Package ca.uhn.fhir.util
package ca.uhn.fhir.util
ClassDescriptionException superclass for an exception representing an unrecoverable failureThis class can be used to build a Bundle resource to be used as a FHIR transaction.Fetch resources from a bundleUse this API with caution, it may change!This class can be used to generate
resources in a version independent way.A utility class for parsing and formatting HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers.Utility for modifying with extensions in a FHIR version-independent approach.ICallable<T>THIS API IS EXPERIMENTAL IN HAPI FHIR - USE WITH CAUTION AS THE PUBLISHED API MAY CHANGEUtility to fill a glaring gap in SLF4j's API - The fact that you can't specify a log level at runtime.This is used to allow lazy parameter initialization for SLF4j - Hopefully a future version will allow lambda paramsMultimapCollector<T,K, V> Copied from for dealing with OperationOutcome resources across various model versionsUtilities for dealing with parameters resources in a version indepenedent wayBoolean-value function for comparing two FHIR primitives via.equals()
method on the instance internal values.Helper class for handling updates of the instances that support property modification viasetProperty
methods.Created by Bill de Beaubien on 2/26/2015.A utility class for thread sleeps.This class collects items from a stream to a given limit and know whether there are still more items beyond that limit.A multipurpose stopwatch which can be used to time tasks and produce human readable output about task duration, throughput, estimated task completion, etc.Utilities for working with the subscription resourceTaskChunker<T>This utility takes an input collection, breaks it up into chunks of a given maximum chunk size, and then passes those chunks to a consumer for processing.Wrapper class holding context-related instances, and the resource being operated on.Used internally by HAPI to log the version of the HAPI FHIR framework once, when the framework is first loaded by the classloader.Utility methods for working with the StAX API.