All Classes and Interfaces
TODO: JA - This class has only one subclass now.
Utility class to hide the complexities of obtaining ConnectionPool information
A view for a Work Chunk that contains only the most necessary information
to satisfy the no-data path.
Spring batch Job configuration file.
Utility class for working with cartesian products - Use Guava's
to actually calculate the product.Interceptor that allows for cascading deletes (deletes that resolve constraint issues).
We are trying to preserve null behaviour despite IBaseCoding using primitive boolean for userSelected.
Utility to hide complexity involved in obtaining connection pool information
This class is used to inject appropriate properties into a hibernate
Properties object being used to create an entitymanager for a HAPI
FHIR JPA server.
This is a parameter class for the
ExtendedHSearchSearchBuilder.addAndConsumeAdvancedQueryClauses(ExtendedHSearchClauseBuilder, ExtendedHSearchBuilderConsumeAdvancedQueryClausesParams)
method, so that we can keep the signature manageable (small) and allow for updates without breaking
implementers so often.Extract search params for advanced HSearch indexing.
Query result when fetching full resources from HSearch.
Search builder for HSearch for token, string, and reference parameters.
This bean will set our context to store the raw json of parsed
resources when they come in for creation.
This interceptor for the HAPI FHIR JPA server forces all queries to
be performed as offset queries.
Represents the SQL generated by this query
This class exists strictly to override the default names used to generate Hibernate Envers revision table.
Class includes configuration classes for both Lucene and Elasticsearch as they usually need to be updated
simultaneously, and otherwise is very easy to miss the second
Factory for defining the analysers.
The HistoryBuilder is responsible for building history queries
Used to build HSearch sort clauses.
This class is used to convert between PIDs (the internal primary key for a particular resource as
stored in the
table), and the
public ID that a resource has.Helper for building freetext sort clauses
Used internally to indicate a failure to install the implementation guide
This class instructs hibernate search on how to create index names for indexed entities.
Find all references to a source resource and replace them with references to the provided target
This service handles writes to the CodeSystem/Concept tables within the terminology services
Represents the terminology translate functions
Represents ConceptMap translation and persistence operations
This service handles processing "deferred" concept writes, meaning concepts that have neen
queued for storage because there are too many of them to handle in a single transaction.
This interface is the "read" interface for the terminology service.
This interface is used to handle differences in versions of FHIR for the terminology
R4+ Only
This class is a
Validation support
module that loads
validation resources (StructureDefinition, ValueSet, CodeSystem, etc.) from the resources
persisted in the JPA server.Outputs an SQL tuple for a collection of JpaPids, consisting of
Standard resource DAO
Builds lastN aggregation, and parse the results
Handler to process coding type properties 'AskAtOrderEntry' and 'AssociatedObservations'.
Handles addition of MAP_TO properties to TermConcepts
This enum is used to facilitate configurable filenames when uploading LOINC.
The purpose of this class is to share context between steps of a given GroupBulkExport job.
Created by Jeff on 2/8/2017.
This JPA interceptor can be configured with a collection of FHIRPath expressions, and will disable
referential integrity for target resources at those paths.
This bean simply performs a startup check that the database schema is
appropriate for the Partitioned ID mode set in configuration.
This HAPI FHIR Server Plain Provider class provides the following operations:
Logs details about the executed query
Utility class that provides a proxied entityManager.
As always, Oracle can't handle things that other databases don't mind..
The whole purpose of his class is to ease construction of a non-trivial gson.JsonObject,
which can't be done the easy way in this case (using a JSON string), because there are
valid regex strings which break gson, as this: ".*\\^Donor$"
Responsible for various resource history-centric and
aware operations called by
or BaseHapiFhirResourceDao
that require knowledge of whether an Oracle database is
being used.POJO to contain the results of
ResourceHistoryCalculator.calculateResourceHistoryState(IBaseResource, ResourceEncodingEnum, List)
Service for the FHIR $merge operation.
This implementer provides the capability to persist subscription messages for asynchronous submission
to the subscription processing pipeline with the purpose of offering a retry mechanism
upon submission failure (see @link
Use the Batch2
use new batch2 reindex job
This service ensures uniqueness of resources during create or create-on-update
by storing the resource searchUrl.
This service builds a map of resource ids to versions based on a SearchParameterMap.
The SearchBuilder is responsible for actually forming the SQL query that handles
searches for resources
Record for search result returning the PK of a Search, and the number of associated SearchResults
Adapt Hibernate Search SearchScroll paging result to our ISearchQueryExecutor
Figure out how we're going to run the query up front, and build a branchless strategy object.
A search task is a Callable task that runs in
a thread pool to handle an individual search.
The purpose of this service is to define and register a job that will clean up
entries created by an instance of
.Utility to get the Spring proxy object's target object
Deletes old searches
facade over raw hook intererface
Interceptor which requires newly created
to be in
state and prevents clients from changing the status.Interceptor which requires newly created
to be in
state and prevents clients from changing the status.Interceptor which requires newly created
to be in
state and prevents clients from changing the status.Allows hibernate search to index individual concepts' properties
This enum is used to indicate the pre-expansion status of a given ValueSet in the terminology tables.
Used by
to handle DeleteConflictList
s in a thead-safe way.This interceptor uses semaphores to avoid multiple concurrent FHIR transaction
bundles from processing the same records at the same time, avoiding concurrency
Adapt the autocomplete result into a ValueSet suitable for our $expand extension.
This task verifies that the in-place schema is appropriate for
Database Partition Mode (if that mode is enabled), or is appropriate
for legacy mode otherwise.