Uses of Class
Packages that use PeriodDt
Uses of PeriodDt in ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite
Methods in ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite that return PeriodDtModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAddressDt.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().ContactPointDt.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().HumanNameDt.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().IdentifierDt.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().PeriodDt.setEnd
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.DateTimeDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for end ()Sets the value for end ()PeriodDt.setEndWithSecondsPrecision
(Date theDate) Sets the value for end ()PeriodDt.setStart
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.DateTimeDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for start ()Sets the value for start ()PeriodDt.setStartWithSecondsPrecision
(Date theDate) Sets the value for start ()Methods in ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.composite with parameters of type PeriodDtModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period () -
Uses of PeriodDt in ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource
Methods in ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource that return PeriodDtModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAccount.getActivePeriod()
Gets the value(s) for activePeriod ().Contract.getApplies()
Gets the value(s) for applies ().Contract.Term.getApplies()
Gets the value(s) for applies ().Account.getCoveragePeriod()
Gets the value(s) for coveragePeriod ().HealthcareService.NotAvailable.getDuring()
Gets the value(s) for during ().ReferralRequest.getFulfillmentTime()
Gets the value(s) for fulfillmentTime (when.planned).CarePlan.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().Composition.Event.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().Coverage.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().DocumentReference.Context.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().Encounter.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period (when.done).Encounter.Location.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().Encounter.Participant.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().Encounter.StatusHistory.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().EpisodeOfCare.CareTeam.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().EpisodeOfCare.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period (when.init).EpisodeOfCare.StatusHistory.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().Flag.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period (context).Group.Characteristic.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().Group.Member.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().NamingSystem.UniqueId.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().Patient.Contact.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().PaymentReconciliation.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().Practitioner.PractitionerRole.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period (when.done).Practitioner.Qualification.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().ProcessRequest.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period ().Provenance.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period (when.done).RelatedPerson.getPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for period (when.done).Schedule.getPlanningHorizon()
Gets the value(s) for planningHorizon (when.planned).MedicationOrder.DispenseRequest.getValidityPeriod()
Gets the value(s) for validityPeriod ().SupplyDelivery.getWhenPrepared()
Gets the value(s) for whenPrepared ().DeviceUseStatement.getWhenUsed()
Gets the value(s) for whenUsed (when.done).Methods in ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource with parameters of type PeriodDtModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAccount.setActivePeriod
(PeriodDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for activePeriod ()Contract.setApplies
(PeriodDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for applies ()Contract.Term.setApplies
(PeriodDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for applies ()Account.setCoveragePeriod
(PeriodDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for coveragePeriod ()Sets the value(s) for during ()ReferralRequest.setFulfillmentTime
(PeriodDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for fulfillmentTime (when.planned)Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period (when.done)Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period (when.init)Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period (context)Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period (when.done)Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period ()Sets the value(s) for period (when.done)Sets the value(s) for period (when.done)Schedule.setPlanningHorizon
(PeriodDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for planningHorizon (when.planned)MedicationOrder.DispenseRequest.setValidityPeriod
(PeriodDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for validityPeriod ()SupplyDelivery.setWhenPrepared
(PeriodDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for whenPrepared ()DeviceUseStatement.setWhenUsed
(PeriodDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for whenUsed (when.done)