Class Subscription

All Implemented Interfaces:
ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.IElement, Serializable, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IAnyResource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseHasExtensions, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseHasModifierExtensions, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseResource, org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IDomainResource

public class Subscription extends DomainResource
The subscription resource describes a particular client's request to be notified about a SubscriptionTopic.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • identifier

      A formal identifier that is used to identify this code system when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance.
    • name

      protected StringType name
      A natural language name identifying the subscription.
    • status

      The status of the subscription, which marks the server state for managing the subscription.
    • topic

      protected CanonicalType topic
      The reference to the subscription topic to be notified about.
    • contact

      Contact details for a human to contact about the subscription. The primary use of this for system administrator troubleshooting.
    • end

      protected InstantType end
      The time for the server to turn the subscription off.
    • managingEntity

      Entity with authorization to make subsequent revisions to the Subscription and also determines what data the subscription is authorized to disclose.
    • reason

      protected StringType reason
      A description of why this subscription is defined.
    • filterBy

      The filter properties to be applied to narrow the subscription topic stream. When multiple filters are applied, evaluates to true if all the conditions applicable to that resource are met; otherwise it returns false (i.e., logical AND).
    • channelType

      protected Coding channelType
      The type of channel to send notifications on.
    • endpoint

      protected UrlType endpoint
      The url that describes the actual end-point to send notifications to.
    • parameter

      Channel-dependent information to send as part of the notification (e.g., HTTP Headers).
    • heartbeatPeriod

      If present, a 'heartbeat' notification (keep-alive) is sent via this channel with an interval period equal to this elements integer value in seconds. If not present, a heartbeat notification is not sent.
    • timeout

      If present, the maximum amount of time a server will allow before failing a notification attempt.
    • contentType

      protected CodeType contentType
      The MIME type to send the payload in - e.g., `application/fhir+xml` or `application/fhir+json`. Note that: clients may request notifications in a specific FHIR version by using the [FHIR Version Parameter](http.html#version-parameter) - e.g., `application/fhir+json; fhirVersion=4.0`. additional MIME types can be allowed by channels - e.g., `text/plain` and `text/html` are defined by the Email channel.
    • content

      How much of the resource content to deliver in the notification payload. The choices are an empty payload, only the resource id, or the full resource content.
    • maxCount

      If present, the maximum number of events that will be included in a notification bundle. Note that this is not a strict limit on the number of entries in a bundle, as dependent resources can be included.

      public static final String SP_CONTACT
      Search parameter: contact

      Description: Contact details for the subscription
      Type: token

      See Also:

      public static final CONTACT
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for contact

      Description: Contact details for the subscription
      Type: token


      public static final String SP_CONTENT_LEVEL
      Search parameter: content-level

      Description: Content level included in notifications
      Type: token
      Path: Subscription.content

      See Also:

      public static final CONTENT_LEVEL
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for content-level

      Description: Content level included in notifications
      Type: token
      Path: Subscription.content


      public static final String SP_FILTER_VALUE
      Search parameter: filter-value

      Description: Filter value used to narrow notifications
      Type: string
      Path: Subscription.filterBy.value

      See Also:

      public static final FILTER_VALUE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for filter-value

      Description: Filter value used to narrow notifications
      Type: string
      Path: Subscription.filterBy.value


      public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER
      Search parameter: identifier

      Description: A subscription identifier
      Type: token
      Path: Subscription.identifier

      See Also:

      public static final IDENTIFIER
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for identifier

      Description: A subscription identifier
      Type: token
      Path: Subscription.identifier

    • SP_NAME

      public static final String SP_NAME
      Search parameter: name

      Description: A human-readable name
      Type: string

      See Also:
    • NAME

      public static final NAME
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for name

      Description: A human-readable name
      Type: string

    • SP_OWNER

      public static final String SP_OWNER
      Search parameter: owner

      Description: The managing entity
      Type: reference
      Path: Subscription.managingEntity

      See Also:
    • OWNER

      public static final OWNER
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for owner

      Description: The managing entity
      Type: reference
      Path: Subscription.managingEntity


      public static final ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Include INCLUDE_OWNER
      Constant for fluent queries to be used to add include statements. Specifies the path value of "Subscription:owner".

      public static final String SP_PAYLOAD
      Search parameter: payload

      Description: The mime-type of notifications
      Type: token
      Path: Subscription.contentType

      See Also:

      public static final PAYLOAD
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for payload

