Class Procedure

All Implemented Interfaces:
ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement, Serializable, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IAnyResource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseHasExtensions, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseHasModifierExtensions, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IDomainResource

public class Procedure extends DomainResource
An action that is or was performed on or for a patient, practitioner, device, organization, or location. For example, this can be a physical intervention on a patient like an operation, or less invasive like long term services, counseling, or hypnotherapy. This can be a quality or safety inspection for a location, organization, or device. This can be an accreditation procedure on a practitioner for licensing.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • identifier

      Business identifiers assigned to this procedure by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and is propagated from server to server.
    • instantiatesCanonical

      The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, order set or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this Procedure.
    • instantiatesUri

      The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, order set or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this Procedure.
    • basedOn

      protected List<Reference> basedOn
      A reference to a resource that contains details of the request for this procedure.
    • partOf

      protected List<Reference> partOf
      A larger event of which this particular procedure is a component or step.
    • status

      A code specifying the state of the procedure. Generally, this will be the in-progress or completed state.
    • statusReason

      Captures the reason for the current state of the procedure.
    • category

      A code that classifies the procedure for searching, sorting and display purposes (e.g. "Surgical Procedure").
    • code

      protected CodeableConcept code
      The specific procedure that is performed. Use text if the exact nature of the procedure cannot be coded (e.g. "Laparoscopic Appendectomy").
    • subject

      protected Reference subject
      On whom or on what the procedure was performed. This is usually an individual human, but can also be performed on animals, groups of humans or animals, organizations or practitioners (for licensing), locations or devices (for safety inspections or regulatory authorizations). If the actual focus of the procedure is different from the subject, the focus element specifies the actual focus of the procedure.
    • focus

      protected Reference focus
      Who is the target of the procedure when it is not the subject of record only. If focus is not present, then subject is the focus. If focus is present and the subject is one of the targets of the procedure, include subject as a focus as well. If focus is present and the subject is not included in focus, it implies that the procedure was only targeted on the focus. For example, when a caregiver is given education for a patient, the caregiver would be the focus and the procedure record is associated with the subject (e.g. patient). For example, use focus when recording the target of the education, training, or counseling is the parent or relative of a patient.
    • encounter

      protected Reference encounter
      The Encounter during which this Procedure was created or performed or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.
    • occurrence

      protected DataType occurrence
      Estimated or actual date, date-time, period, or age when the procedure did occur or is occurring. Allows a period to support complex procedures that span more than one date, and also allows for the length of the procedure to be captured.
    • recorded

      The date the occurrence of the procedure was first captured in the record regardless of Procedure.status (potentially after the occurrence of the event).
    • recorder

      protected Reference recorder
      Individual who recorded the record and takes responsibility for its content.
    • reported

      protected DataType reported
      Indicates if this record was captured as a secondary 'reported' record rather than as an original primary source-of-truth record. It may also indicate the source of the report.
    • performer

      Indicates who or what performed the procedure and how they were involved.
    • location

      protected Reference location
      The location where the procedure actually happened. E.g. a newborn at home, a tracheostomy at a restaurant.
    • reason

      The coded reason or reference why the procedure was performed. This may be a coded entity of some type, be present as text, or be a reference to one of several resources that justify the procedure.
    • bodySite

      Detailed and structured anatomical location information. Multiple locations are allowed - e.g. multiple punch biopsies of a lesion.
    • outcome

      The outcome of the procedure - did it resolve the reasons for the procedure being performed?
    • report

      protected List<Reference> report
      This could be a histology result, pathology report, surgical report, etc.
    • complication

      Any complications that occurred during the procedure, or in the immediate post-performance period. These are generally tracked separately from the notes, which will typically describe the procedure itself rather than any 'post procedure' issues.
    • followUp

      If the procedure required specific follow up - e.g. removal of sutures. The follow up may be represented as a simple note or could potentially be more complex, in which case the CarePlan resource can be used.
    • note

      protected List<Annotation> note
      Any other notes and comments about the procedure.
    • focalDevice

      A device that is implanted, removed or otherwise manipulated (calibration, battery replacement, fitting a prosthesis, attaching a wound-vac, etc.) as a focal portion of the Procedure.
    • used

      Identifies medications, devices and any other substance used as part of the procedure.
    • supportingInfo

      Other resources from the patient record that may be relevant to the procedure. The information from these resources was either used to create the instance or is provided to help with its interpretation. This extension should not be used if more specific inline elements or extensions are available.

      public static final String SP_BASED_ON
      Search parameter: based-on

      Description: A request for this procedure
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.basedOn

      See Also:
    • BASED_ON

      public static final BASED_ON
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for based-on

      Description: A request for this procedure
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.basedOn


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_BASED_ON
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Procedure:based-on".

      public static final String SP_CATEGORY
      Search parameter: category

      Description: Classification of the procedure
      Type: token
      Path: Procedure.category

      See Also:

      public static final CATEGORY
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for category

      Description: Classification of the procedure
      Type: token
      Path: Procedure.category


      public static final String SP_INSTANTIATES_CANONICAL
      Search parameter: instantiates-canonical

      Description: Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.instantiatesCanonical

      See Also:

      public static final INSTANTIATES_CANONICAL
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for instantiates-canonical

      Description: Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.instantiatesCanonical


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_INSTANTIATES_CANONICAL
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Procedure:instantiates-canonical".

      public static final String SP_INSTANTIATES_URI
      Search parameter: instantiates-uri

      Description: Instantiates external protocol or definition
      Type: uri
      Path: Procedure.instantiatesUri

      See Also:

      public static final INSTANTIATES_URI
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for instantiates-uri

      Description: Instantiates external protocol or definition
      Type: uri
      Path: Procedure.instantiatesUri


      public static final String SP_LOCATION
      Search parameter: location

      Description: Where the procedure happened
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.location

      See Also:

      public static final LOCATION
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for location

