Class PEDefinition

Direct Known Subclasses:
PEDefinitionElement, PEDefinitionExtension, PEDefinitionResource, PEDefinitionSlice, PEDefinitionSubExtension, PEDefinitionTypeSlice

public abstract class PEDefinition extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • name

      public String name()
      The name of the element or slice in the profile (always unique amongst children)
    • path

      public String path()
      The path of the element or slice in the profile (
    • schemaName

      public String schemaName()
      The name of the element in the resource (may be different to the slice name)
    • schemaNameWithType

      The name of the element in the resource (may be different to the slice name)
    • types

      public List<PEType> types()
      a list of types. There is usually at least one type; it might be Element, Type, BackboneElement or BackboneType The following elements don't have types (true primitives): Extension.url, PrimitiveType.value
    • listTypes

      protected abstract void listTypes(List<PEType> types)
    • min

      public int min()
      The minimum number of repeats allowed
    • max

      public int max()
      the maximum number of repeats allowed
    • definition

      the definition of the element in the profile (fully populated) Note that the profile definition might be the same as a base definition, when the tree runs off the end of what's profiled
    • baseDefinition

      the definition of the element in the base specification Note that the profile definition might be the same as a base definition, when the tree runs off the end of what's profiled
    • shortDocumentation

      the short documentation of the definition (shown in the profile table view)
    • documentation

      the full definition of the element (markdown syntax)
    • children

      public List<PEDefinition> children(String typeUrl)
      typeUrl - - the url of one of the types listed in types()
      - the list of children for the nominated type Warning: profiles and resources can be recursive; you can't iterate this tree until you get to the leaves because you will never get to a child that doesn't have children (extensions have extensions etc)
    • children

      public List<PEDefinition> children(String typeUrl, boolean allFixed)
    • children

    • children

      public List<PEDefinition> children(boolean allFixed)
    • fixedValue

      public boolean fixedValue()
      True if the element has a fixed value. This will always be false if fixedProps = false when the builder is created
    • makeChildren

      protected abstract void makeChildren(String typeUrl, List<PEDefinition> children, boolean allFixed)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • isRecursing

      public boolean isRecursing()
      true if the builder observes that this element is recursing (extensions have extensions) Note that this is unreliable and may be withdrawn if it can't be fixed
    • setRecursing

      protected void setRecursing(boolean recursing)
    • isMustHaveValue

      protected boolean isMustHaveValue()
    • setMustHaveValue

      protected void setMustHaveValue(boolean mustHaveValue)
    • isInFixedValue

      public boolean isInFixedValue()
      true if this property is inside an element that has an assigned fixed value
    • setInFixedValue

      protected void setInFixedValue(boolean inFixedValue)
    • fhirpath

      public abstract String fhirpath()
      This is public to support unit testing - there's no reason to use it otherwise
      used in the instance processor to differentiate slices
    • isList

      public boolean isList()
    • repeats

      public boolean repeats()
    • mode

    • isProfiled

      public boolean isProfiled()
      true if this element is profiled one way or another
    • isSlicer

      public boolean isSlicer()
    • setSlicer

      public void setSlicer(boolean isSlicer)
    • isBaseList

      public boolean isBaseList()
    • getProfile

    • isKeyElement

      public boolean isKeyElement()
    • isPrimitive

      public boolean isPrimitive()
    • isBasePrimitive

      public boolean isBasePrimitive()
    • directChildren

      public List<PEDefinition> directChildren(boolean allFixed)
    • getSlices

    • setSlices

      public void setSlices(List<PEDefinition> slices)
    • isExtension

      public boolean isExtension()