Released: 2025-05-18
Codename: (TBD)
#5368 |
Several error messages reported by the LenientErrorHandler (the default parser error handler) did not include location information in their message. Thanks to Elliott Lavy for the contribution! |
#6719 |
Added a troubleshooting log for request partition routing. |
#6781 |
CDS Hooks implementation now supports pagination when prefetching data for requests issued to the FHIR server for missing prefetch keys. If a prefetch request to a FHIR server returns a paginated bundle, the prefetch service now paginates through the bundle, and collects all the data into a single bundle before passing it on to the CDS Hooks service. |
#6805 |
CDS Hooks now requires the |
#6810 |
The Pointcut |
#6814 |
When parsing a JSON resource, the following fragment caused the parser to abort parsing with an unhelpful error message: |
#6658 |
Added PessimisticLockException to the list of exceptions that can be retried by the HapiTransactionService. H2 throws this exception when ensuring Primary Key uniqueness. Without a retry, concurrent transaction processing could result in deadlock while enforcing uniqueness on HFJ_RES_SEARCH_URL. |
#6704 |
The JENA library used to provide RDF/Turtle encoding and parsing services has been upgraded from 4.9.0 to 5.3.0. Thanks to Dylan Krause for the contribution! |
#6769 |
The org.hl7.fhir.core has been updated to the 6.5.15 version. This new version includes a number of bug fixes and improvements, plus some changes in the API of the validators. |
#4129 |
When performing a version aware update using the FHIR client, the ETag header did not specify a weak etag as required by the FHIR specification. Thanks to Berkant Karduman for the contribution! |
#5834 |
Profiles of Device resources present in IGs would cause a failure during IG installation. This has now been fixed. Thanks to @jkiddo for the contribution! |
#6608 |
Previously, attempting to validate a resource ($validate) with an invalid profile was not generating any error. This issue is fixed. |
#6714 |
Previously, it was possible for a persisted resource to get a version bump due to unnecessary updates to its associated tags. This issue is fixed. |
#6716 |
Fixed an issue that was caused by batch jobs attempting to store error messages exceeding 500 characters. |
#6754 |
The IPS generator will no longer strip references to contained resources when assembling data to create an IPS document. Thanks to Xun Ma for the contribution! |
#6767 |
Previously, when both Match URL cache and Partitioning mode were enabled, the Match URL cache would sometimes return the incorrect resource while resolving a conditional URL that matches to a resource that exists in multiple partitions. This has now been fixed. |
#6799 |
Fixed an issue where bundles containing an operation outcome from a search cannot be accessed without explicit read permissions given for the OperationOutcome resource. |
#6808 |
Previously, expanding a valueSet may have caused modifications to CodeSystem Concepts. The issue was encountered when a |
#6810 |
A bug in the snapshot generator prevented the automatic generation of StructureDefinition snapshots from differential profiles specifically for FHIR R5 StructureDefinitions, which could prevent successful validation when using these profiles against R5 resources. This has been corrected. |
#6821 |
Previously, when submitting a transaction bundle with a placeholder ID referencing another resource within the same bundle, the reference would sometimes fail to resolve, resulting in a 400 Bad Request error. This has now been fixed. |
#6746 |
A Vagrant-based development environment has been provided in the HAPI FHIR git repository for many years. It has not been maintained, and has therefore caused a number of CVE scanner failures due to outdated dependencies. At this point it is fairly straightforward to develop HAPI FHIR without any external dependencies, so this is being removed. |
Released: 2025-02-17
Codename: (Transfiguration)
The JPA server stores values for the field Resource.meta.source
in dedicated columns in its database so that they can be indexes and searched for as needed, using the _source
Search Parameter.
Prior to HAPI FHIR 6.8.0 (and Smile CDR 2023.08.R01), these values were stored in a dedicated table called HFJ_RES_VER_PROV
. Beginning in HAPI FHIR 6.8.0 (Smile CDR 2023.08.R01), two new columns were added to the HFJ_RES_VER
table which store the same data and make it available for searches.
As of HAPI FHIR 8.0.0, the legacy table is no longer searched by default. If you do not have Resource.meta.source data stored in HAPI FHIR that was last created/updated prior to version 6.8.0, this change will not affect you and no action needs to be taken.
If you do have such data, you should follow the following steps:
Enable the JpaStorageSettings setting setAccessMetaSourceInformationFromProvenanceTable(true)
to configure the server to continue using the legacy table.
