7.1.1Partition Interceptor Examples


This page shows examples of partition interceptors.

7.1.2Example: Partitioning based on Tenant ID


The RequestTenantPartitionInterceptor uses the request tenant ID to determine the partition name. A simplified version of its source is shown below:

public class RequestTenantPartitionInterceptor {

   public RequestPartitionId PartitionIdentifyCreate(ServletRequestDetails theRequestDetails) {
      return extractPartitionIdFromRequest(theRequestDetails);

   public RequestPartitionId PartitionIdentifyRead(ServletRequestDetails theRequestDetails) {
      return extractPartitionIdFromRequest(theRequestDetails);

   private RequestPartitionId extractPartitionIdFromRequest(ServletRequestDetails theRequestDetails) {
      // We will use the tenant ID that came from the request as the partition name
      String tenantId = theRequestDetails.getTenantId();
      return RequestPartitionId.fromPartitionName(tenantId);

7.1.3Example: Partitioning based on headers


If requests are coming from a trusted system, that system might be relied on to determine the partition for reads and writes.

The following example shows a simple partition interceptor that determines the partition name by looking at a custom HTTP header:

public class CustomHeaderBasedPartitionInterceptor {

   public RequestPartitionId PartitionIdentifyCreate(ServletRequestDetails theRequestDetails) {
      String partitionName = theRequestDetails.getHeader("X-Partition-Name");
      return RequestPartitionId.fromPartitionName(partitionName);

   public RequestPartitionId PartitionIdentifyRead(ServletRequestDetails theRequestDetails) {
      String partitionName = theRequestDetails.getHeader("X-Partition-Name");
      return RequestPartitionId.fromPartitionName(partitionName);

7.1.4Example: Using Resource Contents


When creating resources, the contents of the resource can also be factored into the decision on which tenant to use. The following example shows a very simple algorithm, placing resources into one of three partitions based on the resource type. Other contents in the resource could also be used instead.

public class ResourceTypePartitionInterceptor {

   public RequestPartitionId PartitionIdentifyCreate(IBaseResource theResource) {
      if (theResource instanceof Patient) {
         return RequestPartitionId.fromPartitionName("PATIENT");
      } else if (theResource instanceof Observation) {
         return RequestPartitionId.fromPartitionName("OBSERVATION");
      } else {
         return RequestPartitionId.fromPartitionName("OTHER");

7.1.5Example: Always Read All Partitions


This is an example of a simple interceptor that causes read/search/history requests to always use all partitions. This would be useful if partitioning is being used for use cases that do not involve data segregation for end users.

This interceptor only provides the STORAGE_PARTITION_IDENTIFY_READ pointcut, so a separate interceptor would have to be added to provide the STORAGE_PARTITION_IDENTIFY_CREATE pointcut in order to be able to write data to the server.

public class PartitionInterceptorReadAllPartitions {

   public RequestPartitionId readPartition() {
      return RequestPartitionId.allPartitions();

7.1.6Example: Smile CDR SMART Scopes


When deploying a partitioned server in Smile CDR using SMART on FHIR security, it may be desirable to use OAuth2 scope approval as a mechanism for determining which partitions a user should have access to.

This interceptor looks for approved scopes named partition-ABC where "ABC" represents the tenant name that the user should have access to.

public class PartitionInterceptorReadPartitionsBasedOnScopes {

   public RequestPartitionId readPartition(ServletRequestDetails theRequest) {

      HttpServletRequest servletRequest = theRequest.getServletRequest();
      Set<String> approvedScopes =
            (Set<String>) servletRequest.getAttribute("ca.cdr.servletattribute.session.oidc.approved_scopes");

      String partition = approvedScopes.stream()
            .filter(t -> t.startsWith("partition-"))
            .map(t -> t.substring("partition-".length()))
            .orElseThrow(() -> new InvalidRequestException("No partition scopes found in request"));
      return RequestPartitionId.fromPartitionName(partition);