The following people have generously contributed their time to write code or documentation for the HAPI FHIR project.
GitHub ID | Name | Organization |
@IanMMarshall | Ian Marshall | Smile CDR |
@dmuylwyk | Diederik Muylwyk | Smile CDR |
@fil512 | Ken Stevens | Smile CDR |
@franktao2008 | Frank Tao | Smile CDR |
@jamesagnew | James Agnew | Smile CDR |
@markiantorno | Mark Iantorno | Smile CDR |
@tadgh | Gary Graham | Smile CDR |
@zilin375 | Zhe Wang | Agfa Healthcare |
@bdenton | Bill Denton | Akana, Inc |
@brynrhodes | Bryn Rhodes | Alphora |
@jpercival | Jonathan Percival | Alphora |
@preston | Preston Lee | Arizona State University |
@bratwurtz | Dušan Marković | Better |
@delopst | Primož Delopst | Better |
@jmandel | Josh Mandel | Boston Children's Hospital |
@karlmdavis | Karl M. Davis | CMS |
@lawley | Michael Lawley | CSIRO |
@xmhorsehead | Xun Ma | CSIRO |
@restevez-chs | Ricardo Estevez | Cambia Health Solutions |
@stevelle | Steve Lewis | Cambia Health Solutions |
@MangalaEkanayake | Mangala Ekanayake | Cambio |
@alinleonard | Alin Leonard | Cerner Corporation |
@anamariaradu10 | Ana Maria Radu | Cerner Corporation |
@daliboz | Jenny Syed | Cerner Corporation |
@krauzer | Dylan Krause | Corbalt |
@volsch | Volker Schmidt | DHIS2 / University of Oslo |
@Zach Smith | zachdoctolib | Doctolib |
@alparodev | Aleksej Parovysnik | Doctolib |
@doumdoum | Dominique Villard | Doctolib |
@mochaholic | Mohammad Jafari | Edmond Scientific Company |
@vadi2 | Vadim Peretokin | Firely |
@boereck | Max Bureck | Fraunhofer FOKUS |
@Jake-Gillberg | Jake Gillberg | Galileo, Inc. |
@adriennesox | Adrienne Sox | Galileo, Inc. |
@jingtang10 | Jing Tang | |
@elavy-harris | Eliott Lavy | Harris |
@grahamegrieve | Grahame Grieve | Health Intersections |
@Tastelezz | Gaetano Gallo | InterComponentWare AG |
@Thopap | Thomas Papke | InterComponentWare AG |
@ohr | Christian Ohr | InterComponentWare AG |
@vilaug | Augustas Vilčinskas | Ivido |
@joel-costigliola | Joel Costigliola | JCOS-Technologies |
@ericprud | Eric Prud'hommeaux | Janeiro Digital |
@joshdcollins | Josh Collins | Janeiro Digital |
@hnnesv | Hannes Venter | Jembi Health Systems |
@blangley28 | MITRE | |
@jddamore | John D'Amore | More Informatics |
@joelsch | Joel Schneider | National Marrow Donor Program |
@craigappl | Craig Appl | ONA |
@suranga | Suranga Nath Kasthurirathne | OpenMRS / Regenstrief Center for Biomedical Informatics |
@davidhay25 | David Hay | Orion Health |
@kiwiandroiddev | Matt Clarke | Orion Health |
@sweetnavelorange | James Butler | Orion Health |
@vitorpamplona | Vitor Pamplona | PathCheck Foundation / EyeNetra Inc |
@marceloavan | Marcelo Avancini | Philips |
@johnpoth | John Poth | Red Hat |
@dougmartin | Doug Martin | Regenstrief Center for Biomedical Informatics |
@swagers | Steven Wagers | Regenstrief Institute |
@stefan-lindstrom | Stefan Lindström | Softhouse AB |
@JoeShook | Joe Shook | Surescripts LLC |
@jasmdk | Jacob Stampe Mikkelsen | Systematik A/S |
@b.debeaubien | Bill de Beaubien | Systems Made Simple |
@berkant-k | Berkant Karduman | TigaHealth |
@mzgtrifork | Martin Zacho Grønhøj | Trifork |
@nigtrifork | Nicolai Gjøderum | Trifork |
@ttntrifork | Tue Toft Nørgård | Trifork |
@iyt-trifork | Ibrahim Tallouzi | Trifork A/S |
@ | Lisa Wong | University Health Network |
@lmds | Laura MacDougall Sookraj | University Health Network |
@t106uhn | Neal Acharya | University Health Network |
@tahurac | Tahura Chaudhry | University Health Network |
@yogthos | Dmitri Sotnikov | University Health Network |
@acoteathn | Alex Cote | athenahealth |
@alexrkopp | Alex Kopp | athenahealth |
@madduci | Michele Adduci | gematik GmbH |
@ArtyomyuS | Artiom Darie | |
@Bert-R | Bert Roos | |
@Boereck | Max Bureck | |
@CarthageKing | CarthageKing | |
@CodeAndChoke | Long Nguyen | |
@Cory00 | ||
@FilipDomazet | Filip Domazet | |
@HananAwwad | Hanan Awwad | |
@InfiniteLoop90 | Clayton Bodendein | |
@JiajingLiang | Jiajing Liang | |
@JorisHeadease | ||
@KevinDougan-SmileCDR | Kevin Dougan | |
@MarcelPa | Marcel P | |
@Robbert1 | Robbert van Waveren | |
@Roel-Scholten | Roel Scholten | |
@Romanow88 | Roman Doboni | |
@RuthAlk | Ruth Alkema | |
@SRiviere | Sebastien Riviere | |
@SRiviere | Sebastien Riviere | |
@SarenCurrie | Saren Currie | |
@SevcikMichal | Michal Sevcik | |
@SingingTree | Bryce Van Dyk | |
@Tastelezz | Gaetano Gallo | |
@XcrigX | Craig McClendon | |
@abrsystematic | ||
@adam-carbone | Adam Carbone | |
@akley | Alexander Kley | |
@anoush-bch | Anoush Mouradian | |
@anthonys123 | Anthony Sute | |
@augla | August Langhout | |
@basecade | Anders Havn | |
@botunge | Thomas Andersen | |
@c-schuler | Chris Schuler | |
@cmikeb1 | C. Mike Bylund | |
@dangerousben | Ben Spencer | |
@darktyko | Kyle Meadows | |
@dconlan | dconlan | |
@dgileadi | David Gileadi | |
@dionmcm | ||
@dmap | David Maplesden | |
@dyoung-work | ||
@esteban-aliverti | Esteban Aliverti | |
@eug48 | Eugene Lubarsky | |
@euvitudo | Phillip Warner | |
@fitzoh | Andrew Fitzgerald | |
@gematik-fue | gematik FuE | |
@gijsbert802 | Gijsbert van den Brink | |
@gjergjsheldija | Gjergj Sheldija | |
@granadacoder | ||
@gteichrow | Gary Teichrow | |
@hdconradi | Heinz-Dieter Conradi | |
@hugosoares | Hugo Soares | |
@ibacher | Ian | |
@ibrohimislam | Ibrohim Kholilul Islam | |
@ivagulin | ||
@jaferkhan | Jafer Khan Shamshad | |
@jamesdaily | James Daily | |
@janol77 | Alejandro Medina | |
@jarimayenburg | Jari Maijenburg | |
@jasonaown | Jason Owen | |
@javajeff | Jeff Chung | |
@jbalbien | ||
@jbonzohln | Jesse Bonzo | |
@jelmerterwal | Jelmer ter Wal | |
@jiaola | Dazhi Jiao | |
@jjathman | Joe Athman | |
@jkiddo | Jens Kristian Villadsen | |
@jodue | jodue | |
@joelsch | Joel Schneider | |
@kliu99 | Kai Liu | |
@maclema | maclema | |
@magnuswatn | Magnus Watn | |
@malcolmm83 | Malcolm McRoberts | |
@matt-blanchette | Matt Blanchette | |
@melihaydogd | Ahmet Melih Aydoğdu | |
@mion00 | Carlo Mion | |
@mkucharek | Maciej Kucharek | |
@mouellet | Mathieu Ouellet | |
@nerdydrew | Drew Mitchell | |
@nickrobison-usds | Nick Robison | |
@nrpeterson | Nick Peterson | |
@pano-smals | pano-smals | |
@patrick-werner | Patrick Werner | |
@petervanhoute | Peter Van Houte | |
@petromykhailysyn | Petro Mykhailyshyn | |
@petromykhailysyn | Petro Mykhaylyshyn | |
@plchldr | Jonas Beyer | |
@psbrandt | Pascal Brandt | |
@pukkaone | Chin Huang | |
@rbhman | Bruno Hedman | |
@rhausam | Rob Hausam | |
@rqg0717 | James Ren | |
@ruoat | Ari Ruotsalainen | |
@samlanfranchi | Sam Lanfranchi | |
@sekaijin | sekaijin | |
@sethrylan | Seth Rylan Gainey | |
@sjanic | sjanic | |
@splatch | Łukasz Dywicki | |
@sqshq | Alexander Lukyanchikov | |
@srdo | Stig Døssing | |
@srdo | Stig Døssing | |
@subhrajyotim | Subhro | |
@subigre | Renaud Subiger | |
@t4deon | Andreas Keil | |
@tarekmamdouh | ||
@theGOTOguy | Ben Li-Sauerwine | |
@thetrueoneshots | Gijs Groenewegen | |
@tuomoa | Tuomo Ala-Vannesluoma | |
@twilson650 | Tom Wilson | |
@uurl | Raul Estrada | |
@vedion | Anders Havn | |
@vladonemo | Vladimir Nemergut | |
@zaewonyx | ||
@zilin375 |