Perform a server resource reindex by invoking the $reindex Operation (server) with the optimizeStorage
parameter set to ALL_VERSIONS
When this reindex operation has successfully completed, the setting above can be disabled. Disabling this setting avoids an extra database round-trip when loading data, so this change will have a positive performance impact on your server.
As of 8.0.0, versions of FHIR below R5 now consider the Device
resource's patient
Search Parameter to be in the Patient Compartment. The following features are affected:
operationPreviously, there were various shims in the code that permitted similar behaviour in these features. Those shims have been removed. The only remaining component is Advanced Compartment Authorization, which can still be used to add other Search Parameters into a given compartment.
Fulltext searches have been updated to support _lastUpdated
search parameter. If you are using Advanced Hibernate Search indexing and wish to use the _lastUpdated
search parameetr with this feature, a full reindex of your repository is required.
The version of a few dependencies have been bumped to more recent versions (dependent HAPI modules listed in brackets):
#6107 |
A new extension has been created for use on SearchParameter resources in the JPA server. This extension causes a SearchParameter to be indexed, but to not be available for use in searches. This can be set when a new SP is created in order to prevent it from being used before an index has been completed. See Introducing Search Parameters on Existing Data for more information. |
#6398 |
The NPM package search module has been enhanced to support searching by the package author and the package version attributes. |
#6426 |
Previously, it was not possible to enable Hibernate Search but not use it for fulltext indexing. This meant that you could not enable HS-based terminology services without also enabling fulltext indexing of all resources. A new setting has been added to the JpaStorageSettings bean called |
#6464 |
A new experimental interceptor called the MdmReadVirtualizationInterceptor has been added. This interceptor rewrites results when querying an MDM-enabled JPA server in order to always include linked resources and rerwrites query results to link to the MDM golden resource. This interceptor is still being developed and should be used with caution. |
#6495 |
A new MdmSettings mode field was added (default value |
#6496 |
Added support for overriding message broker channel settings for MDM message processing. |
#6511 |
Interceptors can be defined against the registry on the RestfulServer, or on the registry in the JPA repository. Because these are separate registries, the order() attribute on the Hook annotation isn't correctly processed today across the two registries. The CompositeInterceptorRegistry has been reworked so ordering will be respected across both registries. |
#6520 |
A new FHIR client implementation based on Apache HttpClient 5.x has been added to HAPI FHIR. This implementation is optional for now, with the default remaining to use HttpClient 4.x, but this will likely become the default (and only supported version of the HttpClient library) in the future. Thanks to Ibrahim Tallouzi for the contribution! |
#6534 |
The JpaPersistedValidationSupport module which is used to fetch conformance resources from the JPA repository for validation purposes can now support versioned URLs. Thanks to Mangala Ekanayake for the contribution! |
#6550 |
Upgrade the Clinical Reasoning module to the latest release of 3.15.0. CMPI now supports the delete operation |
#6550 |
Upgrade the Clinical Reasoning module to the latest release of 3.15.0. Please review associated ticket for detailed list of changes which including changes to error handling, measure scoring and support for Organization subjects. |
#6550 |
Upgraded the Clinical Reasoning module to the latest release of 3.15.0. Many caregaps request errors that previously resulted in HTTP status code of 500 now result in 400 instead. |
#6560 |
Added the ability to retrieve narrative generation templates from a code system and code that is defined in the input resource's |
#6580 |
A new |
#6587 |
Enhanced the IPS vital signs narrative template to include code and value information for all entries in the |
#6600 |
When submitting a FHIR transaction, we previously did not throw an error if a resource was submitted with a resource type in the URL that did not match the actual resource type (e.g. an entry containing a Patient, with the URL |
#6629 |
Bump Clinical Reasoning to latest 3.17 versioned release, remove temporary CQL dependencies from pom |
#6638 |
The following pointcuts for CDS Hooks Prefetch Requests have been added: |
#6644 |
By default, referential integrity is enforced on deletes. This change introduces support for an exceptional case such that deletion of a given resource will not be blocked if all references to that resource are versioned. If there is at least one unversioned reference to the resource, deletion will still be blocked. |
#6224 |
The JPA server will no longer use a separate thread and database connection to resolve tag definitions. This should improve performance in some cases, and resolves compatibility issues for some environments. Thanks to Ibrahim (Trifork A/S) for the pull request! |
#6395 |
