Class DeviceMetric

All Implemented Interfaces:
ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement, Serializable, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IAnyResource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseHasExtensions, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseHasModifierExtensions, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IDomainResource

public class DeviceMetric extends DomainResource
Describes a measurement, calculation or setting capability of a device. The DeviceMetric resource is derived from the ISO/IEEE 11073-10201 Domain Information Model standard, but is more widely applicable.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • identifier

      Instance identifiers assigned to a device, by the device or gateway software, manufacturers, other organizations or owners. For example, handle ID.
    • type

      protected CodeableConcept type
      Describes the type of the metric. For example: Heart Rate, PEEP Setting, etc.
    • unit

      protected CodeableConcept unit
      Describes the unit that an observed value determined for this metric will have. For example: Percent, Seconds, etc.
    • device

      protected Reference device
      Describes the link to the Device. This is also known as a channel device.
    • operationalStatus

      Indicates current operational state of the device. For example: On, Off, Standby, etc.
    • color

      protected CodeType color
      The preferred color associated with the metric (e.g., display color). This is often used to aid clinicians to track and identify parameter types by color. In practice, consider a Patient Monitor that has ECG/HR and Pleth; the metrics are displayed in different characteristic colors, such as HR in blue, BP in green, and PR and SpO2 in magenta.
    • category

      Indicates the category of the observation generation process. A DeviceMetric can be for example a setting, measurement, or calculation.
    • measurementFrequency

      The frequency at which the metric is taken or recorded. Devices measure metrics at a wide range of frequencies; for example, an ECG might sample measurements in the millisecond range, while an NIBP might trigger only once an hour. Less often, the measurementFrequency may be based on a unit other than time, such as distance (e.g. for a measuring wheel). The update period may be different than the measurement frequency, if the device does not update the published observed value with the same frequency as it was measured.
    • calibration

      Describes the calibrations that have been performed or that are required to be performed.

      public static final String SP_CATEGORY
      Search parameter: category

      Description: The category of the metric
      Type: token
      Path: DeviceMetric.category

      See Also:

      public static final CATEGORY
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for category

      Description: The category of the metric
      Type: token
      Path: DeviceMetric.category


      public static final String SP_DEVICE
      Search parameter: device

      Description: The device resource
      Type: reference
      Path: DeviceMetric.device

      See Also:
    • DEVICE

      public static final DEVICE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for device

      Description: The device resource
      Type: reference
      Path: DeviceMetric.device


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_DEVICE
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "DeviceMetric:device".

      public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER
      Search parameter: identifier

      Description: The identifier of the metric
      Type: token
      Path: DeviceMetric.identifier

      See Also:

      public static final IDENTIFIER
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for identifier

      Description: The identifier of the metric
      Type: token
      Path: DeviceMetric.identifier

    • SP_TYPE

      public static final String SP_TYPE
      Search parameter: type

      Description: The type of metric
      Type: token
      Path: DeviceMetric.type

      See Also:
    • TYPE

      public static final TYPE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for type

      Description: The type of metric
      Type: token
      Path: DeviceMetric.type

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details