      Description: Where the procedure happened
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.location


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_LOCATION
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Procedure:location".
    • SP_PART_OF

      public static final String SP_PART_OF
      Search parameter: part-of

      Description: Part of referenced event
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.partOf

      See Also:
    • PART_OF

      public static final PART_OF
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for part-of

      Description: Part of referenced event
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.partOf


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PART_OF
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Procedure:part-of".

      public static final String SP_PERFORMER
      Search parameter: performer

      Description: Who performed the procedure
      Type: reference

      See Also:

      public static final PERFORMER
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for performer

      Description: Who performed the procedure
      Type: reference


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PERFORMER
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Procedure:performer".

      public static final String SP_REASON_CODE
      Search parameter: reason-code

      Description: Reference to a concept (by class)
      Type: token
      Path: Procedure.reason.concept

      See Also:

      public static final REASON_CODE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for reason-code

      Description: Reference to a concept (by class)
      Type: token
      Path: Procedure.reason.concept


      public static final String SP_REASON_REFERENCE
      Search parameter: reason-reference

      Description: Reference to a resource (by instance)
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.reason.reference

      See Also:

      public static final REASON_REFERENCE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for reason-reference

      Description: Reference to a resource (by instance)
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.reason.reference


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REASON_REFERENCE
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Procedure:reason-reference".

      public static final String SP_REPORT
      Search parameter: report

      Description: Any report resulting from the procedure
      Type: reference

      See Also:
    • REPORT

      public static final REPORT
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for report

      Description: Any report resulting from the procedure
      Type: reference


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_REPORT
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Procedure:report".

      public static final String SP_STATUS
      Search parameter: status

      Description: preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
      Type: token
      Path: Procedure.status

      See Also:
    • STATUS

      public static final STATUS
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for status

      Description: preparation | in-progress | not-done | on-hold | stopped | completed | entered-in-error | unknown
      Type: token
      Path: Procedure.status


      public static final String SP_SUBJECT
      Search parameter: subject

      Description: Search by subject
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.subject

      See Also:

      public static final SUBJECT
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for subject

      Description: Search by subject
      Type: reference
      Path: Procedure.subject


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_SUBJECT
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Procedure:subject".
    • SP_CODE

      public static final String SP_CODE
      Search parameter: code

      Description: Multiple Resources: [AdverseEvent](adverseevent.html): Event or incident that occurred or was averted [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): Code that identifies the allergy or intolerance [AuditEvent](auditevent.html): More specific code for the event [Basic](basic.html): Kind of Resource [ChargeItem](chargeitem.html): A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code [Condition](condition.html): Code for the condition [DetectedIssue](detectedissue.html): Issue Type, e.g. drug-drug, duplicate therapy, etc. [DeviceRequest](devicerequest.html): Code for what is being requested/ordered [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): The code for the report, as opposed to codes for the atomic results, which are the names on the observation resource referred to from the result [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): A search by a condition code [ImagingSelection](imagingselection.html): The imaging selection status [List](list.html): What the purpose of this list is [Medication](medication.html): Returns medications for a specific code [MedicationAdministration](medicationadministration.html): Return administrations of this medication code [MedicationDispense](medicationdispense.html): Returns dispenses of this medicine code [MedicationRequest](medicationrequest.html): Return prescriptions of this medication code [MedicationStatement](medicationstatement.html): Return statements of this medication code [NutritionIntake](nutritionintake.html): Returns statements of this code of NutritionIntake [Observation](observation.html): The code of the observation type [Procedure](procedure.html): A code to identify a procedure [RequestOrchestration](requestorchestration.html): The code of the request orchestration [Task](task.html): Search by task code
      Type: token
      Path: AdverseEvent.code | AllergyIntolerance.code | AllergyIntolerance.reaction.substance | AuditEvent.code | Basic.code | ChargeItem.code | Condition.code | DetectedIssue.code | DeviceRequest.code.concept | DiagnosticReport.code | FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code | ImagingSelection.status | List.code | Medication.code | MedicationAdministration.medication.concept | MedicationDispense.medication.concept | MedicationRequest.medication.concept | MedicationStatement.medication.concept | NutritionIntake.code | Observation.code | Procedure.code | RequestOrchestration.code | Task.code

      See Also:
    • CODE

      public static final CODE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for code

      Description: Multiple Resources: [AdverseEvent](adverseevent.html): Event or incident that occurred or was averted [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): Code that identifies the allergy or intolerance [AuditEvent](auditevent.html): More specific code for the event [Basic](basic.html): Kind of Resource [ChargeItem](chargeitem.html): A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code [Condition](condition.html): Code for the condition [DetectedIssue](detectedissue.html): Issue Type, e.g. drug-drug, duplicate therapy, etc. [DeviceRequest](devicerequest.html): Code for what is being requested/ordered [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): The code for the report, as opposed to codes for the atomic results, which are the names on the observation resource referred to from the result [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): A search by a condition code [ImagingSelection](imagingselection.html): The imaging selection status [List](list.html): What the purpose of this list is [Medication](medication.html): Returns medications for a specific code [MedicationAdministration](medicationadministration.html): Return administrations of this medication code [MedicationDispense](medicationdispense.html): Returns dispenses of this medicine code [MedicationRequest](medicationrequest.html): Return prescriptions of this medication code [MedicationStatement](medicationstatement.html): Return statements of this medication code [NutritionIntake](nutritionintake.html): Returns statements of this code of NutritionIntake [Observation](observation.html): The code of the observation type [Procedure](procedure.html): A code to identify a procedure [RequestOrchestration](requestorchestration.html): The code of the request orchestration [Task](task.html): Search by task code
      Type: token
      Path: AdverseEvent.code | AllergyIntolerance.code | AllergyIntolerance.reaction.substance | AuditEvent.code | Basic.code | ChargeItem.code | Condition.code | DetectedIssue.code | DeviceRequest.code.concept | DiagnosticReport.code | FamilyMemberHistory.condition.code | ImagingSelection.status | List.code | Medication.code | MedicationAdministration.medication.concept | MedicationDispense.medication.concept | MedicationRequest.medication.concept | MedicationStatement.medication.concept | NutritionIntake.code | Observation.code | Procedure.code | RequestOrchestration.code | Task.code

    • SP_DATE

      public static final String SP_DATE
      Search parameter: date

      Description: Multiple Resources: [AdverseEvent](adverseevent.html): When the event occurred [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): Date first version of the resource instance was recorded [Appointment](appointment.html): Appointment date/time. [AuditEvent](auditevent.html): Time when the event was recorded [CarePlan](careplan.html): Time period plan covers [CareTeam](careteam.html): A date within the coverage time period. [ClinicalImpression](clinicalimpression.html): When the assessment was documented [Composition](composition.html): Composition editing time [Consent](consent.html): When consent was agreed to [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): The clinically relevant time of the report [DocumentReference](documentreference.html): When this document reference was created [Encounter](encounter.html): A date within the actualPeriod the Encounter lasted [EpisodeOfCare](episodeofcare.html): The provided date search value falls within the episode of care's period [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): When history was recorded or last updated [Flag](flag.html): Time period when flag is active [Immunization](immunization.html): Vaccination (non)-Administration Date [ImmunizationEvaluation](immunizationevaluation.html): Date the evaluation was generated [ImmunizationRecommendation](immunizationrecommendation.html): Date recommendation(s) created [Invoice](invoice.html): Invoice date / posting date [List](list.html): When the list was prepared [MeasureReport](measurereport.html): The date of the measure report [NutritionIntake](nutritionintake.html): Date when patient was taking (or not taking) the medication [Observation](observation.html): Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation [Procedure](procedure.html): When the procedure occurred or is occurring [ResearchSubject](researchsubject.html): Start and end of participation [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): When was assessment made? [SupplyRequest](supplyrequest.html): When the request was made
      Type: date
      Path: AdverseEvent.occurrence.ofType(dateTime) | AdverseEvent.occurrence.ofType(Period) | AdverseEvent.occurrence.ofType(Timing) | AllergyIntolerance.recordedDate | (start | requestedPeriod.start).first() | AuditEvent.recorded | CarePlan.period | | | | DiagnosticReport.effective.ofType(dateTime) | DiagnosticReport.effective.ofType(Period) | | Encounter.actualPeriod | EpisodeOfCare.period | | Flag.period | (Immunization.occurrence.ofType(dateTime)) | | | | | | NutritionIntake.occurrence.ofType(dateTime) | NutritionIntake.occurrence.ofType(Period) | Observation.effective.ofType(dateTime) | Observation.effective.ofType(Period) | Observation.effective.ofType(Timing) | Observation.effective.ofType(instant) | Procedure.occurrence.ofType(dateTime) | Procedure.occurrence.ofType(Period) | Procedure.occurrence.ofType(Timing) | ResearchSubject.period | (RiskAssessment.occurrence.ofType(dateTime)) | SupplyRequest.authoredOn

      See Also:
    • DATE

      public static final DATE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for date

      Description: Multiple Resources: [AdverseEvent](adverseevent.html): When the event occurred [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): Date first version of the resource instance was recorded [Appointment](appointment.html): Appointment date/time. [AuditEvent](auditevent.html): Time when the event was recorded [CarePlan](careplan.html): Time period plan covers [CareTeam](careteam.html): A date within the coverage time period. [ClinicalImpression](clinicalimpression.html): When the assessment was documented [Composition](composition.html): Composition editing time [Consent](consent.html): When consent was agreed to [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): The clinically relevant time of the report [DocumentReference](documentreference.html): When this document reference was created [Encounter](encounter.html): A date within the actualPeriod the Encounter lasted [EpisodeOfCare](episodeofcare.html): The provided date search value falls within the episode of care's period [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): When history was recorded or last updated [Flag](flag.html): Time period when flag is active [Immunization](immunization.html): Vaccination (non)-Administration Date [ImmunizationEvaluation](immunizationevaluation.html): Date the evaluation was generated [ImmunizationRecommendation](immunizationrecommendation.html): Date recommendation(s) created [Invoice](invoice.html): Invoice date / posting date [List](list.html): When the list was prepared [MeasureReport](measurereport.html): The date of the measure report [NutritionIntake](nutritionintake.html): Date when patient was taking (or not taking) the medication [Observation](observation.html): Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation [Procedure](procedure.html): When the procedure occurred or is occurring [ResearchSubject](researchsubject.html): Start and end of participation [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): When was assessment made? [SupplyRequest](supplyrequest.html): When the request was made
      Type: date
      Path: AdverseEvent.occurrence.ofType(dateTime) | AdverseEvent.occurrence.ofType(Period) | AdverseEvent.occurrence.ofType(Timing) | AllergyIntolerance.recordedDate | (start | requestedPeriod.start).first() | AuditEvent.recorded | CarePlan.period | | | | DiagnosticReport.effective.ofType(dateTime) | DiagnosticReport.effective.ofType(Period) | | Encounter.actualPeriod | EpisodeOfCare.period | | Flag.period | (Immunization.occurrence.ofType(dateTime)) | | | | | | NutritionIntake.occurrence.ofType(dateTime) | NutritionIntake.occurrence.ofType(Period) | Observation.effective.ofType(dateTime) | Observation.effective.ofType(Period) | Observation.effective.ofType(Timing) | Observation.effective.ofType(instant) | Procedure.occurrence.ofType(dateTime) | Procedure.occurrence.ofType(Period) | Procedure.occurrence.ofType(Timing) | ResearchSubject.period | (RiskAssessment.occurrence.ofType(dateTime)) | SupplyRequest.authoredOn