A new configuration option has been added to |
#6409 |
The JPA server will no longer use the HFJ_RES_VER_PROV table to store and index values from the |
#6409 |
When searching in versioned tag mode, the JPA server now avoids a redundant lookup of the un-versioned tags, avoiding an extra unnecessary database query in some cases. |
#6460 |
The JPA server FHIR transaction processor will now more aggressively cache resource IDs for previously seen resources, reducing the number of database reads required when processing transactions. This should provide a noticeable improvement in performance when processing transactions which update pre-existing resources. |
#6460 |
The JPA server FHIR transaction processor will now pre-fetch the target resource state for references to resources that don't also appear in the transaction bundle. This means that if you process a large FHIR transaction containing many references to other resources in the repository that are not also being updated in the same transaction, you should see a very significant improvement in performance. |
#6469 |
Searching for a large number of resources can use a lot of memory, due to the nature of deduplication of results in memory. We will instead push this responsibility to the db to reduce this overhead. |
#6478 |
Transactions with multiple saved search urls will have the saved search urls deleted in a batch, instead of 1 at a time. This is a minor performance update. |
#6508 |
The ValidationSupportChain module has been rewritten to improve validator performance. This change: * Adds new caching capabilities to ValidationSupportChain. This is an improvement over the previous separate caching module because the chain can now remember which entries in the cache responded affirmative to |
#6522 |
Several memory caches in various parts of the JPA server have been removed in an effort to consolidate caching in this system to two places: The MemoryCacheService, and ValidationSupportChain. This should make management of the system easier. |
#6582 |
Under heavy load, a foreign key constraint in the Tag Definition table (used for Tags, Security Labels, and Profile Definitions) can cause serious slowdowns when writing large numbers of resources (particularly if many resources contain the same tags/labels, or if the resources are being written individually or in smaller batches). This has been corrected. Also, a foreign key constraint on the Resource Link table has been dropped. This will significantly improve performance when writing resource collections with many links to resources not also in the same Bundle. |
#6589 |
When performing data loading into a JPA repository using FHIR transactions with Mass Ingestion Mode enabled, the prefetch routine has been optimized to avoid loading the current resource body/contents, since these are not actually needed in Mass Ingestion mode. This avoids a redundant select statement being issued for each transaction and should improve performance. |
#6460 |
If deletes are disabled in the JPA server, it is no longer possible to un-delete a resource (i.e. update a previously deleted resource to make it non-deleted). |
#6460 |
The HFJ_RES_LINK table with no longer store the |
#6460 |
When performing a FHIR Transaction which deletes and then updates (or otherwise un-deletes) the same resource within a single transaction, the delete was previously not stored as a distinct version (meaning that the resource version was only incremented once, and no delete was actually stored in the resource history. This has been changed so that deletes will always appear as a distinct entry in the resource history. |
#6689 |
$hapi.fhir.replace-references operation has been changed to not replace versioned references |
#6258 |
The AuthorizationInterceptor handling for operations has been improved so that operation rules now directly test the contents of response Bundle or Parameters objects returned by the operation when configure to require explicit response authorization. This fixes a regression in 7.4.0 where operation responses could sometimes be denied even if appropriate permissions were granted to view resources in a response bundle. Thanks to Gijsbert van den Brink for reporting the issue with a sample test! |
#6404 |
Searches using fulltext search that combined |
#6407 |
Corrected IHE BALP AuditEvent generation, so that it records one Audit Event per resource owner. Thanks to Jens Villadsen (@jkiddo) for the contribution! |
#6409 |
When performing a |
#6475 |
Previously, submitting a transaction bundle containing a conditional delete, a conditional create, and a resource which relied on this conditional create as a reference would lead to excessive Hibernate warnings in the logs. This has been fixed. |
#6480 |
Updated front-end bootstrap dependency due to security vulnerabilities. |
#6502 |
Support ReferenceParam in addition to UriParam for |
#6519 |
Previously, when posting a transaction bundle with versioned references, the server would strip versioned references form the resource even when configured not to do so. This has now been fixed. |
#6539 |
Previously, deleting an MDM managed Patient could result in errors under certain conditions. Particularly, if the related Golden record has no other resources linked to it (ie, this is the final linked resource); there exists other resources referencing the to-be-deleted resource; and the |
