Class FhirPatch.ParsedPath

Enclosing class:

protected static class FhirPatch.ParsedPath extends Object
This class helps parse a FHIR path into its component parts for easier patch operation processing. It has 3 components: - The last element name, which is the last element in the path (not including any list index or filter) - The containing path, which is the prefix of the path up to the last element - A flag indicating whether the path has a filter or index on the last element of the path, which indicates that the path we are dealing is probably for a list element. Examples: 1. For path "Patient.identifier[2].system", - the lastElementName is "system", - the containingPath is "Patient.identifier[2]", - and endsWithAFilterOrIndex flag is false 2. For path "Patient.identifier[2]" or for path "Patient.identifier.where('system'='sys1')" - the lastElementName is "identifier", - the containingPath is "Patient", - and the endsWithAFilterOrIndex is true
  • Constructor Details

    • ParsedPath

      public ParsedPath(String theLastElementName, String theContainingPath, boolean theEndsWithAFilterOrIndex)
  • Method Details