      Description: The mime-type of notifications
      Type: token
      Path: Subscription.contentType


      public static final String SP_STATUS
      Search parameter: status

      Description: The current state of the subscription
      Type: token
      Path: Subscription.status

      See Also:
    • STATUS

      public static final STATUS
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for status

      Description: The current state of the subscription
      Type: token
      Path: Subscription.status

    • SP_TOPIC

      public static final String SP_TOPIC
      Search parameter: topic

      Description: The canonical topic url that triggers notifications
      Type: uri
      Path: Subscription.topic

      See Also:
    • TOPIC

      public static final TOPIC
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for topic

      Description: The canonical topic url that triggers notifications
      Type: uri
      Path: Subscription.topic

    • SP_TYPE

      public static final String SP_TYPE
      Search parameter: type

      Description: The type of channel for the sent notifications
      Type: token
      Path: Subscription.channelType

      See Also:
    • TYPE

      public static final TYPE
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for type

      Description: The type of channel for the sent notifications
      Type: token
      Path: Subscription.channelType

    • SP_URL

      public static final String SP_URL
      Search parameter: url

      Description: The uri that will receive the notifications
      Type: uri
      Path: Subscription.endpoint

      See Also:
    • URL

      public static final URL
      Fluent Client search parameter constant for url

      Description: The uri that will receive the notifications
      Type: uri
      Path: Subscription.endpoint

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getIdentifier

      identifier (A formal identifier that is used to identify this code system when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance.)
    • setIdentifier

      public Subscription setIdentifier(List<Identifier> theIdentifier)
      Returns a reference to this for easy method chaining
    • hasIdentifier

      public boolean hasIdentifier()
    • addIdentifier

    • addIdentifier

    • getIdentifierFirstRep

      The first repetition of repeating field identifier, creating it if it does not already exist {3}
    • getNameElement

      name (A natural language name identifying the subscription.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value
    • hasNameElement

      public boolean hasNameElement()
    • hasName

      public boolean hasName()
    • setNameElement

      value - name (A natural language name identifying the subscription.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value
    • getName

      public String getName()
      A natural language name identifying the subscription.
    • setName

      public Subscription setName(String value)
      value - A natural language name identifying the subscription.
    • getStatusElement

      status (The status of the subscription, which marks the server state for managing the subscription.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getStatus" gives direct access to the value
    • hasStatusElement

      public boolean hasStatusElement()
    • hasStatus

      public boolean hasStatus()
    • setStatusElement

      value - status (The status of the subscription, which marks the server state for managing the subscription.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getStatus" gives direct access to the value
    • getStatus

      The status of the subscription, which marks the server state for managing the subscription.
    • setStatus

      value - The status of the subscription, which marks the server state for managing the subscription.
    • getTopicElement

      topic (The reference to the subscription topic to be notified about.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getTopic" gives direct access to the value
    • hasTopicElement

      public boolean hasTopicElement()
    • hasTopic

      public boolean hasTopic()
    • setTopicElement

      value - topic (The reference to the subscription topic to be notified about.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getTopic" gives direct access to the value
    • getTopic

      public String getTopic()
      The reference to the subscription topic to be notified about.
    • setTopic

      public Subscription setTopic(String value)
      value - The reference to the subscription topic to be notified about.
    • getContact

      contact (Contact details for a human to contact about the subscription. The primary use of this for system administrator troubleshooting.)
    • setContact

      public Subscription setContact(List<ContactPoint> theContact)
      Returns a reference to this for easy method chaining
    • hasContact

      public boolean hasContact()
    • addContact

    • addContact

    • getContactFirstRep

      The first repetition of repeating field contact, creating it if it does not already exist {3}
    • getEndElement

      end (The time for the server to turn the subscription off.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getEnd" gives direct access to the value
    • hasEndElement

      public boolean hasEndElement()
    • hasEnd

      public boolean hasEnd()
    • setEndElement

      value - end (The time for the server to turn the subscription off.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getEnd" gives direct access to the value
    • getEnd

      public Date getEnd()
      The time for the server to turn the subscription off.
    • setEnd

      public Subscription setEnd(Date value)
      value - The time for the server to turn the subscription off.
    • getManagingEntity

      managingEntity (Entity with authorization to make subsequent revisions to the Subscription and also determines what data the subscription is authorized to disclose.)
    • hasManagingEntity

      public boolean hasManagingEntity()
    • setManagingEntity

      value - managingEntity (Entity with authorization to make subsequent revisions to the Subscription and also determines what data the subscription is authorized to disclose.)
    • getReasonElement

      reason (A description of why this subscription is defined.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getReason" gives direct access to the value
    • hasReasonElement

      public boolean hasReasonElement()
    • hasReason

      public boolean hasReason()
    • setReasonElement

      value - reason (A description of why this subscription is defined.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getReason" gives direct access to the value
    • getReason

      public String getReason()
      A description of why this subscription is defined.
    • setReason

      public Subscription setReason(String value)
      value - A description of why this subscription is defined.
    • getFilterBy

      filterBy (The filter properties to be applied to narrow the subscription topic stream. When multiple filters are applied, evaluates to true if all the conditions applicable to that resource are met; otherwise it returns false (i.e., logical AND).)
    • setFilterBy