#6574 |
The raw json of parsed resources will be kept in the UserData (key: |
#6578 |
The search parameter picker in the Testpage Overlay module has been adjusted to correct several display issues which appeared after the upgrade from Bootstrap 4 to Bootstrap 5. |
#6578 |
When starting up the JPA server under heavy load, the validation support cache could perform a large number of identical parallel queries. A synchronization guard has been placed around the cache loader to avoid this. |
#6583 |
When processing a batch2 job under heavy load, a race condition meant that the final reducer step would occasionally fail if it started immediately following a batch2 maintenance task. |
#6599 |
Previously, attempting to restart the Storage module would result in a |
#6603 |
Previously, searches where processing was optimised with a combo index search parameters would skip searching the optimised indexes if a date query string was prefixed with 'eq'. Since date=2025-01-01 and date=eq2025-01-01 are equivalent search queries, we have harmonized the search behavior allowing optimised indexes inspection when the prefix is present. This issue is fixed. |
#6615 |
SearchParameter validation was not being skipped on updates, even if requested. This has been fixed |
#6618 |
Previously, deleting the final MDM managed resource on a partition would not result in the linked Golden Resource being deleted as well. This has now been resolved. |
#6632 |
A race condition in the SubscriptionRegistry could cause an occasional deadlock during shutdown. |
#6656 |
Previously, FHIR patch 'replace' would fail when trying to replace a sub-element of a high cardinality element using the the FHIR patch syntax. This has been fixed. |
#6662 |
Fixed remote terminology lookup results showing boolean properties as strings. |
#6673 |
When attempting to search for resources while both |
#6686 |
With partitioning selection mode set to 'PATIENT_ID', attempting to create a cross-partition subscription would fail if the default partition ID was assigned a value different than the default value(null). This issue is fixed. |
#6692 |
Previously, when the in-memory matcher was used to match resources with a |
#6697 |
Previously, operation $apply-codesystem-delta-add issued with Hibernate Search enabled and default search params option turned off resulted in an invalid sort specification error. This has been fixed. |
#6700 |
Previously if a non-null default partition ID was selected when partitioning is enabled, the subscription matcher would fail to find cross-partition subscriptions, causing subscriptions to appear to not be working. This has been corrected. |
#6711 |
Introduction of Database Partitioning Mode temporarily introduced a regression in the Patient |
#6747 |
With partitioning selection mode set to 'REQUEST_TENANT', attempting to create a cross-partition subscription would fail if the default partition ID was assigned a value different than the default value(null). This issue is fixed. |
#6512 |
The methods on FhirVersionEnum which produces a FhirContext (newContext() ,and newContextCached()) have been deprecated, and will be removed. |
Released: 2025-02-17
Codename: (Transfiguration)
This was an interim release which was never made public, as it was decided that this release would have a major bump, to 8.0.0
Note: This version of HAPI FHIR is a SNAPSHOT (prerelease), meaning that it has not yet been released, but all changes and fixes listed here are available to try out as Snapshot Builds.
#5589 |
When encoding resources using the RDF parser, placeholder IDs (i.e. resource IDs starting with |
#5589 |
When encoding a Bundle, if resources in bundle entries had a value in |
#5623 |
Previously, searches that used more than one chained |
Note: This version of HAPI FHIR is a SNAPSHOT (prerelease), meaning that it has not yet been released, but all changes and fixes listed here are available to try out as Snapshot Builds.
The version of a few dependencies have been bumped to the latest versions (dependent HAPI modules listed in brackets):
#2509 |
Pagination returned incorrect offset and count in the previous link of the last page when total element count was one more than multiple of page size. Problem is now fixed |
#2652 |
Settings have been added to the JPA Server DaoConfig to enable/disable various individual kinds of scheduled tasks. |
#2653 |
When performing a conditional create operation on a JPA server, the system will now verify that the conditional URL actually matches the data supplied in the resource body, and aborts the conditional create if it does not. |
#2672 |
Support has been added to the JPA server for |
#2675 |
A new interceptor ValidationMessageSuppressingInterceptor has been added. This interceptor can be used to selectively suppress specific vaLidation messages. |
#2676 |
A new config option has been added to the DaoConfig that causes generated SQL statements to account for potential null values in HAPI FHIR JPA date index rows. Nulls are no longer ever used in this table after HAPI FHIR 5.3.0, but legacy data may still have nulls. |
#2676 |
A new setting has been added to the DaoConfig that allows the maximum number of |
#2676 |
When performing non-query cache JPA searches (i.e. searches with |
#2681 |