      public static final String SP_ENCOUNTER
      Search parameter: encounter

      Description: Multiple Resources: [AuditEvent](auditevent.html): Encounter related to the activity recorded in the AuditEvent [CarePlan](careplan.html): The Encounter during which this CarePlan was created [ChargeItem](chargeitem.html): Encounter associated with event [Claim](claim.html): Encounters associated with a billed line item [ClinicalImpression](clinicalimpression.html): The Encounter during which this ClinicalImpression was created [Communication](communication.html): The Encounter during which this Communication was created [CommunicationRequest](communicationrequest.html): The Encounter during which this CommunicationRequest was created [Composition](composition.html): Context of the Composition [Condition](condition.html): The Encounter during which this Condition was created [DeviceRequest](devicerequest.html): Encounter during which request was created [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): The Encounter when the order was made [EncounterHistory](encounterhistory.html): The Encounter associated with this set of history values [ExplanationOfBenefit](explanationofbenefit.html): Encounters associated with a billed line item [Flag](flag.html): Alert relevant during encounter [ImagingStudy](imagingstudy.html): The context of the study [List](list.html): Context in which list created [MedicationDispense](medicationdispense.html): Returns dispenses with a specific encounter [MedicationStatement](medicationstatement.html): Returns statements for a specific encounter [NutritionIntake](nutritionintake.html): Returns statements for a specific encounter [NutritionOrder](nutritionorder.html): Return nutrition orders with this encounter identifier [Observation](observation.html): Encounter related to the observation [Procedure](procedure.html): The Encounter during which this Procedure was created [Provenance](provenance.html): Encounter related to the Provenance [QuestionnaireResponse](questionnaireresponse.html): Encounter associated with the questionnaire response [RequestOrchestration](requestorchestration.html): The encounter the request orchestration applies to [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): Where was assessment performed? [ServiceRequest](servicerequest.html): An encounter in which this request is made [Task](task.html): Search by encounter [VisionPrescription](visionprescription.html): Return prescriptions with this encounter identifier
      Type: reference
      Path: AuditEvent.encounter | CarePlan.encounter | ChargeItem.encounter | Claim.item.encounter | ClinicalImpression.encounter | Communication.encounter | CommunicationRequest.encounter | Composition.encounter | Condition.encounter | DeviceRequest.encounter | DiagnosticReport.encounter | EncounterHistory.encounter | ExplanationOfBenefit.item.encounter | Flag.encounter | ImagingStudy.encounter | List.encounter | MedicationDispense.encounter | MedicationStatement.encounter | NutritionIntake.encounter | NutritionOrder.encounter | Observation.encounter | Procedure.encounter | Provenance.encounter | QuestionnaireResponse.encounter | RequestOrchestration.encounter | RiskAssessment.encounter | ServiceRequest.encounter | Task.encounter | VisionPrescription.encounter

      See Also:

      public static final ENCOUNTER
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for encounter

      Description: Multiple Resources: [AuditEvent](auditevent.html): Encounter related to the activity recorded in the AuditEvent [CarePlan](careplan.html): The Encounter during which this CarePlan was created [ChargeItem](chargeitem.html): Encounter associated with event [Claim](claim.html): Encounters associated with a billed line item [ClinicalImpression](clinicalimpression.html): The Encounter during which this ClinicalImpression was created [Communication](communication.html): The Encounter during which this Communication was created [CommunicationRequest](communicationrequest.html): The Encounter during which this CommunicationRequest was created [Composition](composition.html): Context of the Composition [Condition](condition.html): The Encounter during which this Condition was created [DeviceRequest](devicerequest.html): Encounter during which request was created [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): The Encounter when the order was made [EncounterHistory](encounterhistory.html): The Encounter associated with this set of history values [ExplanationOfBenefit](explanationofbenefit.html): Encounters associated with a billed line item [Flag](flag.html): Alert relevant during encounter [ImagingStudy](imagingstudy.html): The context of the study [List](list.html): Context in which list created [MedicationDispense](medicationdispense.html): Returns dispenses with a specific encounter [MedicationStatement](medicationstatement.html): Returns statements for a specific encounter [NutritionIntake](nutritionintake.html): Returns statements for a specific encounter [NutritionOrder](nutritionorder.html): Return nutrition orders with this encounter identifier [Observation](observation.html): Encounter related to the observation [Procedure](procedure.html): The Encounter during which this Procedure was created [Provenance](provenance.html): Encounter related to the Provenance [QuestionnaireResponse](questionnaireresponse.html): Encounter associated with the questionnaire response [RequestOrchestration](requestorchestration.html): The encounter the request orchestration applies to [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): Where was assessment performed? [ServiceRequest](servicerequest.html): An encounter in which this request is made [Task](task.html): Search by encounter [VisionPrescription](visionprescription.html): Return prescriptions with this encounter identifier
      Type: reference
      Path: AuditEvent.encounter | CarePlan.encounter | ChargeItem.encounter | Claim.item.encounter | ClinicalImpression.encounter | Communication.encounter | CommunicationRequest.encounter | Composition.encounter | Condition.encounter | DeviceRequest.encounter | DiagnosticReport.encounter | EncounterHistory.encounter | ExplanationOfBenefit.item.encounter | Flag.encounter | ImagingStudy.encounter | List.encounter | MedicationDispense.encounter | MedicationStatement.encounter | NutritionIntake.encounter | NutritionOrder.encounter | Observation.encounter | Procedure.encounter | Provenance.encounter | QuestionnaireResponse.encounter | RequestOrchestration.encounter | RiskAssessment.encounter | ServiceRequest.encounter | Task.encounter | VisionPrescription.encounter


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_ENCOUNTER
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Procedure:encounter".

      public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER
      Search parameter: identifier

