Class ProcedureRequest
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Definition: A request for a procedure to be performed. May be a proposal or an order.
Profile Definition: http://hl7.org/fhir/profiles/ProcedureRequest
- See Also:
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for encounterstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.TokenClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for identifierstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements.static final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for ordererstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for patientstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for performerstatic final String
Search parameter constant for encounterstatic final String
Search parameter constant for identifierstatic final String
Search parameter constant for ordererstatic final String
Search parameter constant for patientstatic final String
Search parameter constant for performerstatic final String
Search parameter constant for subjectstatic final ca.uhn.fhir.rest.gclient.ReferenceClientParam
Fluent Client search parameter constant for subjectFields inherited from class ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.BaseResource
Fields inherited from interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAdds and returns a new value for bodySite ()addBodySite
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Adds a given new value for bodySite ()Adds and returns a new value for identifier (id)addIdentifier
(IdentifierDt theValue) Adds a given new value for identifier (id)addNotes()
Adds and returns a new value for notes ()addNotes
(AnnotationDt theValue) Adds a given new value for notes ()<T extends ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement>
List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType
(Class<T> theType) ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype
Gets the value(s) for asNeeded[x] ().Gets the value(s) for bodySite ().Gets the first repetition for bodySite (), creating it if it does not already exist.getCode()
Gets the value(s) for code (class).Gets the value(s) for encounter (context).Gets the value(s) for identifier (id).Gets the first repetition for identifier (id), creating it if it does not already exist.getNotes()
Gets the value(s) for notes ().Gets the first repetition for notes (), creating it if it does not already exist.Gets the value(s) for orderedOn (when.recorded).ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.DateTimeDt
Gets the value(s) for orderedOn (when.recorded).Gets the value(s) for orderer (who.author).Gets the value(s) for performer (who.actor).Gets the value(s) for priority (grade).ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt
<ProcedureRequestPriorityEnum> Gets the value(s) for priority (grade).ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype
Gets the value(s) for reason[x] ().ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype
Gets the value(s) for scheduled[x] (when.planned).Gets the value(s) for status (status).ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt
<ProcedureRequestStatusEnum> Gets the value(s) for status (status).ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirVersionEnum
Gets the value(s) for subject (who.focus).boolean
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype theValue) Sets the value(s) for asNeeded[x] ()setBodySite
(List<CodeableConceptDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for bodySite ()setCode
(CodeableConceptDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for code (class)setEncounter
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for encounter (context)setIdentifier
(List<IdentifierDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for identifier (id)setNotes
(List<AnnotationDt> theValue) Sets the value(s) for notes ()setOrderedOn
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.DateTimeDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for orderedOn (when.recorded)setOrderedOn
(Date theDate, ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision) Sets the value for orderedOn (when.recorded)setOrderedOnWithSecondsPrecision
(Date theDate) Sets the value for orderedOn (when.recorded)setOrderer
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for orderer (who.author)setPerformer
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for performer (who.actor)setPriority
(ProcedureRequestPriorityEnum theValue) Sets the value(s) for priority (grade)setPriority
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt<ProcedureRequestPriorityEnum> theValue) Sets the value(s) for priority (grade)setReason
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype theValue) Sets the value(s) for reason[x] ()setScheduled
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IDatatype theValue) Sets the value(s) for scheduled[x] (when.planned)setStatus
(ProcedureRequestStatusEnum theValue) Sets the value(s) for status (status)setStatus
(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt<ProcedureRequestStatusEnum> theValue) Sets the value(s) for status (status)setSubject
(ResourceReferenceDt theValue) Sets the value(s) for subject (who.focus)Methods inherited from class ca.uhn.fhir.model.dstu2.resource.BaseResource
getContained, getId, getIdElement, getLanguage, getMeta, getResourceMetadata, getText, isBaseEmpty, setContained, setId, setId, setId, setLanguage, setResourceMetadata, setText, toString
Methods inherited from class ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.BaseElement
