All Classes and Interfaces

RESTful server behaviour for automatically adding profile tags when serializing resources
RESTful method annotation to be used for the FHIR Tag Operations which have to do with adding tags.
Parameter annotation for the _at parameter, which indicates to the server that only results dated since the given instant will be returned.
Represents an HTTP 401 Client Unauthorized response, which means that the client needs to provide credentials, or has provided invalid credentials.
This is the generalization of anything that is a "value" element in a JSON structure.
Base class for RESTful operation parameter types
Base class for RESTful client and server exceptions.
Exception superclass for an exception representing an unrecoverable failure
Field annotation for fields which are bound to a given valueset
Class annotation used to indicate a class which is a "block"/"component" type.
This class can be used to build a Bundle resource to be used as a FHIR transaction.
This Enum is only used to support using the DSTU1 Bundle structure (ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.Bundle) on a DSTU2 server.
Created by Bill de Beaubien on 3/4/2015.
Fetch resources from a bundle
Parses and stores the value(s) within HTTP Cache-Control headers
Field annotation for fields within resource and datatype definitions, indicating a child of that type.
This annotation may be used on a resource type to specify an order for the child names.
Use this API with caution, it may change!
Used to pass context to Pointcut.CLIENT_RESPONSE, including a mutable IHttpResponse
This may only be populated on a reference search paramater field.
Composite parameter type for use in fluent client interfaces
This class can be used to generate Composition resources in a version independent way.
On the Update, Create and Delete operation methods, this annotation can be used to mark a String parameter which will be populated with the conditional "search" URL for the operation, if an incoming client invocation is a conditional operation.
Non-checked exception indicating that HAPI was unable to initialize due to a detected configuration problem.
Parameter annotation for the _count parameter, which indicates to the server the maximum number of desired results.
Class annotation to note a class which defines a datatype
Date parameter type for use in fluent client interfaces
Represents a FHIR date datatype.
Represents a FHIR dateTime datatype.
A utility class for parsing and formatting HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers.
This class returns the vocabulary that is shipped with the base FHIR specification.
RESTful method annotation to be used for the FHIR delete method.
Used by the client to indicate the cascade mode associated with a delete operation.
RESTful method annotation to be used for the FHIR Tag Operations which have to do with deleting tags.
Annotation which may be placed on a resource/datatype definition, or a field, or a search parameter definition in order to provide documentation for that item.
ResourceProvider methods tagged with Destroy will be invoked when the RestfulServer is shut down.
On a method which returns resource(s), a parameter of type Set<String> with this annotation will be passed the contents of the _elements parameter
Adapter implementation with NOP implementations of all IParserErrorHandler methods.
Field modifier to be placed on a child field (a field also annotated with the Child annotation) which indicates that this field is an extension.
Utility for modifying with extensions in a FHIR version-independent approach.
Represents a failure by the HAPI FHIR Client to successfully communicate with a FHIR server, because of IO failures, incomprehensible response, etc.
This exception will be thrown by FHIR clients if the client attempts to communicate with a server which is a valid FHIR server but is incompatible with this client for some reason.
The FHIR context is the central starting point for the use of the HAPI FHIR API.
This exception is thrown if a FHIRPath expression can not be executed successfully for any reason
Resource validator, which checks resources for compliance against various validation schemes (schemas, schematrons, profiles, etc.)
This Represents an HTTP 403 Forbidden response, which generally indicates one of two conditions: Authentication was provided, but the authenticated user is not permitted to perform the requested operation. The operation is forbidden to all users.
INTERNAL API (do not use): REST method annotation for the method called when a client requests a page.
A method annotated with this annotation will be treated as a GraphQL implementation method
This annotation should be placed on the parameter of a @GraphQL annotated method.
This annotation should be placed on the parameter of a @GraphQL annotated method.
This feature is not yet in its final state and should be considered an internal part of HAPI for now - use with caution
Implementation of the _has method parameter
Represents an HTTP header field.
RESTful method annotation to be used for the FHIR history method.
This annotation should be placed on interceptor methods.
Generic version of Eclipse IAdaptable interface.
Interface for external service that builds adaptors for targets.
Get an adaptor
This is currently only here for unit tests! DO NOT USE IN NON-TEST CODE.