A new DaoConfig setting called Mass Ingestion Mode has been added. This mode enables rapid data ingestion by skipping a number of unnecessary checks during backloading. |
#2692 |
A new Pointcut has been added that is invoked when a new Bulk Export is initiated. |
#2702 |
The JPA server terminology uploader now supports uploading ICD-10-CM (US Edition) using the native format for that vocabulary. |
#2712 |
AuthorizationInterceptor can now be used to authorize bulk export requests |
#2721 |
Support for LOINC 2.70 has been added. |
#2828 |
PatientIdPartitionInterceptor now supports conditional creates of resources where the resource is in the patient compartment but the conditional URL does not contain a patietn reference. |
#2735 |
The $evaluate-measure now works on a partitioned server. |
#2743 |
A new interceptor has been added for JPA servers that uses semaphores to avoid multiple concurrent FHIR transactions from trying to create/update the same resource at the same time. This can improve overall performance when writing many concurrent transactions since it avoids the need for retries. |
#2748 |
A new tag storage mode called Inline Tag Mode tas been added. In this mode, all tags are stored directly in the serialized resource body in the database, instead of using dedicated tables. This has significant performance advantages when storing resources with many distinct tags (i.e. many tags that are unique to each resource, as opposed to being reused across multiple resources). |
#2756 |
A new interceptor has been addeed to the JPA server called |
#2766 |
A new JPA partitioning interceptor |
#2767 |
#2777 |
Support for multiple header-passthrough option using -hp or --header-passthrough parameter has been added to hapi-fhir-cli commands: example-data-uploader, export-conceptmap-to-csv, import-csv-to-conceptmap and upload-terminology |
#2782 |
A new Validation Support Module has been added that can use NPM Packages to supply validation conformance artifacts programatcally to the validator. |
#2786 |
Add 'loinc.codesystem.make.current' property to upload-terminology command to allow loading LOINC version without becoming current. |
#2800 |
Allowed the optional inclusion of the LOINC Consumer Names archive in addition to the main LOINC distribution. If it is supplied, the consumer names CSV file will be scanned, and all consumer names will be added to uploaded Concepts as additional designations |
#2803 |
Allowed the optional inclusion of the LOINC Linguistic Variants archive in addition to the main LOINC distribution. If it is supplied, all linguistic variants files will be scanned, and all translations will be added to uploaded Concepts as additional designations |
Upgrade to run docker tests on Mac arm64 M1 machines |
#2841 |
The :text Search Parameter modifier now searches by word boundary of the text content as opposed to only searching at the start of the text when using Lucene/Elasticsearch indexing. Add * to match word prefixes (e.g. weig* will match weight). |
#2845 |
Added new |
#2852 |
Replace existing email implementation code with SimpleJavaMail library. |
#2871 |
Modified the behaviour of the |
#2688 |
Conditional URL lookups in the JPA server will now explicitly specify a maximum fetch size of 2, avoiding fetching more data that won't be used inadvertently in some situations. |
#2688 |
FHIR Transaction duplicate record checks are now performed without any database interactions or SQL statements, reducing the processing load associated with FHIR transactions by at least a small amount. |
#2717 |
FHIR transactions in the JPA server that perform writes will now aggressively pre-fetch as many entities as possible at the very start of transaction processing. This can drastically reduce the number of round-trips, especially as the number of resources in a transaction gets bigger. |
#2717 |
A new setting has been added to the DaoConfig called Tag Versioning Mode. This setting controls whether a single collection of tags/profiles/security labels is maintained across all versions of a single resource, or whether each version of the resource maintains its own independent collection. Previously each version always maintained an independent collection, which is useful sometimes, but is often not useful and can affect performance. |
#2653 |
When performing a conditional create/update/delete on a JPA server, if the match URL contained a plus character, this character was interpreted as a space (per legacy URL encoding rules) even though this has proven to not be the intended behaviour in real life applications. Plus characters will now be treated literally as a plus character in these URLs. |
#2695 |
Bulk import batch jobs are now activated in a local scheduled task, making bulk import jobs better able to take advantage of large clusters. |
#2697 |
DELETE _expunge=true has been converted to use Spring Batch. It now simply returns the jobId of the Spring Batch job while the job continues to run in the background. A new operation called $expunge-delete has been added to provide more fine-grained control of the delete expunge operation. This operation accepts an ordered list of URLs to be delete expunged and an optional batch-size parameter that will be used to perform the delete expunge. If no batch size is specified in the operation, then the value of DaoConfig.getExpungeBatchSize() is used. |
#2732 |
The storage size limit has been increased to 500 characters. |