      Description: Multiple Resources: [Account](account.html): Account number [AdverseEvent](adverseevent.html): Business identifier for the event [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): External ids for this item [Appointment](appointment.html): An Identifier of the Appointment [AppointmentResponse](appointmentresponse.html): An Identifier in this appointment response [Basic](basic.html): Business identifier [BodyStructure](bodystructure.html): Bodystructure identifier [CarePlan](careplan.html): External Ids for this plan [CareTeam](careteam.html): External Ids for this team [ChargeItem](chargeitem.html): Business Identifier for item [Claim](claim.html): The primary identifier of the financial resource [ClaimResponse](claimresponse.html): The identity of the ClaimResponse [ClinicalImpression](clinicalimpression.html): Business identifier [Communication](communication.html): Unique identifier [CommunicationRequest](communicationrequest.html): Unique identifier [Composition](composition.html): Version-independent identifier for the Composition [Condition](condition.html): A unique identifier of the condition record [Consent](consent.html): Identifier for this record (external references) [Contract](contract.html): The identity of the contract [Coverage](coverage.html): The primary identifier of the insured and the coverage [CoverageEligibilityRequest](coverageeligibilityrequest.html): The business identifier of the Eligibility [CoverageEligibilityResponse](coverageeligibilityresponse.html): The business identifier [DetectedIssue](detectedissue.html): Unique id for the detected issue [DeviceRequest](devicerequest.html): Business identifier for request/order [DeviceUsage](deviceusage.html): Search by identifier [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): An identifier for the report [DocumentReference](documentreference.html): Identifier of the attachment binary [Encounter](encounter.html): Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known [EnrollmentRequest](enrollmentrequest.html): The business identifier of the Enrollment [EpisodeOfCare](episodeofcare.html): Business Identifier(s) relevant for this EpisodeOfCare [ExplanationOfBenefit](explanationofbenefit.html): The business identifier of the Explanation of Benefit [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): A search by a record identifier [Flag](flag.html): Business identifier [Goal](goal.html): External Ids for this goal [GuidanceResponse](guidanceresponse.html): The identifier of the guidance response [ImagingSelection](imagingselection.html): Identifiers for the imaging selection [ImagingStudy](imagingstudy.html): Identifiers for the Study, such as DICOM Study Instance UID [Immunization](immunization.html): Business identifier [ImmunizationEvaluation](immunizationevaluation.html): ID of the evaluation [ImmunizationRecommendation](immunizationrecommendation.html): Business identifier [Invoice](invoice.html): Business Identifier for item [List](list.html): Business identifier [MeasureReport](measurereport.html): External identifier of the measure report to be returned [Medication](medication.html): Returns medications with this external identifier [MedicationAdministration](medicationadministration.html): Return administrations with this external identifier [MedicationDispense](medicationdispense.html): Returns dispenses with this external identifier [MedicationRequest](medicationrequest.html): Return prescriptions with this external identifier [MedicationStatement](medicationstatement.html): Return statements with this external identifier [MolecularSequence](molecularsequence.html): The unique identity for a particular sequence [NutritionIntake](nutritionintake.html): Return statements with this external identifier [NutritionOrder](nutritionorder.html): Return nutrition orders with this external identifier [Observation](observation.html): The unique id for a particular observation [Person](person.html): A person Identifier [Procedure](procedure.html): A unique identifier for a procedure [QuestionnaireResponse](questionnaireresponse.html): The unique identifier for the questionnaire response [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): An Identifier of the RelatedPerson [RequestOrchestration](requestorchestration.html): External identifiers for the request orchestration [ResearchSubject](researchsubject.html): Business Identifier for research subject in a study [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): Unique identifier for the assessment [ServiceRequest](servicerequest.html): Identifiers assigned to this order [Specimen](specimen.html): The unique identifier associated with the specimen [SupplyDelivery](supplydelivery.html): External identifier [SupplyRequest](supplyrequest.html): Business Identifier for SupplyRequest [Task](task.html): Search for a task instance by its business identifier [VisionPrescription](visionprescription.html): Return prescriptions with this external identifier
      Type: token
      Path: Account.identifier | AdverseEvent.identifier | AllergyIntolerance.identifier | Appointment.identifier | AppointmentResponse.identifier | Basic.identifier | BodyStructure.identifier | CarePlan.identifier | CareTeam.identifier | ChargeItem.identifier | Claim.identifier | ClaimResponse.identifier | ClinicalImpression.identifier | Communication.identifier | CommunicationRequest.identifier | Composition.identifier | Condition.identifier | Consent.identifier | Contract.identifier | Coverage.identifier | CoverageEligibilityRequest.identifier | CoverageEligibilityResponse.identifier | DetectedIssue.identifier | DeviceRequest.identifier | DeviceUsage.identifier | DiagnosticReport.identifier | DocumentReference.identifier | Encounter.identifier | EnrollmentRequest.identifier | EpisodeOfCare.identifier | ExplanationOfBenefit.identifier | FamilyMemberHistory.identifier | Flag.identifier | Goal.identifier | GuidanceResponse.identifier | ImagingSelection.identifier | ImagingStudy.identifier | Immunization.identifier | ImmunizationEvaluation.identifier | ImmunizationRecommendation.identifier | Invoice.identifier | List.identifier | MeasureReport.identifier | Medication.identifier | MedicationAdministration.identifier | MedicationDispense.identifier | MedicationRequest.identifier | MedicationStatement.identifier | MolecularSequence.identifier | NutritionIntake.identifier | NutritionOrder.identifier | Observation.identifier | Person.identifier | Procedure.identifier | QuestionnaireResponse.identifier | RelatedPerson.identifier | RequestOrchestration.identifier | ResearchSubject.identifier | RiskAssessment.identifier | ServiceRequest.identifier | Specimen.identifier | SupplyDelivery.identifier | SupplyRequest.identifier | Task.identifier | VisionPrescription.identifier

      See Also:

      public static final IDENTIFIER
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for identifier

