Class ResourceIndexedComboStringUnique

All Implemented Interfaces:
IResourceIndexComboSearchParameter, Serializable, Comparable<ResourceIndexedComboStringUnique>


This table does not include the partition ID in the uniqueness check. This was the case when this table was originally created. In other words, the uniqueness constraint does not include the partition column, and would therefore not be able to guarantee uniqueness local to a partition.

TODO: HAPI FHIR 7.4.0 introduced hashes to this table - In a future release we should move the uniqueness constraint over to using them instead of the long string. At that time we could probably decide whether it makes sense to include the partition ID in the uniqueness check. Null values will be an issue there, we may need to introduce a rule that if you want to enforce uniqueness on a partitioned system you need a non-null default partition ID?

See Also: