2.6.1Narrative Generation


HAPI provides several ways to add Narrative Text to your encoded messages.

The simplest way is to place the narrative text directly in the resource via the setDivAsString() method.

Patient pat = new Patient();
pat.getText().setDivAsString("<div>This is the narrative text<br/>this is line 2</div>");

2.6.2Automatic Narrative Generation


HAPI FHIR also comes with a built-in mechanism for automatically generating narratives based on your resources.

Warning: This built-in capability is a work in progress, and does not cover every type of resource or even every attribute in any resource. You should test it and configure it for your particular use cases.

HAPI's built-in narrative generation uses the Thymeleaf library for templating narrative texts. Thymeleaf provides a simple XHTML-based syntax which is easy to use and meshes well with the HAPI-FHIR model objects. Simple Example

Activating HAPI's built-in narrative generator is as simple as calling setNarrativeGenerator.

Patient patient = new Patient();
      .addLine("742 Evergreen Terrace")

FhirContext ctx = FhirContext.forDstu2();

// Use the narrative generator
ctx.setNarrativeGenerator(new DefaultThymeleafNarrativeGenerator());

// Encode the output, including the narrative
String output = ctx.newXmlParser().setPrettyPrint(true).encodeResourceToString(patient);

...which produces the following output:

<Patient xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
        <status value="generated"/>
        <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
            <div class="hapiHeaderText"> John Edward <b>SMITH </b></div>
            <table class="hapiPropertyTable">
                    <tr><td>Address</td><td><span>742 Evergreen Terrace</span><br/><span>Springfield</span> <span>ZZ</span></td></tr>
    <!-- .... snip ..... -->

2.6.3Built-in Narrative Templates


HAPI currently only comes with built-in support for a few resource types. Our intention is that people enhance these templates and create new ones, and share these back with us so that we can continue to build out the library. To see the current template library, see the source repository here.

Note that these templates expect a few specific CSS definitions to be present in your site's CSS file. See the narrative CSS to see these.

2.6.4Creating your own Templates


To use your own templates for narrative generation, simply create one or more templates, using the Thymeleaf HTML based syntax.

   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="narrative.css"/>
   <h1>Operation Outcome</h1>
   <table border="0">
      <tr th:each="issue : ${resource.issue}">
         <td th:text="${issue.severityElement.value}" style="font-weight: bold;"></td>
         <td th:text="${issue.location}"></td>
         <td th:narrative="${issue.diagnostics}"></td>


Then create a properties file which describes your templates. In this properties file, each resource to be defined has a pair or properties.

The first (name.class) defines the class name of the resource to define a template for. The second (name.narrative) defines the path/classpath to the template file. The format of this path is file:/path/foo.html or classpath:/com/classpath/foo.html.

# Two property lines in the file per template. There are several forms you
# can use. This first form assigns a template type to a resource by 
# resource name

# This second form assigns a template by class name. This can be used for
# HAPI FHIR built-in structures, or for custom structures as well.

# You can also assign a template based on profile ID (Resource.meta.profile)

# You can also assign a template based on tag ID (Resource.meta.tag). Coding
# must be represented as a code system and code delimited by a pipe character.

You may also override/define behaviour for datatypes and other structures. These datatype narrative definitions will be used as content within th:narrative blocks in resource templates. See the example above.

# You can create a template based on a type name


# Or by class name, which can be useful for custom datatypes and structures

Finally, use the CustomThymeleafNarrativeGenerator and provide it to the FhirContext.

FhirContext ctx = FhirContext.forDstu2();
String propFile = "classpath:/com/foo/customnarrative.properties";
CustomThymeleafNarrativeGenerator gen = new CustomThymeleafNarrativeGenerator(propFile);

Patient patient = new Patient();

String output = ctx.newJsonParser().encodeResourceToString(patient);

2.6.5Fragments Expressions in Thymeleaf Templates


Thymeleaf has a concept called Fragments, which allow reusable template portions that can be imported anywhere you need them. It can be helpful to put these fragment definitions in their own file. For example, the following property file declares a template and a fragment:

# Resource template
bundle.resourceType        = Bundle
bundle.style               = thymeleaf
bundle.narrative           = classpath:ca/uhn/fhir/narrative/narrative-with-fragment-parent.html

# Fragment template
fragment1.fragmentName     = MyFragment
fragment1.style            = thymeleaf
fragment1.narrative        = classpath:ca/uhn/fhir/narrative/narrative-with-fragment-child.html

The following template declares Fragment1 and Fragment2 as part of file narrative-with-fragment-child.html:

<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">

   <div th:fragment="Fragment1(param)">

   <div th:fragment="Fragment2">


And the following parent template (narrative-with-fragment-parent.html) imports Fragment1 with parameter 'blah':

<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">

   This is some content

   <div th:replace="MyFragment :: Fragment1('blah')"></div>


2.6.6FHIRPath Expressions in Thymeleaf Templates


Thymeleaf templates can incorporate FHIRPath expressions using the #fhirpath expression object.

This object has the following methods:

  • evaluateFirst(input, pathExpression) – This method returns the first element matched on input by the path expression, or null if nothing matches.
  • evaluate(input, pathExpression) – This method returns a Java List of elements matched on input by the path expression, or an empty list if nothing matches.

For example:

   [[${#fhirpath.evaluateFirst(resource, 'MedicationStatement.medication.text')}]]