Class Signature

All Implemented Interfaces:
ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement, Serializable, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseDatatype, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseElement, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseHasExtensions, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.ICompositeType

public class Signature extends Type implements org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.ICompositeType
A signature along with supporting context. The signature may be a digital signature that is cryptographic in nature, or some other signature acceptable to the domain. This other signature may be as simple as a graphical image representing a hand-written signature, or a signature ceremony Different signature approaches have different utilities.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • type

      protected List<Coding> type
      An indication of the reason that the entity signed this document. This may be explicitly included as part of the signature information and can be used when determining accountability for various actions concerning the document.
    • when

      protected InstantType when
      When the digital signature was signed.
    • who

      protected Reference who
      A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that signed (e.g. the signature used their private key).
    • whoTarget

      protected Resource whoTarget
      The actual object that is the target of the reference (A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that signed (e.g. the signature used their private key).)
    • onBehalfOf

      protected Reference onBehalfOf
      A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that is represented by the signature.
    • onBehalfOfTarget

      The actual object that is the target of the reference (A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that is represented by the signature.)
    • targetFormat

      A mime type that indicates the technical format of the target resources signed by the signature.
    • sigFormat

      protected CodeType sigFormat
      A mime type that indicates the technical format of the signature. Important mime types are application/signature+xml for X ML DigSig, application/jose for JWS, and image/* for a graphical image of a signature, etc.
    • data

      The base64 encoding of the Signature content. When signature is not recorded electronically this element would be empty.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getType

      public List<Coding> getType()
      type (An indication of the reason that the entity signed this document. This may be explicitly included as part of the signature information and can be used when determining accountability for various actions concerning the document.)
    • setType

      public Signature setType(List<Coding> theType)
      Returns a reference to this for easy method chaining
    • hasType

      public boolean hasType()
    • addType

      public Coding addType()
    • addType

      public Signature addType(Coding t)
    • getTypeFirstRep

      The first repetition of repeating field type, creating it if it does not already exist
    • getWhenElement

      when (When the digital signature was signed.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getWhen" gives direct access to the value
    • hasWhenElement

      public boolean hasWhenElement()
    • hasWhen

      public boolean hasWhen()
    • setWhenElement

      value - when (When the digital signature was signed.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getWhen" gives direct access to the value
    • getWhen

      public Date getWhen()
      When the digital signature was signed.
    • setWhen

      public Signature setWhen(Date value)
      value - When the digital signature was signed.
    • getWho

      public Reference getWho()
      who (A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that signed (e.g. the signature used their private key).)
    • hasWho

      public boolean hasWho()
    • setWho

      public Signature setWho(Reference value)
      value - who (A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that signed (e.g. the signature used their private key).)
    • getWhoTarget

      who The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't populate this, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that signed (e.g. the signature used their private key).)
    • setWhoTarget

      value - who The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't use these, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that signed (e.g. the signature used their private key).)
    • getOnBehalfOf

      onBehalfOf (A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that is represented by the signature.)
    • hasOnBehalfOf

      public boolean hasOnBehalfOf()
    • setOnBehalfOf

      value - onBehalfOf (A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that is represented by the signature.)
    • getOnBehalfOfTarget

      onBehalfOf The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't populate this, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that is represented by the signature.)
    • setOnBehalfOfTarget

      value - onBehalfOf The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't use these, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (A reference to an application-usable description of the identity that is represented by the signature.)
    • getTargetFormatElement

      targetFormat (A mime type that indicates the technical format of the target resources signed by the signature.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getTargetFormat" gives direct access to the value
    • hasTargetFormatElement

      public boolean hasTargetFormatElement()
    • hasTargetFormat

      public boolean hasTargetFormat()
    • setTargetFormatElement

      value - targetFormat (A mime type that indicates the technical format of the target resources signed by the signature.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getTargetFormat" gives direct access to the value
    • getTargetFormat

      A mime type that indicates the technical format of the target resources signed by the signature.
    • setTargetFormat

      value - A mime type that indicates the technical format of the target resources signed by the signature.
    • getSigFormatElement

      sigFormat (A mime type that indicates the technical format of the signature. Important mime types are application/signature+xml for X ML DigSig, application/jose for JWS, and image/* for a graphical image of a signature, etc.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getSigFormat" gives direct access to the value
    • hasSigFormatElement

      public boolean hasSigFormatElement()
    • hasSigFormat

      public boolean hasSigFormat()
    • setSigFormatElement

      value - sigFormat (A mime type that indicates the technical format of the signature. Important mime types are application/signature+xml for X ML DigSig, application/jose for JWS, and image/* for a graphical image of a signature, etc.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getSigFormat" gives direct access to the value
    • getSigFormat

      public String getSigFormat()
      A mime type that indicates the technical format of the signature. Important mime types are application/signature+xml for X ML DigSig, application/jose for JWS, and image/* for a graphical image of a signature, etc.
    • setSigFormat

      public Signature setSigFormat(String value)
      value - A mime type that indicates the technical format of the signature. Important mime types are application/signature+xml for X ML DigSig, application/jose for JWS, and image/* for a graphical image of a signature, etc.
    • getDataElement

      data (The base64 encoding of the Signature content. When signature is not recorded electronically this element would be empty.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getData" gives direct access to the value
    • hasDataElement

      public boolean hasDataElement()
    • hasData

      public boolean hasData()
    • setDataElement

      value - data (The base64 encoding of the Signature content. When signature is not recorded electronically this element would be empty.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getData" gives direct access to the value
    • getData

      public byte[] getData()
      The base64 encoding of the Signature content. When signature is not recorded electronically this element would be empty.
    • setData

      public Signature setData(byte[] value)
      value - The base64 encoding of the Signature content. When signature is not recorded electronically this element would be empty.
    • listChildren

      protected void listChildren(List<Property> children)
      listChildren in class Element
    • getNamedProperty

      public Property getNamedProperty(int _hash, String _name, boolean _checkValid) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      getNamedProperty in class Element
    • getProperty

      public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      getProperty in class Element
    • setProperty

      public Base setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      setProperty in class Element
    • setProperty

      public Base setProperty(String name, Base value) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      setProperty in class Element
    • removeChild

      public void removeChild(String name, Base value) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      removeChild in class Element
    • makeProperty

      public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      makeProperty in class Element
    • getTypesForProperty

      public String[] getTypesForProperty(int hash, String name) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      getTypesForProperty in class Element
    • addChild

      public Base addChild(String name) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      addChild in class Element
    • fhirType

      public String fhirType()
      Specified by:
      fhirType in interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
      fhirType in class Element
    • copy

      public Signature copy()
      copy in class Type
    • copyValues

      public void copyValues(Signature dst)
    • typedCopy

      protected Signature typedCopy()
      Specified by:
      typedCopy in class Type
    • equalsDeep

      public boolean equalsDeep(Base other_)
      equalsDeep in class Element
    • equalsShallow

      public boolean equalsShallow(Base other_)
      equalsShallow in class Element
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
      isEmpty in class Element