Interface IOperationUntypedWithInputAndPartialOutput<T extends IBaseParameters>

All Superinterfaces:
IClientExecutable<IOperationUntypedWithInput<T>,T>, IOperationUntypedWithInput<T>

  • Method Details

    • andParameter

      Use chained method calls to construct a Parameters input. This form is a convenience in order to allow simple method chaining to be used to build up a parameters resource for the input of an operation without needing to manually construct one.
      theName - The first parameter name
      theValue - The first parameter value
    • andSearchParameter

      Adds a URL parameter to the request. Use chained method calls to construct a Parameters input. This form is a convenience in order to allow simple method chaining to be used to build up a parameters resource for the input of an operation without needing to manually construct one.
      theName - The first parameter name
      theValue - The first parameter value