An IBaseResource that has a FHIR version of DSTU3 or higher
This interface provides a way to persist FHIR SecurityEvents to any kind of data store
This interface is a simple marker for anything which is an HL7 structure of some kind.
Interface to be implemented by all built-in FHIR enumerations (i.e.
For now, this is a simple marker interface indicating that a class is a resource type.
Base interface for a client supporting the mandatory operations as defined by the FHIR specification.
This interface represents an interceptor which can be used to access (and optionally change or take actions upon) requests that are being sent by the HTTP client, and responses received by it.
Represents the FHIR ID type.
This interface is a marker interface representing a parsed FHIRPath expression.
Each structure version JAR will have an implementation of this interface.
Spring bean initialization constants.
A HTTP Client interface.
Http Request.
An interface around the HTTP Response.
Base interface for ID datatype.
This interface marks a validator module that uses the FHIR FhirInstanceValidator as the underlying engine (i.e.
An extension to the parser interface that is implemented by parsers that understand a generalized form of JSON data.
Represents a FHIR resource path specification, e.g.
Method parameter which is used to indicate a parameter that will be populated with the "_include" (or "_revinclude") values for a search param.
ResourceProvider methods tagged with Initialize will be invoked when the RestfulServer is starting up.
Represents a FHIR instant datatype.
This annotation declares a bean as a subscription interceptor.
during invocation of certain pointcuts, it is important to know whether they are being executed in active or deferred fashion.
Represents an HTTP 500 Internal Error response.
Represents an HTTP 400 Bad Request response.
A parser, which can be used to convert between HAPI FHIR model/structure objects, and their respective String wire formats, in either XML or JSON.
Error handler
For now this is an empty interface.
This interface is the parent interface for all FHIR Resource definition classes.
This interface is a version-independent representation of the various functions that can be provided by validation and terminology services.
This is a hapi-fhir internal version agnostic object holding information about a validation issue.
Defines codes in system
Defines codes that can be part of the details of an issue.
Holds information about the details of a IValidationSupport.CodeValidationIssue.
This is a hapi-fhir internal version agnostic object holding information about the validation result.
Defines codes in system
An individual validation module, which applies validation rules against resources and adds failure/informational messages as it goes.
This interface should be considered experimental and will likely change in future releases of HAPI.
This interface is the generic representation of any sort of data structure that looks and smells like JSON.
This class is the FHIR JSON parser/encoder.
The default error handler, which logs issues but does not abort parsing, with only two exceptions:
Utility to fill a glaring gap in SLF4j's API - The fact that you can't specify a log level at runtime.
Represents parameters which can be passed to the $lookup operation for codes.
This is used to allow lazy parameter initialization for SLF4j - Hopefully a future version will allow lambda params
RESTful method annotation used for a method which provides the FHIR "conformance" method.
Represents an HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed response.
Copied from
An instance of this class is added to the Thymeleaf context as a variable with name "narrativeUtil" and can be accessed from narrative templates.
This class is the FHIR NDJSON parser/encoder.
This Represents an HTTP 501 Not Implemented response, which means the resource provider currently lacks the ability to fullfill the request.
This Represents an HTTP 301 Not Modified response, which means the resource has not changed since the last version the client retrieved.
Token parameter type for use in fluent client interfaces
Parameter annotation for the _offset parameter, which indicates to the server the offset of desired results.
RESTful method annotation used for a method which provides FHIR "operations".
Utilities for dealing with OperationOutcome resources across various model versions
Parameter annotation which specifies a search parameter for a Search method.
Parameter annotation which specifies the parameter to receive the ID of the page being requested.
Enumerated type to represent allowable HTTP methods for a paging request.
This paging iterator only works with already ordered queries
Utilities for dealing with parameters resources in a version indepenedent way
Comparator/qualifier for values used in REST params, such as DateParam, NumberParam, and QuantityParam
This object supplies default configuration to all parser instances created by a given FhirContext.
This annotation should be added to any IModelJson model fields that contain a password or other credentials.
RESTful method annotation to be used for the proposed FHIR PATCH method
Parameter type for methods annotated with Patch
This Represents an HTTP 413 Payload Too Large response, which means the request body was too big for the server to accept
This enum contains options to be used for FhirContext.setPerformanceOptions(PerformanceOptionsEnum...)