      Description: Multiple Resources: [Account](account.html): Account number [AdverseEvent](adverseevent.html): Business identifier for the event [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): External ids for this item [Appointment](appointment.html): An Identifier of the Appointment [AppointmentResponse](appointmentresponse.html): An Identifier in this appointment response [Basic](basic.html): Business identifier [BodyStructure](bodystructure.html): Bodystructure identifier [CarePlan](careplan.html): External Ids for this plan [CareTeam](careteam.html): External Ids for this team [ChargeItem](chargeitem.html): Business Identifier for item [Claim](claim.html): The primary identifier of the financial resource [ClaimResponse](claimresponse.html): The identity of the ClaimResponse [ClinicalImpression](clinicalimpression.html): Business identifier [Communication](communication.html): Unique identifier [CommunicationRequest](communicationrequest.html): Unique identifier [Composition](composition.html): Version-independent identifier for the Composition [Condition](condition.html): A unique identifier of the condition record [Consent](consent.html): Identifier for this record (external references) [Contract](contract.html): The identity of the contract [Coverage](coverage.html): The primary identifier of the insured and the coverage [CoverageEligibilityRequest](coverageeligibilityrequest.html): The business identifier of the Eligibility [CoverageEligibilityResponse](coverageeligibilityresponse.html): The business identifier [DetectedIssue](detectedissue.html): Unique id for the detected issue [DeviceRequest](devicerequest.html): Business identifier for request/order [DeviceUsage](deviceusage.html): Search by identifier [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): An identifier for the report [DocumentReference](documentreference.html): Identifier of the attachment binary [Encounter](encounter.html): Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known [EnrollmentRequest](enrollmentrequest.html): The business identifier of the Enrollment [EpisodeOfCare](episodeofcare.html): Business Identifier(s) relevant for this EpisodeOfCare [ExplanationOfBenefit](explanationofbenefit.html): The business identifier of the Explanation of Benefit [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): A search by a record identifier [Flag](flag.html): Business identifier [Goal](goal.html): External Ids for this goal [GuidanceResponse](guidanceresponse.html): The identifier of the guidance response [ImagingSelection](imagingselection.html): Identifiers for the imaging selection [ImagingStudy](imagingstudy.html): Identifiers for the Study, such as DICOM Study Instance UID [Immunization](immunization.html): Business identifier [ImmunizationEvaluation](immunizationevaluation.html): ID of the evaluation [ImmunizationRecommendation](immunizationrecommendation.html): Business identifier [Invoice](invoice.html): Business Identifier for item [List](list.html): Business identifier [MeasureReport](measurereport.html): External identifier of the measure report to be returned [Medication](medication.html): Returns medications with this external identifier [MedicationAdministration](medicationadministration.html): Return administrations with this external identifier [MedicationDispense](medicationdispense.html): Returns dispenses with this external identifier [MedicationRequest](medicationrequest.html): Return prescriptions with this external identifier [MedicationStatement](medicationstatement.html): Return statements with this external identifier [MolecularSequence](molecularsequence.html): The unique identity for a particular sequence [NutritionIntake](nutritionintake.html): Return statements with this external identifier [NutritionOrder](nutritionorder.html): Return nutrition orders with this external identifier [Observation](observation.html): The unique id for a particular observation [Person](person.html): A person Identifier [Procedure](procedure.html): A unique identifier for a procedure [QuestionnaireResponse](questionnaireresponse.html): The unique identifier for the questionnaire response [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): An Identifier of the RelatedPerson [RequestOrchestration](requestorchestration.html): External identifiers for the request orchestration [ResearchSubject](researchsubject.html): Business Identifier for research subject in a study [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): Unique identifier for the assessment [ServiceRequest](servicerequest.html): Identifiers assigned to this order [Specimen](specimen.html): The unique identifier associated with the specimen [SupplyDelivery](supplydelivery.html): External identifier [SupplyRequest](supplyrequest.html): Business Identifier for SupplyRequest [Task](task.html): Search for a task instance by its business identifier [VisionPrescription](visionprescription.html): Return prescriptions with this external identifier
      Type: token
      Path: Account.identifier | AdverseEvent.identifier | AllergyIntolerance.identifier | Appointment.identifier | AppointmentResponse.identifier | Basic.identifier | BodyStructure.identifier | CarePlan.identifier | CareTeam.identifier | ChargeItem.identifier | Claim.identifier | ClaimResponse.identifier | ClinicalImpression.identifier | Communication.identifier | CommunicationRequest.identifier | Composition.identifier | Condition.identifier | Consent.identifier | Contract.identifier | Coverage.identifier | CoverageEligibilityRequest.identifier | CoverageEligibilityResponse.identifier | DetectedIssue.identifier | DeviceRequest.identifier | DeviceUsage.identifier | DiagnosticReport.identifier | DocumentReference.identifier | Encounter.identifier | EnrollmentRequest.identifier | EpisodeOfCare.identifier | ExplanationOfBenefit.identifier | FamilyMemberHistory.identifier | Flag.identifier | Goal.identifier | GuidanceResponse.identifier | ImagingSelection.identifier | ImagingStudy.identifier | Immunization.identifier | ImmunizationEvaluation.identifier | ImmunizationRecommendation.identifier | Invoice.identifier | List.identifier | MeasureReport.identifier | Medication.identifier | MedicationAdministration.identifier | MedicationDispense.identifier | MedicationRequest.identifier | MedicationStatement.identifier | MolecularSequence.identifier | NutritionIntake.identifier | NutritionOrder.identifier | Observation.identifier | Person.identifier | Procedure.identifier | QuestionnaireResponse.identifier | RelatedPerson.identifier | RequestOrchestration.identifier | ResearchSubject.identifier | RiskAssessment.identifier | ServiceRequest.identifier | Specimen.identifier | SupplyDelivery.identifier | SupplyRequest.identifier | Task.identifier | VisionPrescription.identifier