addUndeclaredExtension, addUndeclaredExtension, addUndeclaredExtension, getAllUndeclaredExtensions, getFormatCommentsPost, getFormatCommentsPre, getUndeclaredExtensions, getUndeclaredExtensionsByUrl, getUndeclaredModifierExtensions, getUserData, hasFormatComment, setUserData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
fhirType, getFormatCommentsPost, getFormatCommentsPre, getUserData, hasFormatComment, setUserData
Methods inherited from interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource
getIdElement, isDeleted, setId, setId
Methods inherited from interface ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource
getContained, getId, getLanguage, getMeta, getResourceMetadata, getText, setId, setLanguage, setResourceMetadata
Field Details
Search parameter constant for identifierDescription: A unique identifier of the Procedure Request
Type: token
Path: ProcedureRequest.identifier
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for identifierDescription: A unique identifier of the Procedure Request
Type: token
Path: ProcedureRequest.identifier
Search parameter constant for subjectDescription: Search by subject
Type: reference
Path: ProcedureRequest.subject
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for subjectDescription: Search by subject
Type: reference
Path: ProcedureRequest.subject
Search parameter constant for patientDescription: Search by subject - a patient
Type: reference
Path: ProcedureRequest.subject
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for patientDescription: Search by subject - a patient
Type: reference
Path: ProcedureRequest.subject
Search parameter constant for ordererDescription:
Type: reference
Path: ProcedureRequest.orderer
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for ordererDescription:
Type: reference
Path: ProcedureRequest.orderer
Search parameter constant for performerDescription:
Type: reference
Path: ProcedureRequest.performer
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for performerDescription:
Type: reference
Path: ProcedureRequest.performer
Search parameter constant for encounterDescription:
Type: reference
Path: ProcedureRequest.encounter
- See Also:
Fluent Client search parameter constant for encounterDescription:
Type: reference
Path: ProcedureRequest.encounter
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "ProcedureRequest:encounter". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "ProcedureRequest:orderer". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "ProcedureRequest:patient". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "ProcedureRequest:performer". -
Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "ProcedureRequest:subject".
Constructor Details
public ProcedureRequest()
Method Details
- Specified by:
in interfaceorg.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
public <T extends ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement> List<T> getAllPopulatedChildElementsOfType(Class<T> theType) - Specified by:
in interfaceca.uhn.fhir.model.api.ICompositeElement
Gets the value(s) for identifier (id). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Identifiers assigned to this order by the order or by the receiver.
Sets the value(s) for identifier (id)Definition: Identifiers assigned to this order by the order or by the receiver.
Adds and returns a new value for identifier (id)Definition: Identifiers assigned to this order by the order or by the receiver.
Adds a given new value for identifier (id)Definition: Identifiers assigned to this order by the order or by the receiver.
- Parameters:
- The identifier to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for identifier (id), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition: Identifiers assigned to this order by the order or by the receiver.
Gets the value(s) for subject (who.focus). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The person, animal or group that should receive the procedure.
Sets the value(s) for subject (who.focus)Definition: The person, animal or group that should receive the procedure.
Gets the value(s) for code (class). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The specific procedure that is ordered. Use text if the exact nature of the procedure cannot be coded.
Sets the value(s) for code (class)Definition: The specific procedure that is ordered. Use text if the exact nature of the procedure cannot be coded.
Gets the value(s) for bodySite (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Indicates the sites on the subject's body where the procedure should be performed (I.e. the target sites).
Sets the value(s) for bodySite ()Definition: Indicates the sites on the subject's body where the procedure should be performed (I.e. the target sites).
Adds and returns a new value for bodySite ()Definition: Indicates the sites on the subject's body where the procedure should be performed (I.e. the target sites).
Adds a given new value for bodySite ()Definition: Indicates the sites on the subject's body where the procedure should be performed (I.e. the target sites).
- Parameters:
- The bodySite to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for bodySite (), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition: Indicates the sites on the subject's body where the procedure should be performed (I.e. the target sites).
Gets the value(s) for reason[x] (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The reason why the procedure is being proposed or ordered. This procedure request may be motivated by a Condition for instance.