Value for Hook.value()
Represents an HTTP 412 Precondition Failed response.
Represents values for "handling" value as provided in the the FHIR Search Spec.
Represents values for "return" value as provided in the the HTTP Prefer header.
Boolean-value function for comparing two FHIR primitives via .equals() method on the instance internal values.
Helper class for handling updates of the instances that support property modification via setProperty and getProperty methods.
Quantity parameter type for use in fluent client interfaces
On a Search method, a parameter marked with this annotation will receive search parameters not captured by other parameters.
This class is the FHIR RDF parser/encoder.
RESTful method annotation to be used for the FHIR read and vread method.
This API is under-going active development, so it should be considered beta-level.
Parameter annotation which specifies a search parameter for a Search method.
Class annotation which indicates a resource definition class
Represents an HTTP 410 Resource Gone response, which geenerally indicates that the resource has been deleted
Keys in this map refer to resource metadata keys, which are keys used to access information about specific resource instances that live outside of the resource body.
Represents an HTTP 404 Resource Not Found response, which means that the request is pointing to a resource that does not exist.
Denotes a parameter for a REST method which will contain the resource actually being created/updated/etc in an operation which contains a resource in the HTTP request.
Created by Bill de Beaubien on 2/26/2015.
Represents an HTTP 409 Conflict response.
Use PreconditionFailedException instead - This exception is strangely named and will be removed at some point.
HL7org structures use a List for contained instead of a distinct datatype
This class is only used using reflection from SchematronProvider in order to be truly optional.
RESTful method annotation used for a method which provides the FHIR "search" method.
Enumerated type to represent the various allowable syntax for a search/query as described in the FHIR Specification Section 2.1.11
Annotation to mark a field as sensitive, indicating that it should not be displayed or serialized by jackson.
RESTful server method parameter annotation which indicates that the parameter should be injected with the HTTP server base.
Marker annotation for a primitive setter method that can be used to indicate a "simple setter" method on a resource or composite type.
Parameter annotation for the _since parameter, which indicates to the server that only results dated since the given instant will be returned.
A utility class for thread sleeps.
For searches, a parameter may be annotated with the Sort annotation.
Represents values for sorting resources returned by a server.
This class collects items from a stream to a given limit and know whether there are still more items beyond that limit.
A multipurpose stopwatch which can be used to time tasks and produce human readable output about task duration, throughput, estimated task completion, etc.
This enum contains the allowable codes in the HAPI FHIR defined codesystem: This is used in CRUD response OperationOutcome resources.
Parser error handler which throws a DataFormatException any time an issue is found while parsing.
Utilities for working with the subscription resource
Enum representing the values for the _summary search parameter
A single tag
A collection of tags present on a single resource.
This utility takes an input collection, breaks it up into chunks of a given maximum chunk size, and then passes those chunks to a consumer for processing.
Wrapper class holding context-related instances, and the resource being operated on.
Represents a Time datatype, per the FHIR specification.
Token parameter type for use in fluent client interfaces
This class represents a restful search operation parameter for an "OR list" of tokens (in other words, a list which can contain one-or-more tokens, where the server should return results matching any of the tokens)
Modifiers for TokenParam
RESTful method annotation to be used for the FHIR transaction method.
Parameter annotation for the "transaction" operation.
This is an experimental API, use with caution
Exception for use when a response is received or being sent that does not correspond to any other exception type.
Represents an HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity response, which means that a resource was rejected by the server because it "violated applicable FHIR profiles or server business rules".
RESTful method annotation to be used for the FHIR update method.
Qualifiers for UriParam
RESTful method annotation to be used for the FHIR validate method.
Validation mode parameter annotation for the validation mode parameter (only supported in FHIR DSTU2+).
Validation mode parameter annotation for the validation URI parameter (only supported in FHIR DSTU2+).
Validation mode parameter for the $validate operation (DSTU2+ only)
Encapsulates the results of validation
Options for ValueSet expansion
Used internally by HAPI to log the version of the HAPI FHIR framework once, when the framework is first loaded by the classloader.
Note that as of HAPI FHIR 3.1.0, this method no longer uses the StAX XMLEvent type as the XML representation, and uses a String instead.
This class is the FHIR XML parser/encoder.
Utility methods for working with the StAX API.