#2751 |
The bulk export request length limit has been increased to 1024 characters. |
#2760 |
If two authorization compartments apply to the same targets and share the same compartment name, then instead of creating a new compartment, the rule builder now adds the new owner to the list of owners in the existing compartment. |
#2766 |
When operating in partitioned mode, the interceptor pointcut |
#2773 |
Flyway migration used to enforce order by default. This has been changed so now the default behaviour is out of order migrations are permitted. Strict order can be enforced via the new strict-order flag if required. |
#2791 |
Identifier maximum length increased from 200 to 500. This specifically applies to table HFJ_IDX_CMP_STRING_UNIQ. |
#2805 |
When the contents of a package are corrupt, the error messages now identify the corrupt element |
#2665 |
When performing a FHIR transaction containing a conditional create, references to that resource were inadvertently replaced with contained references." |
#2672 |
A concurrency error was fixed when using client assigned IDs on a highly concurrent server with resource deletion disabled. |
#2674 |
A null-pointer exception was fixed when a ResponseTerminologyDisplayInterceptor is registered and a search or read response returns a resource with code value that in turn returns a null code lookup. |
#2676 |
Subscription notifications will no longer be triggered by default in response to changes that do not increment the resource version (e.g. |
#2674 |
When myDaoConfig.setDefaultTotalMode(SearchTotalModeEnum.ACCURATE) and there are zero search results on an _id search, An Index Out of Bounds error was thrown. This has been corrected. |
#2682 |
Fixes the problem that FHIR package IDs were incorrectly treated as case sensitive when being loaded, causing loads to fail when dependencies were declared with a different case than in the package itself. |
#2693 |
Constraint errors were not always auto-retried even when configured to do so on certain platforms (particularly Postgresql) where constraint names are auto converted to lower case. Thanks to Bruno Hedman for the pull request! |
#2705 |
When searching by source, if deleted resources are matched, the search returned an incorrect size. This has been corrected. |
#2695 |
The _filter search parameter was incorrectly included in the server capability statement if it was disabled on the server. This has been corrected. |
#2624 |
ValueSet expansion did not correctly preserve the order if multiple codes were included in a single inclusion block. |
#2739 |
Too many MDM candidates matching could result in an OutOfMemoryError. Candidate matching is now limited to the value of IMdmSettings.getCandidateSearchLimit(), default 10000. |
#2741 |
A regression caused the JPA Server History operation to not return paging links in responses. This has been corrected. |
#2747 |
Added null checks to MDM resource interceptor in order to avoid NPEs. |
#2748 |
The SQL generated for the |
#2758 |
The internal cache for tags, concepts, and others had longer or shorter expiry times than was intended. This has been corrected. |
#2761 |
When searching for ExplanationOfBenefit?patient=123,456, the compartment authorization interceptor was treating '123,456' as a single id rather than as a list of ids. This has been corrected. |
#2762 |
A regression was introduced in 2760 where a READ compartment could get collapsed into a WRITE compartment. This has been corrected. |
#2764 |
Searches for mdm-expanded references such as Observation?subject:mdm=123 were getting denied by access rules that did not recognize the :mdm suffix. This has been corrected. |
#2768 |
$mdm-submit operation was only submitting 100 resources and then stopping. It now correctly submits all requested resources. |
#2794 |
When providing links for placeholder creation, DaoResourceLinkResolver expects just a single 'identifier=value' param, but it can be additional data, s.a. tags, extra identifiers, etc. |
#2797 |
When initiating a FHIR bulk export, if more than one |
#2808 |
Loading packages would fail when partitioning was enabled with unnamed partitions. This has been fixed. |
#2810 |
An issue in the FHIRPath evaluator prevented Encounters from being stored when using the new PatientIdPartitionInterceptor. This has been corrected. |
#2823 |
Mdm failed to load if any mdm subscription had been deleted, e.g. if $expunge expungeEverything had been run on the server. This has been corrected. |
#2826 |
When Client Id Strategy is set to NOT_ALLOWED, permit system requests to create resources, e.g. SearchParameter and Subscription resources required by the system. |
#2829 |
Add DSTU3 Support To UploadTerminologyCommand. |
#2868 |
Fixed a bug in transaction bundle processing, specifically for bundles which contained both a conditional create, and a resource which relied on this conditional create as a reference. This would cause the referring resource to generate a contained resource instead of appropriately referencing the existing patient. |
#2876 |
Fixed a bug wherein an NPE could be thrown by the MDM module interceptor if an incoming resource had a tag with no system. |
#2887 |
Fixed a bug where the search results cache was ignoring the value of |
#2835 |
Addressed the following CVE report by bumping the minor version for Jetty in the root POM: |