      public static final String SP_PATIENT
      Search parameter: patient

      Description: Multiple Resources: [Account](account.html): The entity that caused the expenses [AdverseEvent](adverseevent.html): Subject impacted by event [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): Who the sensitivity is for [Appointment](appointment.html): One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient [AppointmentResponse](appointmentresponse.html): This Response is for this Patient [AuditEvent](auditevent.html): Where the activity involved patient data [Basic](basic.html): Identifies the focus of this resource [BodyStructure](bodystructure.html): Who this is about [CarePlan](careplan.html): Who the care plan is for [CareTeam](careteam.html): Who care team is for [ChargeItem](chargeitem.html): Individual service was done for/to [Claim](claim.html): Patient receiving the products or services [ClaimResponse](claimresponse.html): The subject of care [ClinicalImpression](clinicalimpression.html): Patient assessed [Communication](communication.html): Focus of message [CommunicationRequest](communicationrequest.html): Focus of message [Composition](composition.html): Who and/or what the composition is about [Condition](condition.html): Who has the condition? [Consent](consent.html): Who the consent applies to [Contract](contract.html): The identity of the subject of the contract (if a patient) [Coverage](coverage.html): Retrieve coverages for a patient [CoverageEligibilityRequest](coverageeligibilityrequest.html): The reference to the patient [CoverageEligibilityResponse](coverageeligibilityresponse.html): The reference to the patient [DetectedIssue](detectedissue.html): Associated patient [DeviceRequest](devicerequest.html): Individual the service is ordered for [DeviceUsage](deviceusage.html): Search by patient who used / uses the device [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): The subject of the report if a patient [DocumentReference](documentreference.html): Who/what is the subject of the document [Encounter](encounter.html): The patient present at the encounter [EnrollmentRequest](enrollmentrequest.html): The party to be enrolled [EpisodeOfCare](episodeofcare.html): The patient who is the focus of this episode of care [ExplanationOfBenefit](explanationofbenefit.html): The reference to the patient [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): The identity of a subject to list family member history items for [Flag](flag.html): The identity of a subject to list flags for [Goal](goal.html): Who this goal is intended for [GuidanceResponse](guidanceresponse.html): The identity of a patient to search for guidance response results [ImagingSelection](imagingselection.html): Who the study is about [ImagingStudy](imagingstudy.html): Who the study is about [Immunization](immunization.html): The patient for the vaccination record [ImmunizationEvaluation](immunizationevaluation.html): The patient being evaluated [ImmunizationRecommendation](immunizationrecommendation.html): Who this profile is for [Invoice](invoice.html): Recipient(s) of goods and services [List](list.html): If all resources have the same subject [MeasureReport](measurereport.html): The identity of a patient to search for individual measure report results for [MedicationAdministration](medicationadministration.html): The identity of a patient to list administrations for [MedicationDispense](medicationdispense.html): The identity of a patient to list dispenses for [MedicationRequest](medicationrequest.html): Returns prescriptions for a specific patient [MedicationStatement](medicationstatement.html): Returns statements for a specific patient. [MolecularSequence](molecularsequence.html): The subject that the sequence is about [NutritionIntake](nutritionintake.html): Returns statements for a specific patient. [NutritionOrder](nutritionorder.html): The identity of the individual or set of individuals who requires the diet, formula or nutritional supplement [Observation](observation.html): The subject that the observation is about (if patient) [Person](person.html): The Person links to this Patient [Procedure](procedure.html): Search by subject - a patient [Provenance](provenance.html): Where the activity involved patient data [QuestionnaireResponse](questionnaireresponse.html): The patient that is the subject of the questionnaire response [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): The patient this related person is related to [RequestOrchestration](requestorchestration.html): The identity of a patient to search for request orchestrations [ResearchSubject](researchsubject.html): Who or what is part of study [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): Who/what does assessment apply to? [ServiceRequest](servicerequest.html): Search by subject - a patient [Specimen](specimen.html): The patient the specimen comes from [SupplyDelivery](supplydelivery.html): Patient for whom the item is supplied [SupplyRequest](supplyrequest.html): The patient or subject for whom the supply is destined [Task](task.html): Search by patient [VisionPrescription](visionprescription.html): The identity of a patient to list dispenses for
      Type: reference
      Path: Account.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | AdverseEvent.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | AllergyIntolerance.patient | is Patient) | Appointment.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | is Patient) | AuditEvent.patient | Basic.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | BodyStructure.patient | CarePlan.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | CareTeam.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | ChargeItem.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Claim.patient | ClaimResponse.patient | ClinicalImpression.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Communication.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | CommunicationRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Composition.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Condition.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Consent.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Contract.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Coverage.beneficiary | CoverageEligibilityRequest.patient | CoverageEligibilityResponse.patient | DetectedIssue.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | DeviceRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | DeviceUsage.patient | DiagnosticReport.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | DocumentReference.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Encounter.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | EnrollmentRequest.candidate | EpisodeOfCare.patient | ExplanationOfBenefit.patient | FamilyMemberHistory.patient | Flag.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Goal.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | GuidanceResponse.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | ImagingSelection.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | ImagingStudy.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Immunization.patient | ImmunizationEvaluation.patient | ImmunizationRecommendation.patient | Invoice.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | List.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MeasureReport.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MedicationAdministration.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MedicationDispense.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MedicationRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MedicationStatement.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MolecularSequence.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | NutritionIntake.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | NutritionOrder.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Observation.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | is Patient) | Procedure.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Provenance.patient | QuestionnaireResponse.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | RelatedPerson.patient | RequestOrchestration.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | ResearchSubject.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | RiskAssessment.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | ServiceRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Specimen.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | SupplyDelivery.patient | SupplyRequest.deliverFor | Task.for.where(resolve() is Patient) | VisionPrescription.patient

      See Also:

      public static final PATIENT
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for patient