      Returns a reference to this for easy method chaining
    • hasFilterBy

      public boolean hasFilterBy()
    • addFilterBy

    • addFilterBy

    • getFilterByFirstRep

      The first repetition of repeating field filterBy, creating it if it does not already exist {3}
    • getChannelType

      channelType (The type of channel to send notifications on.)
    • hasChannelType

      public boolean hasChannelType()
    • setChannelType

      value - channelType (The type of channel to send notifications on.)
    • getEndpointElement

      endpoint (The url that describes the actual end-point to send notifications to.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getEndpoint" gives direct access to the value
    • hasEndpointElement

      public boolean hasEndpointElement()
    • hasEndpoint

      public boolean hasEndpoint()
    • setEndpointElement

      value - endpoint (The url that describes the actual end-point to send notifications to.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getEndpoint" gives direct access to the value
    • getEndpoint

      public String getEndpoint()
      The url that describes the actual end-point to send notifications to.
    • setEndpoint

      value - The url that describes the actual end-point to send notifications to.
    • getParameter

      parameter (Channel-dependent information to send as part of the notification (e.g., HTTP Headers).)
    • setParameter

      Returns a reference to this for easy method chaining
    • hasParameter

      public boolean hasParameter()
    • addParameter

    • addParameter

    • getParameterFirstRep

      The first repetition of repeating field parameter, creating it if it does not already exist {3}
    • getHeartbeatPeriodElement

      heartbeatPeriod (If present, a 'heartbeat' notification (keep-alive) is sent via this channel with an interval period equal to this elements integer value in seconds. If not present, a heartbeat notification is not sent.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getHeartbeatPeriod" gives direct access to the value
    • hasHeartbeatPeriodElement

      public boolean hasHeartbeatPeriodElement()
    • hasHeartbeatPeriod

      public boolean hasHeartbeatPeriod()
    • setHeartbeatPeriodElement

      value - heartbeatPeriod (If present, a 'heartbeat' notification (keep-alive) is sent via this channel with an interval period equal to this elements integer value in seconds. If not present, a heartbeat notification is not sent.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getHeartbeatPeriod" gives direct access to the value
    • getHeartbeatPeriod

      public int getHeartbeatPeriod()
      If present, a 'heartbeat' notification (keep-alive) is sent via this channel with an interval period equal to this elements integer value in seconds. If not present, a heartbeat notification is not sent.
    • setHeartbeatPeriod

      public Subscription setHeartbeatPeriod(int value)
      value - If present, a 'heartbeat' notification (keep-alive) is sent via this channel with an interval period equal to this elements integer value in seconds. If not present, a heartbeat notification is not sent.
    • getTimeoutElement

      timeout (If present, the maximum amount of time a server will allow before failing a notification attempt.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getTimeout" gives direct access to the value
    • hasTimeoutElement

      public boolean hasTimeoutElement()
    • hasTimeout

      public boolean hasTimeout()
    • setTimeoutElement

      value - timeout (If present, the maximum amount of time a server will allow before failing a notification attempt.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getTimeout" gives direct access to the value
    • getTimeout

      public int getTimeout()
      If present, the maximum amount of time a server will allow before failing a notification attempt.
    • setTimeout

      public Subscription setTimeout(int value)
      value - If present, the maximum amount of time a server will allow before failing a notification attempt.
    • getContentTypeElement

      contentType (The MIME type to send the payload in - e.g., `application/fhir+xml` or `application/fhir+json`. Note that: clients may request notifications in a specific FHIR version by using the [FHIR Version Parameter](http.html#version-parameter) - e.g., `application/fhir+json; fhirVersion=4.0`. additional MIME types can be allowed by channels - e.g., `text/plain` and `text/html` are defined by the Email channel.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getContentType" gives direct access to the value
    • hasContentTypeElement

      public boolean hasContentTypeElement()
    • hasContentType

      public boolean hasContentType()
    • setContentTypeElement

      value - contentType (The MIME type to send the payload in - e.g., `application/fhir+xml` or `application/fhir+json`. Note that: clients may request notifications in a specific FHIR version by using the [FHIR Version Parameter](http.html#version-parameter) - e.g., `application/fhir+json; fhirVersion=4.0`. additional MIME types can be allowed by channels - e.g., `text/plain` and `text/html` are defined by the Email channel.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getContentType" gives direct access to the value
    • getContentType