Sets the value(s) for reason[x] ()Definition: The reason why the procedure is being proposed or ordered. This procedure request may be motivated by a Condition for instance.
Gets the value(s) for scheduled[x] (when.planned). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The timing schedule for the proposed or ordered procedure. The Schedule data type allows many different expressions. E.g. \"Every 8 hours\"; \"Three times a day\"; \"1/2 an hour before breakfast for 10 days from 23-Dec 2011:\"; \"15 Oct 2013, 17 Oct 2013 and 1 Nov 2013\".
Sets the value(s) for scheduled[x] (when.planned)Definition: The timing schedule for the proposed or ordered procedure. The Schedule data type allows many different expressions. E.g. \"Every 8 hours\"; \"Three times a day\"; \"1/2 an hour before breakfast for 10 days from 23-Dec 2011:\"; \"15 Oct 2013, 17 Oct 2013 and 1 Nov 2013\".
Gets the value(s) for encounter (context). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The encounter within which the procedure proposal or request was created.
Sets the value(s) for encounter (context)Definition: The encounter within which the procedure proposal or request was created.
Gets the value(s) for performer (who.actor). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: For example, the surgeon, anaethetist, endoscopist, etc.
Sets the value(s) for performer (who.actor)Definition: For example, the surgeon, anaethetist, endoscopist, etc.
Gets the value(s) for status (status). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The status of the order.
Gets the value(s) for status (status). creating it if it does not exist. This method may returnnull
.Definition: The status of the order.
public ProcedureRequest setStatus(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt<ProcedureRequestStatusEnum> theValue) Sets the value(s) for status (status)Definition: The status of the order.
Sets the value(s) for status (status)Definition: The status of the order.
Gets the value(s) for notes (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: Any other notes associated with this proposal or order - e.g. provider instructions.
Sets the value(s) for notes ()Definition: Any other notes associated with this proposal or order - e.g. provider instructions.
Adds and returns a new value for notes ()Definition: Any other notes associated with this proposal or order - e.g. provider instructions.
Adds a given new value for notes ()Definition: Any other notes associated with this proposal or order - e.g. provider instructions.
- Parameters:
- The notes to add (must not benull
Gets the first repetition for notes (), creating it if it does not already exist.Definition: Any other notes associated with this proposal or order - e.g. provider instructions.
Gets the value(s) for asNeeded[x] (). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: If a CodeableConcept is present, it indicates the pre-condition for performing the procedure.
Sets the value(s) for asNeeded[x] ()Definition: If a CodeableConcept is present, it indicates the pre-condition for performing the procedure.
Gets the value(s) for orderedOn (when.recorded). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The time when the request was made.
Gets the value(s) for orderedOn (when.recorded). creating it if it does not exist. This method may returnnull
.Definition: The time when the request was made.
Sets the value(s) for orderedOn (when.recorded)Definition: The time when the request was made.
Sets the value for orderedOn (when.recorded)Definition: The time when the request was made.
public ProcedureRequest setOrderedOn(Date theDate, ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.TemporalPrecisionEnum thePrecision) Sets the value for orderedOn (when.recorded)Definition: The time when the request was made.
Gets the value(s) for orderer (who.author). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The healthcare professional responsible for proposing or ordering the procedure.
Sets the value(s) for orderer (who.author)Definition: The healthcare professional responsible for proposing or ordering the procedure.
Gets the value(s) for priority (grade). creating it if it does not exist. Will not returnnull
.Definition: The clinical priority associated with this order.
Gets the value(s) for priority (grade). creating it if it does not exist. This method may returnnull
.Definition: The clinical priority associated with this order.
public ProcedureRequest setPriority(ca.uhn.fhir.model.primitive.BoundCodeDt<ProcedureRequestPriorityEnum> theValue) Sets the value(s) for priority (grade)Definition: The clinical priority associated with this order.
Sets the value(s) for priority (grade)Definition: The clinical priority associated with this order.
- Specified by:
in interfaceca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource
- Specified by:
in interfaceorg.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource
- Specified by:
in interfaceca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IResource