Class Observation
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Definition: Measurements and simple assertions made about a patient, device or other subject.
Requirements: Observations are a key aspect of healthcare. This resource is used to capture those that do not require more sophisticated mechanisms.
Profile Definition: http://hl7.org/fhir/profiles/Observation
- See Also:
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
Block class for child element: Observation.component ()static class
Block class for child element: Observation.referenceRange ()static class
Block class for child element: Observation.related () -
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for categorystatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for codestatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam
<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam, ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam> Fluent Client search parameter constant for code-value-conceptstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam
<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam, ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.DateClientParam> Fluent Client search parameter constant for code-value-datestatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam
<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam, ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.QuantityClientParam> Fluent Client search parameter constant for code-value-quantitystatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam
<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam, ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.StringClientParam> Fluent Client search parameter constant for code-value-stringstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-codestatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam
<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam, ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam> Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-conceptstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam
<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam, ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.QuantityClientParam> Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-quantitystatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam
<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam, ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.StringClientParam> Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-stringstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-data-absent-reasonstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-value-conceptstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.QuantityClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-value-quantitystatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.StringClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-value-stringstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for data-absent-reasonstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.DateClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for datestatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for devicestatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for encounterstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for identifierstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for patientstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for performerstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for related-targetstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam
<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam, ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam> Fluent Client search parameter constant for related-target-related-typestatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for related-typestatic final String
Search parameter constant for categorystatic final String
Search parameter constant for codestatic final String
Search parameter constant for code-value-conceptstatic final String
Search parameter constant for code-value-datestatic final String
Search parameter constant for code-value-quantitystatic final String
Search parameter constant for code-value-stringstatic final String
Search parameter constant for component-codestatic final String
Search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-conceptstatic final String
Search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-quantitystatic final String
Search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-stringstatic final String
Search parameter constant for component-data-absent-reasonstatic final String
Search parameter constant for component-value-conceptstatic final String
Search parameter constant for component-value-quantitystatic final String
Search parameter constant for component-value-stringstatic final String
Search parameter constant for data-absent-reasonstatic final String
Search parameter constant for datestatic final String
Search parameter constant for devicestatic final String
Search parameter constant for encounterstatic final String
Search parameter constant for identifierstatic final String
Search parameter constant for patientstatic final String
Search parameter constant for performerstatic final String
Search parameter constant for related-targetstatic final String
Search parameter constant for related-target-related-typestatic final String
Search parameter constant for related-typestatic final String
Search parameter constant for specimenstatic final String
Search parameter constant for statusstatic final String
Search parameter constant for subjectstatic final String
Search parameter constant for value-conceptstatic final String
Search parameter constant for value-datestatic final String
Search parameter constant for value-quantitystatic final String
Search parameter constant for value-stringstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for specimenstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for statusstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for subjectstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for value-conceptstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.DateClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for value-datestatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.QuantityClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for value-quantitystatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.StringClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for value-stringFields inherited from class ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.BaseResource
Fields inherited from interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdds and returns a new value for component ()addComponent
(Observation.Component theValue) Adds a given new value for component ()Adds and returns a new value for identifier (id)addIdentifier
(IdentifierDt theValue) Adds a given new value for identifier (id)Adds and returns a new value for performer (who.actor)Adds and returns a new value for referenceRange ()addReferenceRange
(Observation.ReferenceRange theValue) Adds a given new value for referenceRange ()Adds and returns a new value for related ()addRelated
(Observation.Related theValue) Adds a given new value for related ()<T extends ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement>