      The MIME type to send the payload in - e.g., `application/fhir+xml` or `application/fhir+json`. Note that: clients may request notifications in a specific FHIR version by using the [FHIR Version Parameter](http.html#version-parameter) - e.g., `application/fhir+json; fhirVersion=4.0`. additional MIME types can be allowed by channels - e.g., `text/plain` and `text/html` are defined by the Email channel.
    • setContentType

      value - The MIME type to send the payload in - e.g., `application/fhir+xml` or `application/fhir+json`. Note that: clients may request notifications in a specific FHIR version by using the [FHIR Version Parameter](http.html#version-parameter) - e.g., `application/fhir+json; fhirVersion=4.0`. additional MIME types can be allowed by channels - e.g., `text/plain` and `text/html` are defined by the Email channel.
    • getContentElement

      content (How much of the resource content to deliver in the notification payload. The choices are an empty payload, only the resource id, or the full resource content.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getContent" gives direct access to the value
    • hasContentElement

      public boolean hasContentElement()
    • hasContent

      public boolean hasContent()
    • setContentElement

      value - content (How much of the resource content to deliver in the notification payload. The choices are an empty payload, only the resource id, or the full resource content.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getContent" gives direct access to the value
    • getContent

      How much of the resource content to deliver in the notification payload. The choices are an empty payload, only the resource id, or the full resource content.
    • setContent

      value - How much of the resource content to deliver in the notification payload. The choices are an empty payload, only the resource id, or the full resource content.
    • getMaxCountElement

      maxCount (If present, the maximum number of events that will be included in a notification bundle. Note that this is not a strict limit on the number of entries in a bundle, as dependent resources can be included.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getMaxCount" gives direct access to the value
    • hasMaxCountElement

      public boolean hasMaxCountElement()
    • hasMaxCount

      public boolean hasMaxCount()
    • setMaxCountElement

      value - maxCount (If present, the maximum number of events that will be included in a notification bundle. Note that this is not a strict limit on the number of entries in a bundle, as dependent resources can be included.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getMaxCount" gives direct access to the value
    • getMaxCount

      public int getMaxCount()
      If present, the maximum number of events that will be included in a notification bundle. Note that this is not a strict limit on the number of entries in a bundle, as dependent resources can be included.
    • setMaxCount

      public Subscription setMaxCount(int value)
      value - If present, the maximum number of events that will be included in a notification bundle. Note that this is not a strict limit on the number of entries in a bundle, as dependent resources can be included.
    • listChildren

      protected void listChildren(List<Property> children)
      listChildren in class DomainResource
    • getNamedProperty

      public Property getNamedProperty(int _hash, String _name, boolean _checkValid) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      getNamedProperty in class DomainResource
    • getProperty

      public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      getProperty in class DomainResource
    • setProperty

      public Base setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      setProperty in class DomainResource
    • setProperty

      public Base setProperty(String name, Base value) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      setProperty in class DomainResource
    • removeChild

      public void removeChild(String name, Base value) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      removeChild in class DomainResource
    • makeProperty

      public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      makeProperty in class DomainResource
    • getTypesForProperty

      public String[] getTypesForProperty(int hash, String name) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      getTypesForProperty in class DomainResource
    • addChild

      public Base addChild(String name) throws org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException
      addChild in class DomainResource
    • fhirType

      public String fhirType()
      Specified by:
      fhirType in interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
      fhirType in class DomainResource
      the FHIR type name of the instance (not the java class name)
    • copy

      public Subscription copy()
      Specified by:
      copy in class DomainResource
    • copyValues

      public void copyValues(Subscription dst)
    • typedCopy

      protected Subscription typedCopy()
    • equalsDeep

      public boolean equalsDeep(Base other_)
      equalsDeep in class DomainResource
    • equalsShallow

      public boolean equalsShallow(Base other_)
      equalsShallow in class DomainResource
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBase
      isEmpty in class DomainResource
    • getResourceType

      Specified by:
      getResourceType in class Resource