      Description: Multiple Resources: [Account](account.html): The entity that caused the expenses [AdverseEvent](adverseevent.html): Subject impacted by event [AllergyIntolerance](allergyintolerance.html): Who the sensitivity is for [Appointment](appointment.html): One of the individuals of the appointment is this patient [AppointmentResponse](appointmentresponse.html): This Response is for this Patient [AuditEvent](auditevent.html): Where the activity involved patient data [Basic](basic.html): Identifies the focus of this resource [BodyStructure](bodystructure.html): Who this is about [CarePlan](careplan.html): Who the care plan is for [CareTeam](careteam.html): Who care team is for [ChargeItem](chargeitem.html): Individual service was done for/to [Claim](claim.html): Patient receiving the products or services [ClaimResponse](claimresponse.html): The subject of care [ClinicalImpression](clinicalimpression.html): Patient assessed [Communication](communication.html): Focus of message [CommunicationRequest](communicationrequest.html): Focus of message [Composition](composition.html): Who and/or what the composition is about [Condition](condition.html): Who has the condition? [Consent](consent.html): Who the consent applies to [Contract](contract.html): The identity of the subject of the contract (if a patient) [Coverage](coverage.html): Retrieve coverages for a patient [CoverageEligibilityRequest](coverageeligibilityrequest.html): The reference to the patient [CoverageEligibilityResponse](coverageeligibilityresponse.html): The reference to the patient [DetectedIssue](detectedissue.html): Associated patient [DeviceRequest](devicerequest.html): Individual the service is ordered for [DeviceUsage](deviceusage.html): Search by patient who used / uses the device [DiagnosticReport](diagnosticreport.html): The subject of the report if a patient [DocumentReference](documentreference.html): Who/what is the subject of the document [Encounter](encounter.html): The patient present at the encounter [EnrollmentRequest](enrollmentrequest.html): The party to be enrolled [EpisodeOfCare](episodeofcare.html): The patient who is the focus of this episode of care [ExplanationOfBenefit](explanationofbenefit.html): The reference to the patient [FamilyMemberHistory](familymemberhistory.html): The identity of a subject to list family member history items for [Flag](flag.html): The identity of a subject to list flags for [Goal](goal.html): Who this goal is intended for [GuidanceResponse](guidanceresponse.html): The identity of a patient to search for guidance response results [ImagingSelection](imagingselection.html): Who the study is about [ImagingStudy](imagingstudy.html): Who the study is about [Immunization](immunization.html): The patient for the vaccination record [ImmunizationEvaluation](immunizationevaluation.html): The patient being evaluated [ImmunizationRecommendation](immunizationrecommendation.html): Who this profile is for [Invoice](invoice.html): Recipient(s) of goods and services [List](list.html): If all resources have the same subject [MeasureReport](measurereport.html): The identity of a patient to search for individual measure report results for [MedicationAdministration](medicationadministration.html): The identity of a patient to list administrations for [MedicationDispense](medicationdispense.html): The identity of a patient to list dispenses for [MedicationRequest](medicationrequest.html): Returns prescriptions for a specific patient [MedicationStatement](medicationstatement.html): Returns statements for a specific patient. [MolecularSequence](molecularsequence.html): The subject that the sequence is about [NutritionIntake](nutritionintake.html): Returns statements for a specific patient. [NutritionOrder](nutritionorder.html): The identity of the individual or set of individuals who requires the diet, formula or nutritional supplement [Observation](observation.html): The subject that the observation is about (if patient) [Person](person.html): The Person links to this Patient [Procedure](procedure.html): Search by subject - a patient [Provenance](provenance.html): Where the activity involved patient data [QuestionnaireResponse](questionnaireresponse.html): The patient that is the subject of the questionnaire response [RelatedPerson](relatedperson.html): The patient this related person is related to [RequestOrchestration](requestorchestration.html): The identity of a patient to search for request orchestrations [ResearchSubject](researchsubject.html): Who or what is part of study [RiskAssessment](riskassessment.html): Who/what does assessment apply to? [ServiceRequest](servicerequest.html): Search by subject - a patient [Specimen](specimen.html): The patient the specimen comes from [SupplyDelivery](supplydelivery.html): Patient for whom the item is supplied [SupplyRequest](supplyrequest.html): The patient or subject for whom the supply is destined [Task](task.html): Search by patient [VisionPrescription](visionprescription.html): The identity of a patient to list dispenses for
      Type: reference
      Path: Account.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | AdverseEvent.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | AllergyIntolerance.patient | is Patient) | Appointment.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | is Patient) | AuditEvent.patient | Basic.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | BodyStructure.patient | CarePlan.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | CareTeam.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | ChargeItem.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Claim.patient | ClaimResponse.patient | ClinicalImpression.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Communication.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | CommunicationRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Composition.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Condition.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Consent.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Contract.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Coverage.beneficiary | CoverageEligibilityRequest.patient | CoverageEligibilityResponse.patient | DetectedIssue.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | DeviceRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | DeviceUsage.patient | DiagnosticReport.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | DocumentReference.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Encounter.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | EnrollmentRequest.candidate | EpisodeOfCare.patient | ExplanationOfBenefit.patient | FamilyMemberHistory.patient | Flag.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Goal.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | GuidanceResponse.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | ImagingSelection.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | ImagingStudy.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Immunization.patient | ImmunizationEvaluation.patient | ImmunizationRecommendation.patient | Invoice.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | List.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MeasureReport.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MedicationAdministration.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MedicationDispense.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MedicationRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MedicationStatement.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | MolecularSequence.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | NutritionIntake.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | NutritionOrder.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Observation.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | is Patient) | Procedure.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Provenance.patient | QuestionnaireResponse.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | RelatedPerson.patient | RequestOrchestration.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | ResearchSubject.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | RiskAssessment.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | ServiceRequest.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | Specimen.subject.where(resolve() is Patient) | SupplyDelivery.patient | SupplyRequest.deliverFor | Task.for.where(resolve() is Patient) | VisionPrescription.patient


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_PATIENT
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Procedure:patient".
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details