List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType
(Class<T> theType) Gets the value(s) for bodySite ().Gets the value(s) for category (class).getCode()
Gets the value(s) for code (what).Gets the value(s) for comments ().ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt
Gets the value(s) for comments ().Gets the value(s) for component ().Gets the first repetition for component (), creating it if it does not already exist.Gets the value(s) for dataAbsentReason ().Gets the value(s) for device ().ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype
Gets the value(s) for effective[x] (when.done).Gets the value(s) for encounter (context).Gets the value(s) for identifier (id).Gets the first repetition for identifier (id), creating it if it does not already exist.Gets the value(s) for interpretation ().Gets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded).ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.InstantDt
Gets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded).Gets the value(s) for method ().Gets the value(s) for performer (who.actor).Gets the value(s) for referenceRange ().Gets the first repetition for referenceRange (), creating it if it does not already exist.Gets the value(s) for related ().Gets the first repetition for related (), creating it if it does not already exist.Gets the value(s) for specimen ().Gets the value(s) for status (status).ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt
<ObservationStatusEnum> Gets the value(s) for status (status).ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirVersionEnum
Gets the value(s) for subject (who.focus).ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype
Gets the value(s) for value[x] ().boolean
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for bodySite ()setCategory
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for category (class)setCode
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for code (what)setComments
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.StringDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for comments ()setComments
(String theString) Sets the value for comments ()setComponent
(List<Observation.Component> theValue) Sets the value(s) for component ()setDataAbsentReason
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for dataAbsentReason ()setDevice
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for device ()setEffective
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype theValue) Sets the value(s) for effective[x] (when.done)setEncounter
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for encounter (context)setIdentifier
(List<IdentifierDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for identifier (id)setInterpretation
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for interpretation ()setIssued
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.InstantDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded)Sets the value for issued (when.recorded)setIssuedWithMillisPrecision
(Date theDate) Sets the value for issued (when.recorded)setMethod
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for method ()setPerformer
(List<ResourceReferenceDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for performer (who.actor)setReferenceRange
(List<Observation.ReferenceRange> theValue) Sets the value(s) for referenceRange ()setRelated
(List<Observation.Related> theValue) Sets the value(s) for related ()setSpecimen
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for specimen ()setStatus
(ObservationStatusEnum theValue) Sets the value(s) for status (status)setStatus
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt<ObservationStatusEnum> theValue) Sets the value(s) for status (status)setSubject
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for subject (who.focus)setValue
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype theValue) Sets the value(s) for value[x] ()Methods inherited from class ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.BaseResource
getContained, getId, getIdElement, getLanguage, getMeta, getResourceMetadata, getText, isBaseEmpty, setContained, setId, setId, setId, setLanguage, setResourceMetadata, setText, toString
Methods inherited from class ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BaseElement
addUndeclaredExtension, addUndeclaredExtension, addUndeclaredExtension, getAllUndeclaredExtensions, getFormatCommentsPost, getFormatCommentsPre, getUndeclaredExtensions, getUndeclaredExtensionsByUrl, getUndeclaredModifierExtensions, getUserData, hasFormatComment, setUserData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
fhirType, getFormatCommentsPost, getFormatCommentsPre, getUserData, hasFormatComment, setUserData
Methods inherited from interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource
getIdElement, isDeleted, setId, setId
Methods inherited from interface ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource
getContained, getId, getLanguage, getMeta, getResourceMetadata, getText, setId, setLanguage, setResourceMetadata
Field Details
Search parameter constant for codeDescription: The code of the observation type
Type: token
Path: Observation.code
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for codeDescription: The code of the observation type
Type: token
Path: Observation.code
Search parameter constant for component-codeDescription: The component code of the observation type
Type: token
Path: Observation.component.code
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-codeDescription: The component code of the observation type
Type: token
Path: Observation.component.code
Search parameter constant for value-quantityDescription: The value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)
Type: quantity
Path: Observation.valueQuantity
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for value-quantityDescription: The value of the observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)
Type: quantity
Path: Observation.valueQuantity
Search parameter constant for component-value-quantityDescription: The value of the component observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)
Type: quantity
Path: Observation.component.valueQuantity
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-value-quantityDescription: The value of the component observation, if the value is a Quantity, or a SampledData (just search on the bounds of the values in sampled data)
Type: quantity
Path: Observation.component.valueQuantity
Search parameter constant for value-conceptDescription: The value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept
Type: token
Path: Observation.valueCodeableConcept
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for value-conceptDescription: The value of the observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept
Type: token
Path: Observation.valueCodeableConcept
Search parameter constant for component-value-conceptDescription: The value of the component observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept
Type: token
Path: Observation.component.valueCodeableConcept
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-value-conceptDescription: The value of the component observation, if the value is a CodeableConcept
Type: token
Path: Observation.component.valueCodeableConcept
Search parameter constant for value-dateDescription: The value of the observation, if the value is a date or period of time
Type: date
Path: Observation.valueDateTime | Observation.valuePeriod
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for value-dateDescription: The value of the observation, if the value is a date or period of time
Type: date
Path: Observation.valueDateTime | Observation.valuePeriod
Search parameter constant for value-stringDescription: The value of the observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text
Type: string
Path: Observation.valueString
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for value-stringDescription: The value of the observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text
Type: string
Path: Observation.valueString
Search parameter constant for component-value-stringDescription: The value of the component observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text
Type: string
Path: Observation.component.valueString
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-value-stringDescription: The value of the component observation, if the value is a string, and also searches in CodeableConcept.text
Type: string
Path: Observation.component.valueString
Search parameter constant for dateDescription: Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period
Type: date
Path: Observation.effective[x]
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for dateDescription: Obtained date/time. If the obtained element is a period, a date that falls in the period
Type: date
Path: Observation.effective[x]
Search parameter constant for statusDescription: The status of the observation
Type: token
Path: Observation.status
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for statusDescription: The status of the observation
Type: token
Path: Observation.status
Search parameter constant for subjectDescription: The subject that the observation is about
Type: reference
Path: Observation.subject
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for subjectDescription: The subject that the observation is about
Type: reference
Path: Observation.subject
Search parameter constant for performerDescription: Who performed the observation
Type: reference
Path: Observation.performer
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for performerDescription: Who performed the observation
Type: reference
Path: Observation.performer
Search parameter constant for specimenDescription:
Type: reference
Path: Observation.specimen
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for specimenDescription:
Type: reference
Path: Observation.specimen
Search parameter constant for related-typeDescription:
Type: token
Path: Observation.related.type
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for related-typeDescription:
Type: token
Path: Observation.related.type
Search parameter constant for related-targetDescription:
Type: reference
Path: Observation.related.target
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for related-targetDescription:
Type: reference
Path: Observation.related.target
Search parameter constant for encounterDescription: Healthcare event related to the observation
Type: reference
Path: Observation.encounter
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for encounterDescription: Healthcare event related to the observation
Type: reference
Path: Observation.encounter
Search parameter constant for data-absent-reasonDescription: The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
Type: token
Path: Observation.dataAbsentReason
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for data-absent-reasonDescription: The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
Type: token
Path: Observation.dataAbsentReason
Search parameter constant for component-data-absent-reasonDescription: The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
Type: token
Path: Observation.component.dataAbsentReason
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for component-data-absent-reasonDescription: The reason why the expected value in the element Observation.component.value[x] is missing.
Type: token
Path: Observation.component.dataAbsentReason
Search parameter constant for patientDescription: The subject that the observation is about (if patient)
Type: reference
Path: Observation.subject
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for patientDescription: The subject that the observation is about (if patient)
Type: reference
Path: Observation.subject
Search parameter constant for identifierDescription: The unique id for a particular observation
Type: token
Path: Observation.identifier
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for identifierDescription: The unique id for a particular observation
Type: token
Path: Observation.identifier
Search parameter constant for deviceDescription: The Device that generated the observation data.
Type: reference
Path: Observation.device
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for deviceDescription: The Device that generated the observation data.
Type: reference
Path: Observation.device
Search parameter constant for categoryDescription: The classification of the type of observation
Type: token
Path: Observation.category
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for categoryDescription: The classification of the type of observation
Type: token
Path: Observation.category
Search parameter constant for code-value-quantityDescription: Both code and one of the value parameters
Type: composite
Path: code & value[x]
- See Also:
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam,ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.QuantityClientParam> CODE_VALUE_QUANTITYFluent Client search parameter constant for code-value-quantityDescription: Both code and one of the value parameters
Type: composite
Path: code & value[x]
Search parameter constant for code-value-conceptDescription: Both code and one of the value parameters
Type: composite
Path: code & value[x]
- See Also:
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam,ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam> CODE_VALUE_CONCEPTFluent Client search parameter constant for code-value-conceptDescription: Both code and one of the value parameters
Type: composite
Path: code & value[x]
Search parameter constant for code-value-dateDescription: Both code and one of the value parameters
Type: composite
Path: code & value[x]
- See Also:
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam,ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.DateClientParam> CODE_VALUE_DATEFluent Client search parameter constant for code-value-dateDescription: Both code and one of the value parameters
Type: composite
Path: code & value[x]
Search parameter constant for code-value-stringDescription: Both code and one of the value parameters
Type: composite
Path: code & value[x]
- See Also:
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam,ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.StringClientParam> CODE_VALUE_STRINGFluent Client search parameter constant for code-value-stringDescription: Both code and one of the value parameters
Type: composite
Path: code & value[x]
Search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-quantityDescription: Both component code and one of the component value parameters
Type: composite
Path: component-code & component-value[x]
- See Also:
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam,ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.QuantityClientParam> COMPONENT_CODE_COMPONENT_VALUE_QUANTITYFluent Client search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-quantityDescription: Both component code and one of the component value parameters
Type: composite
Path: component-code & component-value[x]
Search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-conceptDescription: Both component code and one of the component value parameters
Type: composite
Path: component-code & component-value[x]
- See Also:
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam,ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam> COMPONENT_CODE_COMPONENT_VALUE_CONCEPTFluent Client search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-conceptDescription: Both component code and one of the component value parameters
Type: composite
Path: component-code & component-value[x]
Search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-stringDescription: Both component code and one of the component value parameters
Type: composite
Path: component-code & component-value[x]
- See Also:
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam,ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.StringClientParam> COMPONENT_CODE_COMPONENT_VALUE_STRINGFluent Client search parameter constant for component-code-component-value-stringDescription: Both component code and one of the component value parameters
Type: composite
Path: component-code & component-value[x]
Search parameter constant for related-target-related-typeDescription: Related Observations - search on related-type and related-target together
Type: composite
Path: related-target & related-type
- See Also:
public static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.CompositeClientParam<ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam,ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam> RELATED_TARGET_RELATED_TYPEFluent Client search parameter constant for related-target-related-typeDescription: Related Observations - search on related-type and related-target together
Type: composite
Path: related-target & related-type
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Observation:device". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Observation:encounter". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Observation:patient". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Observation:performer". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Observation:related-target". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Observation:specimen". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Observation:subject".
Constructor Details
public Observation()
Method Details
- Specified by:
in interfaceorg.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
public <T extends ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement> List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(Class<T> theType) - Specified by:
in interfaceca.uhn.fhir.model.api.ICompositeElement
Gets the value(s) for identifier (id). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: A unique identifier for the simple observation instance.
Sets the value(s) for identifier (id)Definition: A unique identifier for the simple observation instance.
Adds and returns a new value for identifier (id)Definition: A unique identifier for the simple observation instance.
Adds a given new value for identifier (id)Definition: A unique identifier for the simple observation instance.
- Parameters:
- The identifier to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for identifier (id), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition: A unique identifier for the simple observation instance.
Gets the value(s) for status (status). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The status of the result value
Gets the value(s) for status (status). creating it if it does not exist. This method may returnnull
.Definition: The status of the result value
public Observation setStatus(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt<ObservationStatusEnum> theValue) Sets the value(s) for status (status)Definition: The status of the result value
Sets the value(s) for status (status)Definition: The status of the result value
Gets the value(s) for category (class). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: A code that classifies the general type of observation being made. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
Sets the value(s) for category (class)Definition: A code that classifies the general type of observation being made. This is used for searching, sorting and display purposes.
Gets the value(s) for code (what). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation \"name\"
Sets the value(s) for code (what)Definition: Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation \"name\"
Gets the value(s) for subject (who.focus). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The patient, or group of patients, location, or device whose characteristics (direct or indirect) are described by the observation and into whose record the observation is placed. Comments: Indirect characteristics may be those of a specimen, fetus, donor, other observer (for example a relative or EMT), or any observation made about the subject.
Sets the value(s) for subject (who.focus)Definition: The patient, or group of patients, location, or device whose characteristics (direct or indirect) are described by the observation and into whose record the observation is placed. Comments: Indirect characteristics may be those of a specimen, fetus, donor, other observer (for example a relative or EMT), or any observation made about the subject.
Gets the value(s) for encounter (context). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this observation is made
Sets the value(s) for encounter (context)Definition: The healthcare event (e.g. a patient and healthcare provider interaction) during which this observation is made
Gets the value(s) for effective[x] (when.done). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The time or time-period the observed value is asserted as being true. For biological subjects - e.g. human patients - this is usually called the \"physiologically relevant time\". This is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection, but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself
Sets the value(s) for effective[x] (when.done)Definition: The time or time-period the observed value is asserted as being true. For biological subjects - e.g. human patients - this is usually called the \"physiologically relevant time\". This is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection, but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself
Gets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The date and time this observation was made available to providers, typically after the results have been reviewed and verified.
Gets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded). creating it if it does not exist. This method may returnnull
.Definition: The date and time this observation was made available to providers, typically after the results have been reviewed and verified.
Sets the value(s) for issued (when.recorded)Definition: The date and time this observation was made available to providers, typically after the results have been reviewed and verified.
Sets the value for issued (when.recorded)Definition: The date and time this observation was made available to providers, typically after the results have been reviewed and verified.
public Observation setIssued(Date theDate, ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision) Sets the value for issued (when.recorded)Definition: The date and time this observation was made available to providers, typically after the results have been reviewed and verified.
Gets the value(s) for performer (who.actor). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Who was responsible for asserting the observed value as \"true\"
Sets the value(s) for performer (who.actor)Definition: Who was responsible for asserting the observed value as \"true\"
Adds and returns a new value for performer (who.actor)Definition: Who was responsible for asserting the observed value as \"true\"
Gets the value(s) for value[x] (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value
Sets the value(s) for value[x] ()Definition: The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value
Gets the value(s) for dataAbsentReason (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
Sets the value(s) for dataAbsentReason ()Definition: Provides a reason why the expected value in the element Observation.value[x] is missing.
Gets the value(s) for interpretation (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The assessment made based on the result of the observation. Intended as a simple compact code often placed adjacent to the result value in reports and flow sheets to signal the meaning/normalcy status of the result. Otherwise known as abnormal flag.
Sets the value(s) for interpretation ()Definition: The assessment made based on the result of the observation. Intended as a simple compact code often placed adjacent to the result value in reports and flow sheets to signal the meaning/normalcy status of the result. Otherwise known as abnormal flag.
Gets the value(s) for comments (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: May include statements about significant, unexpected or unreliable values, or information about the source of the value where this may be relevant to the interpretation of the result.
Gets the value(s) for comments (). creating it if it does not exist. This method may returnnull
.Definition: May include statements about significant, unexpected or unreliable values, or information about the source of the value where this may be relevant to the interpretation of the result.
Sets the value(s) for comments ()Definition: May include statements about significant, unexpected or unreliable values, or information about the source of the value where this may be relevant to the interpretation of the result.
Sets the value for comments ()Definition: May include statements about significant, unexpected or unreliable values, or information about the source of the value where this may be relevant to the interpretation of the result.
Gets the value(s) for bodySite (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Indicates the site on the subject's body where the observation was made (i.e. the target site).
Sets the value(s) for bodySite ()Definition: Indicates the site on the subject's body where the observation was made (i.e. the target site).
Gets the value(s) for method (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Indicates the mechanism used to perform the observation
Sets the value(s) for method ()Definition: Indicates the mechanism used to perform the observation
Gets the value(s) for specimen (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The specimen that was used when this observation was made
Sets the value(s) for specimen ()Definition: The specimen that was used when this observation was made
Gets the value(s) for device (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The device used to generate the observation data.
Sets the value(s) for device ()Definition: The device used to generate the observation data.
Gets the value(s) for referenceRange (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range
Sets the value(s) for referenceRange ()Definition: Guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range
Adds and returns a new value for referenceRange ()Definition: Guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range
Adds a given new value for referenceRange ()Definition: Guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range
- Parameters:
- The referenceRange to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for referenceRange (), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition: Guidance on how to interpret the value by comparison to a normal or recommended range
Gets the value(s) for related (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: A reference to another resource (usually another Observation but could also be a QuestionnaireAnswer) whose relationship is defined by the relationship type code.
Sets the value(s) for related ()Definition: A reference to another resource (usually another Observation but could also be a QuestionnaireAnswer) whose relationship is defined by the relationship type code.
Adds and returns a new value for related ()Definition: A reference to another resource (usually another Observation but could also be a QuestionnaireAnswer) whose relationship is defined by the relationship type code.
Adds a given new value for related ()Definition: A reference to another resource (usually another Observation but could also be a QuestionnaireAnswer) whose relationship is defined by the relationship type code.
- Parameters:
- The related to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for related (), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition: A reference to another resource (usually another Observation but could also be a QuestionnaireAnswer) whose relationship is defined by the relationship type code.
Gets the value(s) for component (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.
Sets the value(s) for component ()Definition: Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.
Adds and returns a new value for component ()Definition: Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.
Adds a given new value for component ()Definition: Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.
- Parameters:
- The component to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for component (), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition: Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.
- Specified by:
in interfaceca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource
- Specified by:
in interfaceorg.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource
- Specified by:
in interfaceca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource