain, Iron hematoxylinStain, JonesStain, Jones methenamine silverStain, KossaStain, Lawson-Van GiesonStain, Loeffler methylene blueStain, Luxol fast blue with cresyl violetStain, Luxol fast blue with Periodic acid-SchiffStain, MacNeal's tetrachrome bloodStain, Mallory-HeidenhainStain, Masson trichromeStain, Mayer mucicarmineStain, Mayers progressive hematoxylin and eosinStain, May-Grunwald GiemsaStain, Methyl greenStain, Methyl green pyroninStain, Modified Gomori-Wheatly trichromeStain, Modified Masson trichromeStain, Modified trichromeStain, Movat pentachromeStain, MucicarmineStain, Neutral redStain, Night blueStain, Non-specific esteraseStain, Oil red-OStain, OrceinStain, Perls'Stain, Phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylinStain, Potassium ferrocyanideStain, Prussian blueStain, Putchler modified BennholdStain, Quinacrine fluorescentStain, ReticulinStain, RhodamineStain, SafraninStain, SchmorlStain, Seiver-MungerStain, SilverStain, Specific esteraseStain, Steiner silverStain, Sudan IIIStain, Sudan IVIStain, Sulfated alcian blueStain, SupravitalStain, Thioflavine-SStain, Three micron GiemsaStain, Vassar-CullingStain, VitalStain, von KossaSusceptibility, Antibiotic sensitivity, diskSusceptibility, BACTEC susceptibility testSusceptibility, Disk dilutionSusceptibility, Minimum bactericidal concentration, macrodilutionSusceptibility, Minimum bactericidal concentration, microdilutionSusceptibility, Minimum Inhibitory concentration, macrodilutionSusceptibility, Minimum Inhibitory concentration, microdilutionTurbidometricTurbidometric, RefractometricChromatography, Thin LayerImmunoassay, enzyme-multiplied technique (EMIT)Flow CytometryRadial ImmunodiffusionImmunoassay, Fluorescence PolarizationElectrophoresis, ImmunofixationDialysis, Direct EquilibriumAcid Elution, Kleihauer-Betke MethodImmunofluorescence, Anti-ComplementGas Chromatography/Mass SpectroscopyLight Scatter, NephelometryImmunoassay, IgE Antibody TestLymphocyte Microcytotoxicity AssaySpectrophotometrySpectrophotometry, Atomic AbsorptionElectrochemical, Ion Selective ElectrodeChromatography, GasIsoelectric FocusingImmunoassay, ChemiluminescentImmunoassay, Microparticle EnzymeInductively-Coupled Plasma/Mass SpectrometryImmunoassay, Immunoradiometric AssayCoagulation, Photo Optical Clot DetectionTesting to measure the minimum concentration of the antibacterial agent in a given culture medium below which bacterial growth is not inhibited.Viral Genotype SusceptibilityViral Phenotype SusceptibilityGradient StripMinimum Lethal Concentration (MLC)Testing to measure the minimum concentration of the antibacterial agent in a given culture medium below which bacterial growth is not inhibited.Serum bactericidal titerAgar screenDisk inductionTest methods designed to determine a microorganismaTMs susceptibility to being killed by an antibiotic.Provides codes for decision methods, initially for assessing the causality of events.A code that provides additional detail about the means or technique used to ascertain the genetic analysis.Provides additional detail about the aggregation methods used to compute the aggregated values for an observation.VerificationMethodReaching a decision through the application of an algorithm designed to weigh the different factors involved.Average of non-null values in the referenced set of valuesReaching a decision through the use of Bayesian statistical analysis.Count of non-null values in the referenced set of valuesReaching a decision by consideration of the totality of factors involved in order to reach a judgement.Largest of all non-null values in the referenced set of values.The median of all non-null values in the referenced set of values.Smallest of all non-null values in the referenced set of values.The most common value of all non-null values in the referenced set of values.added to help the parsersDescription: Polymerase Chain ReactionStandard Deviation of the values in the referenced set of values, computed over the population.Standard Deviation of the values in the referenced set of values, computed over a sample of the population.Sum of non-null values in the referenced set of valuesVariance of the values in the referenced set of values, computed over the population.Variance of the values in the referenced set of values, computed over a sample of the population.Verification by means of document.verification by means of a response to an electronic query Example: query message to a Covered Party registry application or Coverage Administrator.Verification by means of electronic token.Verification by means of voice. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic V3ObservationMethod
static V3ObservationMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.static V3ObservationMethod[]
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Enum Constant Details
Provides codes for decision methods, initially for assessing the causality of events. -
Reaching a decision through the application of an algorithm designed to weigh the different factors involved. -
Reaching a decision through the use of Bayesian statistical analysis. -
Reaching a decision by consideration of the totality of factors involved in order to reach a judgement. -
A code that provides additional detail about the means or technique used to ascertain the genetic analysis. Example, PCR, Micro Array -
Description: Polymerase Chain Reaction -
Provides additional detail about the aggregation methods used to compute the aggregated values for an observation. This is an abstract code. -
Average of non-null values in the referenced set of values -
Count of non-null values in the referenced set of values -
Largest of all non-null values in the referenced set of values. -
The median of all non-null values in the referenced set of values. -
Smallest of all non-null values in the referenced set of values. -
The most common value of all non-null values in the referenced set of values. -
Standard Deviation of the values in the referenced set of values, computed over the population. -
Standard Deviation of the values in the referenced set of values, computed over a sample of the population. -
Sum of non-null values in the referenced set of values -
Variance of the values in the referenced set of values, computed over the population. -
Variance of the values in the referenced set of values, computed over a sample of the population. -
VerificationMethod -
Verification by means of document. Example: Fax, letter, attachment to e-mail. -
verification by means of a response to an electronic query Example: query message to a Covered Party registry application or Coverage Administrator. -
Verification by means of electronic token. Example: smartcard, magnetic swipe card, RFID device. -
Verification by means of voice. Example: By speaking with or calling the Coverage Administrator or Covered Party -
Complement fixation -
Computed axial tomography -
Susceptibility, High Level Aminoglycoside Resistance agar test -
Visual, Macroscopic observation -
Computed, Magnetic resonance -
Computed, Morphometry -
Computed, Positron emission tomography -
SAMHSA drug assay confirmation -
SAMHSA drug assay screening -
Serum Neutralization -
Titration -
Ultrasound -
X-ray crystallography -
Agglutination -
Agglutination, Buffered acidified plate -
Agglutination, Card -
Agglutination, Hemagglutination -
Agglutination, Hemagglutination inhibition -
Agglutination, Latex -
Agglutination, Plate -
Agglutination, Rapid Plate -
Agglutination, RBC -
Agglutination, Rivanol -
Agglutination, Tube -
Bioassay -
Bioassay, Animal Inoculation -
Bioassay, Cytotoxicity -
Bioassay, Embryo Infective Dose 50 -
Bioassay, Embryo Lethal Dose 50 -
Bioassay, Mouse intercerebral inoculation -
Bioassay, qualitative -
Bioassay, quantitative -
Chemical -
Chemical, Differential light absorption -
Chemical, Dipstick -
Chemical, Dipstick colorimetric laboratory test -
Chemical, Test strip -
Chromatography -
Chromatography, Affinity -
Chromatography, Gas liquid -
Chromatography, High performance liquid -
Chromatography, Liquid -
Chromatography, Protein A affinity -
Coagulation -
Coagulation, Tilt tube -
Coagulation, Tilt tube reptilase induced -
Count, Automated -
Count, Manual -
Count, Platelet, Rees-Ecker -
Culture, Aerobic -
Culture, Anaerobic -
Culture, Chicken Embryo -
Culture, Delayed secondary enrichment -
Culture, Microaerophilic -
Culture, Quantitative microbial, cup -
Culture, Quantitative microbial, droplet -
Culture, Quantitative microbial, filter paper -
Culture, Quantitative microbial, pad -
Culture, Quantitative microbial, pour plate -
Culture, Quantitative microbial, surface streak -
Culture, Somatic Cell -
Diffusion, Agar -
Diffusion, Agar Gel Immunodiffusion -
Electrophoresis -
Electrophoresis, Agaorse gel -
Electrophoresis, citrate agar -
Electrophoresis, Immuno -
Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide gel -
Electrophoresis, Starch gel -
ELISA, antigen capture -
ELISA, avidin biotin peroxidase complex -
ELISA, Kinetic -
ELISA, peroxidase-antiperoxidase -
Identification, API 20 Strep -
Identification, API 20A -
Identification, API 20C AUX -
Identification, API 20E -
Identification, API 20NE -
Identification, API 50 CH -
Identification, API An-IDENT -
Identification, API Coryne -
Identification, API Rapid 20E -
Identification, API Staph -
Identification, API ZYM -
Identification, Bacterial -
Identification, mini VIDAS -
Identification, Phage susceptibility typing -
Identification, Quad-FERM+ -
Identification, RAPIDEC Staph -
Identification, Staphaurex -
Identification, VIDAS -
Identification, Vitek -
Identification, VITEK 2 -
Immune stain -
Immune stain, Immunofluorescent antibody, direct -
Immune stain, Immunofluorescent antibody, indirect -
Immune stain, Immunoperoxidase, Avidin-Biotin Complex -
Immune stain, Immunoperoxidase, Peroxidase anti-peroxidase complex -
Immune stain, Immunoperoxidase, Protein A-peroxidase complex -
Immunoassay -
Immunoassay, qualitative, multiple step -
Immunoassay, qualitative, single step -
Immunoassay, Radioimmunoassay -
Immunoassay, semi-quantitative, multiple step -
Immunoassay, semi-quantitative, single step -
Microscopy -
Microscopy, Darkfield -
Microscopy, Electron -
Microscopy, Electron microscopy tomography -
Microscopy, Electron, negative stain -
Microscopy, Electron, thick section transmission -
Microscopy, Electron, thin section transmission -
Microscopy, Light -
Microscopy, Polarized light -
Microscopy, Scanning electron -
Microscopy, Transmission electron -
Microscopy, Transparent tape direct examination -
Molecular, 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication -
Molecular, Branched Chain DNA -
Molecular, Hybridization Protection Assay -
Molecular, Immune blot -
Molecular, In-situ hybridization -
Molecular, Ligase Chain Reaction -
Molecular, Ligation Activated Transcription -
Molecular, Nucleic Acid Probe -
Molecular, Nucleic acid probe with amplification Rationale: Duplicate of code 0126. Use code 0126 instead. -
Molecular, Nucleic acid probe with target amplification -
Molecular, Nucleic acid reverse transcription -
Molecular, Nucleic Acid Sequence Based Analysis -
Molecular, Polymerase chain reaction -
Molecular, Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method -
Molecular, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism -
Molecular, Southern Blot -
Molecular, Strand Displacement Amplification -
Molecular, Transcription Mediated Amplification -
Molecular, Western Blot -
Precipitation, Flocculation -
Precipitation, Immune precipitation -
Precipitation, Milk ring test -
Precipitation, Precipitin -
Stain, Acid fast -
Stain, Acid fast, fluorochrome -
Stain, Acid fast, Kinyoun's cold carbolfuchsin -
Stain, Acid fast, Ziehl-Neelsen -
Stain, Acid phosphatase -
Stain, Acridine orange -
Stain, Active brilliant orange KH -
Stain, Alazarin red S -
Stain, Alcian blue -
Stain, Alcian blue with Periodic acid Schiff -
Stain, Argentaffin -
Stain, Argentaffin silver -
Stain, Azure-eosin -
Stain, Basic Fuschin -
Stain, Bennhold -
Stain, Bennhold's Congo red -
Stain, Bielschowsky -
Stain, Bielschowsky's silver -
Stain, Bleach -
Stain, Bodian -
Stain, Brown-Brenn -
Stain, Butyrate-esterase -
Stain, Calcofluor white fluorescent -
Stain, Carbol-fuchsin -
Stain, Carmine -
Stain, Churukian-Schenk -
Stain, Congo red -
Stain, Cresyl echt violet -
Stain, Crystal violet -
Stain, De Galantha -
Stain, Dieterle silver impregnation -
Stain, Fite-Farco -
Stain, Fontana-Masson silver -
Stain, Fouchet -
Stain, Gomori -
Stain, Gomori methenamine silver -
Stain, Gomori-Wheatly trichrome -
Stain, Gridley -
Stain, Grimelius silver -
Stain, Grocott -
Stain, Grocott methenamine silver -
Stain, Hale's colloidal ferric oxide -
Stain, Hale's colloidal iron -
Stain, Hansel -
Stain, Harris regressive hematoxylin and eosin -
Stain, Hematoxylin and eosin -
Stain, Highman -
Stain, Holzer -
Stain, Iron hematoxylin -
Stain, Jones -
Stain, Jones methenamine silver -
Stain, Kossa -
Stain, Lawson-Van Gieson -
Stain, Loeffler methylene blue -
Stain, Luxol fast blue with cresyl violet -
Stain, Luxol fast blue with Periodic acid-Schiff -
Stain, MacNeal's tetrachrome blood -
Stain, Mallory-Heidenhain -
Stain, Masson trichrome -
Stain, Mayer mucicarmine -
Stain, Mayers progressive hematoxylin and eosin -
Stain, May-Grunwald Giemsa -
Stain, Methyl green -
Stain, Methyl green pyronin -
Stain, Modified Gomori-Wheatly trichrome -
Stain, Modified Masson trichrome -
Stain, Modified trichrome -
Stain, Movat pentachrome -
Stain, Mucicarmine -
Stain, Neutral red -
Stain, Night blue -
Stain, Non-specific esterase -
Stain, Oil red-O -
Stain, Orcein -
Stain, Perls' -
Stain, Phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin -
Stain, Potassium ferrocyanide -
Stain, Prussian blue -
Stain, Putchler modified Bennhold -
Stain, Quinacrine fluorescent -
Stain, Reticulin -
Stain, Rhodamine -
Stain, Safranin -
Stain, Schmorl -
Stain, Seiver-Munger -
Stain, Silver -
Stain, Specific esterase -
Stain, Steiner silver -
Stain, Sudan III -
Stain, Sudan IVI -
Stain, Sulfated alcian blue -
Stain, Supravital -
Stain, Thioflavine-S -
Stain, Three micron Giemsa -
Stain, Vassar-Culling -
Stain, Vital -
Stain, von Kossa -
Susceptibility, Minimum bactericidal concentration, macrodilution -
Susceptibility, Minimum bactericidal concentration, microdilution -
Turbidometric -
Turbidometric, Refractometric -
Chromatography, Thin Layer -
Immunoassay, enzyme-multiplied technique (EMIT) -
Flow Cytometry -
Radial Immunodiffusion -
Immunoassay, Fluorescence Polarization -
Electrophoresis, Immunofixation -
Dialysis, Direct Equilibrium -
Acid Elution, Kleihauer-Betke Method -
Immunofluorescence, Anti-Complement -
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy -
Light Scatter, Nephelometry -
Immunoassay, IgE Antibody Test -
Lymphocyte Microcytotoxicity Assay -
Spectrophotometry -
Spectrophotometry, Atomic Absorption -
Electrochemical, Ion Selective Electrode -
Chromatography, Gas -
Isoelectric Focusing -
Immunoassay, Chemiluminescent -
Immunoassay, Microparticle Enzyme -
Inductively-Coupled Plasma/Mass Spectrometry -
Immunoassay, Immunoradiometric Assay -
Coagulation, Photo Optical Clot Detection -
Test methods designed to determine a microorganismaTMs susceptibility to being killed by an antibiotic. -
Susceptibility, Antibiotic sensitivity, disk -
Susceptibility, BACTEC susceptibility test -
Susceptibility, Disk dilution -
Testing to measure the minimum concentration of the antibacterial agent in a given culture medium below which bacterial growth is not inhibited. -
Susceptibility, Minimum Inhibitory concentration, macrodilution -
Susceptibility, Minimum Inhibitory concentration, microdilution -
Viral Genotype Susceptibility -
Viral Phenotype Susceptibility -
Gradient Strip -
Minimum Lethal Concentration (MLC) -
Testing to measure the minimum concentration of the antibacterial agent in a given culture medium below which bacterial growth is not inhibited. -
Serum bactericidal titer -
Agar screen -
Disk induction -
Molecular, Nucleic acid probe -
added to help the parsers
Method Details
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.- Returns:
- an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)- Parameters:
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.- Returns:
- the enum constant with the specified name
- Throws:
- if this enum type has no constant with the specified nameNullPointerException
- if the argument is null
public static V3ObservationMethod fromCode(String codeString) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException - Throws: